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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) I need to lie (Read 35382 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BlackJhack

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Re: I need to lie
Reply #30 - Jun 11th, 2004 at 11:08pm
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Roger-that. I will try to comport myself better when leaving posts on this site. It will be tough, but I will try not insult those that deserve it.  Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #31 - Jun 13th, 2004 at 2:51pm
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BlackJhack wrote on Jun 11th, 2004 at 11:08pm:
Roger-that. I will try to comport myself better when leaving posts on this site. It will be tough, but I will try not insult those that deserve it.  Wink

As to how he deserved the insult I am still unsure; however, it seems to me that the one that is truly bothered by the steroid issue is you.  I imagine it has something to do with you being picked on in high school by some jock to whom you attributed his popularity and strength to steroids and thus hate them,  but I digress and will address a few relevant issues.

1.  The fact of the matter is that no one has ever died from using steroids.  If you doubt this statement then I by all means welcome proof to the contrary.

2.  What the poster with the steroid knowledge meant by dying from steroids was if you injected them intravenously and not intramuscularly as they were intended.  He makes this reference because you refered to steroids as an intravenous drug, which it  isn't.  Infact if you inject any oil intravenously you will more than likely die, steroids come in an oil base, so the steroids don't infact kill you, it is the oil.

3.  I believe that the true tragedy of this post can be found in the fact that the ORIGINAL poster found himself in the predicament that he has to lie to get the job, there is no way around it, if he is honest he doesn't get the job.  Personally I find the issue of instant disqualification for steroid use absurd considering most domestic violence and crime is committed while someone is under the influence of alcohol, a perfectly legal and acceptable drug to use sporadically if getting hired by a LE agency.   

4.  I cannot condone any kind of dishonesty in the hiring process, however, I cannot blame him for lying over this issue.  The fact of the matter is that he did use steroids and must accept the consequence of his action.  If he passes the poly then I wish him the best, if he fails, then he has to go look for an agency where steroid use is not an automatic disqualifier.

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Kona
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #32 - Jun 14th, 2004 at 2:01am
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dimas wrote on Jun 13th, 2004 at 2:51pm:
As to how he deserved the insult I am still unsure; however, it seems to me that the one that is truly bothered by the steroid issue is you.  I imagine it has something to do with you being picked on in high school by some jock to whom you attributed his popularity and strength to steroids and thus hate them,  but I digress...

Nice cheap shot, but I think that the only thing bothering Blackjack is "roid-info's" attempt to somehow justify steroid use by his lengthy dissertation on the history of steroids.  The fact remains that injecting steroids (unless under the direct supervision of a doctor) is a disqualifying event, end of story.  Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I must seriously question the judgement of a person that injects something into his body (without a doctor's prescription) for whatever reason.  It's not justifiable in my eyes, no matter how safe you perceive or rationalize it to be.    

dimas wrote on Jun 13th, 2004 at 2:51pm:
1.  The fact of the matter is that no one has ever died from using steroids.  If you doubt this statement then I by all means welcome proof to the contrary.

Two words:  Lyle Alzedo.

But you're probably right........I'm sure that all of his steroid use didn't contribute to his horrible death. 

dimas wrote on Jun 13th, 2004 at 2:51pm:
4.  I cannot condone any kind of dishonesty in the hiring process, however, I cannot blame him for lying over this issue.

Maybe it's just me.....but this sounds an awful lot like you just contradicted yourself......all in one sentence. 

Bottom line.....I don't think you're going to find any departments out there that are willing to hire a guy that admitted to injecting a substance into his body to help him achieve the "ultimate body."  Let us know if you do.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mr. Roid Info

Re: I need to lie
Reply #33 - Jun 14th, 2004 at 7:29am
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1. Lyle died of a rare form of BRAIN CANCER that is only seen in patients with immunodeficiencies. This does not indicate that Lyle was HIV positive (another hypothesis). There are many causes of immunodeficiencies. However, no other steroid user, who is immunocompetent, has died from this same form of brain cancer, discrediting the hypothesis that Lyle's steroid use caused his cancer or his death.   

2. In none of my posts do I justify steroids use. Like the first sentence of my original post said "I would like to clear up a few misunderstandings about steroids."

3. Blackjhack seems to have other problems besides reading comprehension. I went through other posts that he has written on other subjects and noticed he has the same tendencies to insult and disagree for no apparent reason. This post was from MILITARY RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT subject: ARRESTED BUT DIDNT REVEAL. Theirs more displays of intelligence from BJ further down on another post when another person responds to him. For the complete post go to the information I have written above. Cry

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  Re: Arrested but didn't reveal
« Reply #3 on: Apr 7th, 2004, 3:44pm »  Quote  Modify   

It's always amazing how as people get older they tend to embellish the stories of when they were growing up. I think twoblock was sharing this story just to show what a "tough" guy he used to be. Grandpa, nobody is interested in listening to your lame stories about what a "bad-ass" you used to be. I notice that you make the point to mention that they were 5 football players. Well, let me fill you in on something. Back in the "olden days" football ball players were like a 120 pounds and weak. You were never exposed to the bone breaking blasts of a 280 pound running back that runs the 40 in 4.4 seconds. You wore leather helmets for christ's sake, and hardly any pads, and you still never got hurt to the extent that players do now and they have better equipment! So to take on 5 football players back in the 1950's (which I highly doubt you did anyways) is not a great feat.  I'm sure in your day you may have considered yourself "tough", but in this day and age, I guarantee you that you would get smashed. You weren't as stong as the kids these days. With all the steroids and the way people dedicate themselves to the gym there is no way you could ever compete by just using your "farm muscle". Please stop boring us with your silly fairy tales.   

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #34 - Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:12am
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I appreciate Mr. Roid info clearing up the Lyle Alzedo myth regarding his steroid use and how it killed him.  Even if it really did kill him and that is a big "IF" it is still only one person who died from it compared to the thousands that die from alcohol use per year, hundreds from aspirin use, and other hundreds from OTC medications that we can freely drug ourselves with legally.   

Also if steroids are indeed so bad then why is it that people can go to these "new age" rejuvenation clinics and LEGALLY be prescribed steroids, HGH and other beauty enhancement drugs with the sole purpose of improving their appearance?  Obviously our Gov't doesn't think they are that deadly if they front the bill for HIV-AIDS patients to undergo HGH and steroid therapy at our expense in the sum of 20,000 t0 30,000 dollars every couple of months.

I also would like to clear up that I in no way contradict myself and you should read the post more thouroghly before assuming anything.  1.  I state I cannot condone (overlook)his dishonesty, but that I also cannot blame him for doing it.   2.  Before you go off and accuse me of being a roid head or prosteroid use let me elaborate on my anti-steroid stance.

In the department I was previously employed in there were two officers who were dismissed for being busted bringing anabolic steroids across the border.  They were good officers and it was a shame to see them throw away their careers over this.  However, why did they begin using steroids in the first place is more of a problem.   

Many of us in the department felt it had something to do with an incident they were involved in with a person in their custody who by all means literally threw them around like rag dolls.  It appeared as if the incident took away their confidence in their ability to handle a suspect.  Hence they began using steroids to feel more confident about themselves and their abilities to control someone without the use of deadly force.

Ultimately they got caught bringing it across and lost their jobs.  I was the unfortunate one on duty when a customs investigator called the department to inform us that they had been arrested.  Ironically all they got was a ticket from Customs and were let go a few hours later.  Our department, however, has a 0 tolerance stance on drug use and sent them packing.

So in conclusion, no I am not pro steroid and am vehemently against all drug use to include alcohol.  Can I sympathize with steroid users?  perhaps to a degree and perhaps more if I had been beat down while on duty, but those who enforce the law are no better than criminals if they look away or disregard the law from time to time.  As for Mr. Roid Info, I believe he was merely attempting to educate people on this board regarding steroids as it seems many of you are ignorant when it comes to them.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Kona
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #35 - Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am
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dimas wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:12am:
I appreciate Mr. Roid info clearing up the Lyle Alzedo myth regarding his steroid use and how it killed him.  Even if it really did kill him and that is a big "IF" it is still only one person who died from it compared to the thousands that die from alcohol use per year, hundreds from aspirin use, and other hundreds from OTC medications that we can freely drug ourselves with legally.

Here, let me see if I can help you to understand my point in this whole discussion:

Alcohol = legal
Aspirin = legal
OTC medications = legal
Injecting steroids with a doctor's prescription = legal
Injecting steroids without a doctor's prescription so you can look like Arnold Schwartznegger = illegal 

Are you following my drift here?  What is your point?  Do you want to go back to the days of prohibition?  Do you want to make aspirin illegal?   

dimas wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:12am:
.Also if steroids are indeed so bad then why is it that people can go to these "new age" rejuvenation clinics and LEGALLY be prescribed steroids, HGH and other beauty enhancement drugs with the sole purpose of improving their appearance?  Obviously our Gov't doesn't think they are that deadly if they front the bill for HIV-AIDS patients to undergo HGH and steroid therapy at our expense in the sum of 20,000 t0 30,000 dollars every couple of months.

Uh, maybe because the steroid use is legally prescribed and under the supervision of a licensed physician, not Joe Blow the roid head injecting himself with Dianabol while stareing at pictures of Mr. Universe?   

Gee whiz......what do you think the life expectancy is for a person with full blown AIDS?  I'd venture to say that they aren't undergoing steroid treatment under a Doctor's direct supervision so they can compete for the Mr. Universe contest, ya think?  Maybe, just maybe they are undergoing the treatment to live a longer life, or to possibly improve the quality of their already not too pleasant lives? 

dimas wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:12am:
In the department I was previously employed in there were two officers who were dismissed for being busted bringing anabolic steroids across the border.  They were good officers and it was a shame to see them throw away their careers over this.  However, why did they begin using steroids in the first place is more of a problem.

Two police officers transport an illegal drug across an international border, get caught by U.S. Customs, and you say they were good officers?  What is wrong with this picture?   

dimas wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:12am:
Many of us in the department felt it had something to do with an incident they were involved in with a person in their custody who by all means literally threw them around like rag dolls.  It appeared as if the incident took away their confidence in their ability to handle a suspect.  Hence they began using steroids to feel more confident about themselves and their abilities to control someone without the use of deadly force.

You're kidding, right?  These officers began using steroids to feel more confident about themselves, and their ability to control someone?  That is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard to rationalize the use of an illegal substance.  What ever happened to hitting the weight room, and furthering their knowledge of defensive tactics?  Might that not have accomplished the same thing?   

As far as I'm concerned, we can just agree to disagree.  I stand by my previous post where I questioned the JUDGEMENT of any person that injects something into their body without being under the direct supervision of a Doctor.  Just plain dumb in my book.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BlackJhack

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Re: I need to lie
Reply #36 - Jun 14th, 2004 at 8:18pm
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I got in contact with a friend that used to treat me at the sports medicine facility at the University that I played Division I baseball for. This is some of the information that he sent me on the dangers of steroids...

Many young athletes are convinced that the only way to become a champion is by using anabolic steroids. Coaches and others can begin to counteract the attraction of these drugs by helping educate the athletes about the potential harmful consequences of anabolic steroid use.

Nearly all of the anabolic steroids taken by mouth cause abnormal liver function. These abnormalities range from the common, but usually harmless, leakage of enzymes from the damaged liver tissue into the blood to rare, but very serious, liver cancer and liver bleeding.

The appearance of liver enzymes in the blood ordinarily ceases when athletes stop using steroids, but liver cancer and bleeding have caused deaths among a few athletes who have abused anabolic steroids.

Many athletes who abuse anabolic steroids have high blood pressure (hypertension). They also have decreased amounts of HDL-cholesterol, the so-called "good cholesterol," that helps the body avoid the buildup of fat in the walls of the arteries. Both high blood pressure and low HDL-cholesterol increase the chance of having serious heart disease at a relatively early age.

Many male athletes who take large doses of anabolic steroids have shrunken testicles. They also have such poor sperm production that virtually all of them who have used steroids for six months or more are sterile. Sperm count may not return to normal for seven months or more after discontinuing steroid use.

In many men, steroid abuse leads to a feminizing growth of the nipples that can only be corrected with surgery. In most women, on the other hand, steroid abuse causes shrinkage of the breasts to more masculine proportions.

Other masculinizing effects of anabolic steriod use by females are very common, including the growth of facial hair, thinning of head hair and possible baldness, deepening of the voice, irregularity or absence of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, and shrinking of the uterus.

Baldness, growth of facial hair, enlargement of the clitoris, and deepening of the voice usually cannot be reversed, even when steroids are no longer used ­ these are permanent changes.

Among the more commonly reported psychological effects of steroid abuse are increases or decreases in sex drive, increased aggressive behavior, mood elevation or depression, and "psychological addiction" to the drugs.

More rare are schizophrenia and psychotic behavior patterns. For example, steriod abusers have been known to head-butt the windshields out of cars or to purposely crash their cars into trees.

Even more frightening are claims by several athletes charged with murder that they committed then under a "steroid rage."

The long bones of young people ­ up to 18 years and sometimes older ­ are still growing. If young athletes abuse anabolic steroids, the growth plates of those bones may close earlier than usual. This diminishes the height they could have reached as adults had they not taken steroids.

As you can see steroids are far from healthy, but that is not, and never was my point. As I stated in my previous posts, I do not have to be an expert to know that steroids will ruin all chances of being an LE officer.

As for the comment made by Dimas... I was the popular jock in highschool and college. My experience with steroids was, the little 5'5" nerd weakilngs, like yourself, that got sick of being shoved in lockers, started taking steroids after highschool, so that they would never be picked on again....So, so, sad Cry

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #37 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am
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Kona wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am:

Here, let me see if I can help you to understand my point in this whole discussion:

Alcohol = legal
Aspirin = legal
OTC medications = legal
Injecting steroids with a doctor's prescription = legal
Injecting steroids without a doctor's prescription so you can look like Arnold Schwartznegger = illegal 

Are you following my drift here?  What is your point?  Do you want to go back to the days of prohibition?  Do you want to make aspirin illegal?  


No, my point is that both you and BJ demonize steroids, when in fact they are not as harmful as OTC drugs some of us use on a daily basis.

Kona wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am:

Uh, maybe because the steroid use is legally prescribed and under the supervision of a licensed physician, not Joe Blow the roid head injecting himself with Dianabol while stareing at pictures of Mr. Universe?  

Gee whiz......what do you think the life expectancy is for a person with full blown AIDS?  I'd venture to say that they aren't undergoing steroid treatment under a Doctor's direct supervision so they can compete for the Mr. Universe contest, ya think?  Maybe, just maybe they are undergoing the treatment to live a longer life, or to possibly improve the quality of their already not too pleasant lives? 


Once again it appears to me that you failed to READ and UNDERSTAND my point and the part where I say that obviously steroids are not "harmful" if they are prescribed to people with obvious complications in health to help them become HEALTHIER.

Kona wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am:

Two police officers transport an illegal drug across an international border, get caught by U.S. Customs, and you say they were good officers?  What is wrong with this picture?  


You reallly can't be this ignorant KONA can You?  

Kona wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am:

You're kidding, right?  These officers began using steroids to feel more confident about themselves, and their ability to control someone?  That is the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard to rationalize the use of an illegal substance.  What ever happened to hitting the weight room, and furthering their knowledge of defensive tactics?  Might that not have accomplished the same thing?  


Your statement leads me to beleive that you obviously have no LE experience and have yet to encounter your usual perp high on a drug or the I just got out of prison and am a solid 250lb ex-con who had nothing better to do than hit the weights and learn REAL defensive tactics to survive in prison.

Defensive tactics? ROFLMAO, once again obviously you have no LE experience, because if you did you would realize that the "defensive tactics" you claim they should have practiced are quite useless against people stronger than you or someone who has an altered mental status and does not feel pain.

Kona wrote on Jun 14th, 2004 at 11:54am:

As far as I'm concerned, we can just agree to disagree.  I stand by my previous post where I questioned the JUDGEMENT of any person that injects something into their body without being under the direct supervision of a Doctor.  Just plain dumb in my book.


Once again you failed to READ my post, I am as much against the use of ANY drugs in LE if not more than you.  

BJ? LOL did I strike a nerve or something?  also your post which you obviously copied off of a "drugs are bad for you brochure" was entertaining and slightly true, but you definitely lost me on the part where you claim that somehow steroids cause users to bang their head through windshields and drive their cars into trees Shocked  I really got a good laugh out of that one.   Anyone with half a brain would be smart enough to see through that lie.

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Kona
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #38 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 7:58am
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dimas wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am:
No, my point is that both you and BJ demonize steroids, when in fact they are not as harmful as OTC drugs some of us use on a daily basis.

Jesus, what does a guy have to do to get it through your thick skull that I'm not "demonizing" steroids?  These drugs have a place in our world treating ailments when properly prescribed by a Doctor.  The person I'm slamming is the idiot that injects steroids on his own, without a Doctor's prescription (read: illegally) in order to look like a side of beef.  Can you see the difference between the two?  Do you require further explanation?

dimas wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am:
Once again it appears to me that you failed to READ and UNDERSTAND my point and the part where I say that obviously steroids are not "harmful" if they are prescribed to people with obvious complications in health to help them become HEALTHIER.

Oh bravo Dimas, you really showed me!  Like I said before, I don't have a problem with steroid use as long as it is under the supervision of a licensed physician, and not some bonehead injecting himself to bulk up.  

dimas wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am:
You reallly can't be this ignorant KONA can You?

Oh by all means, please explain to all of us ignorant people what you would call 2 police officers that tried to bring an illegal drug across an international border, and got busted by the U.S. Customs Service?  Oh, that's called them good cops, I forgot.  I feel so stupid and ignorant......sorry I even questioned it.

dimas wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am:
Your statement leads me to beleive that you obviously have no LE experience and have yet to encounter your usual perp high on a drug or the I just got out of prison and am a solid 250lb ex-con who had nothing better to do than hit the weights and learn REAL defensive tactics to survive in prison.

Defensive tactics? ROFLMAO, once again obviously you have no LE experience, because if you did you would realize that the "defensive tactics" you claim they should have practiced are quite useless against people stronger than you or someone who has an altered mental status and does not feel pain.

Fair enough.  So what is your answer to this problem, if training isn't the answer?  Steroids for all my brothers in blue!!  You don't have an answer.  But please, go ahead and thrill me with your acumen.

dimas wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 5:44am:
Once again you failed to READ my post, I am as much against the use of ANY drugs in LE if not more than you.

No, actually I think I read and understood your post without any problem.  The tone of your entire post seems to rationalize the use of steroids without being under a Doctor's care.  You rationalize the use of steroids by your fellow officers because they got "thrown around" by a big strong guy, and they need the competitive edge.  You rationalize 2 police officers crossing an international border with an illegal drug, and then call me ignorant.  In fact, you rationalize and make excuses throughout your entire post.   On the one hand you state the above quoted text, and in the same breath you make excuses for your fellow drug using, law breaking officers.  Sorry, but to me this seems very contradictory.  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mr. Roid info

Re: I need to lie
Reply #39 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 8:07am
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First, before I reply let me catch my breath because I fell off my chair laughing.
" Schizophrenia and psychotic behavior patterns.  Steroid abusers have been known to head-butt the windshields out of cars or to purposely crash their cars into trees. Several athletes charged with murder that they committed then under a "steroid rage." 

This is without a doubt the funniest and most ridiculous thing I have heard. Buddy if my so-called "friend " told me this I would turn around and run. This is almost as funny as when my polygrapher told me that he could see things that not even my family or wife would know. LOL I still giggle with that one. 

If anyone cared to read the long post that I posted everything that steroids cause it is  there with detail Good and bad and with medical fact, References, and sources 
BJ if you would be so kind as to ask your "friend" for some proof or source of the car windshield occurrences I would love to see it (I wont hold my breath).

Kona, once again let me correct you "Two police officers transport an illegal drug across an international border"
Once again this is NOT an illegal drug they had prescription medication without a prescription that is why they got a ticket from Customs and were let go a few hours later. If not half of Americas seniors that go across the border to Canada to get there Medication would be arrested since some get more quantity or different generics they don’t have prescriptions for. Kona another question for you since you seem so black & white on this subject I will take the steroid Dianabol as an example since you mentioned it, this compound comes in both injectable and tablet form. So if I took Dianabol in tablet form will it be ok?? Since IM sure you and 95% of this site has taken some form of prescription drug without a prescription this includes acne medication, birth control, h/s Motrin, sleeping aids, dandruff shampoo etc.... Or do we ban everybody who has used a prescription drug illegally???

DIMAS Im glad you brought a point that alot of people that are not LE don’t understand they just could not imagine what these rock monsters look like and the strength and state of mind that there in when they have been freebasing and popping pills for three days straight. Yeah ok let me try my new defense tactics on this 250 lb. excon that just got paroled and knows if he gets caught he's locked up for life since the two slugs I just popped in him didn’t seem to slow him down and he is still running towards me with a weapon. 

People please get a grip wake up and turn off NYPD blue and what they show you on COPS.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #40 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 3:53pm
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Kona and BJ, I have defintely enjoyed our exchange on this board and am going to offer you both a bit of advice, before taking a stance on a subject and offering a public opinion, take the time to educate yourself a bit about what you are talking about.  I still get a kick out of the "mind controlling effects of steroids" which Bj was foolish enough to post.   

I can only imagine someone injecting themselves with a steroid and then being overcome by the uncontrollable urge to smash their heads through a window or drive directly into a tree.  I am sure the psychiatric community would love to find out about this mind controlling drug.
Thanks BJ, you bring a smile to my face everytime I remember it. Grin

Kona wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 7:58am:

Oh bravo Dimas, you really showed me!  Like I said before, I don't have a problem with steroid use as long as it is under the supervision of a licensed physician, and not some bonehead injecting himself to bulk up.  

Kona, I believe that I should explain something to you regarding how steroids are obtained in Mexico.  They are obtained by first going to a LICENSED PHYSICIAN, which in turn provides the person with a prescription which they then take to a LICENSED PHARMACY and purchase the drug.  Obviuosly you did not know this therefore you can now take the foot out of your mouth.

Kona wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 7:58am:

Oh by all means, please explain to all of us ignorant people what you would call 2 police officers that tried to bring an illegal drug across an international border, and got busted by the U.S. Customs Service?  Oh, that's called them good cops, I forgot.  I feel so stupid and ignorant......sorry I even questioned it.

Sorry Kona, but they were indeed very good officers, they made a stupid mistake.  They were not out using recreational drugs (infact they did not even drink any alcoholic beverages), they were not out planting evidence, extorting sexual favors, falsifying reports, taking bribes or a pick of other bad habits that officers have across the nation.  For the record only the driver of the vehicle got a ticket for the possesion of the steroids.  They were not even handcuffed or booked.   

Kona wrote on Jun 15th, 2004 at 7:58am:

No, actually I think I read and understood your post without any problem.  The tone of your entire post seems to rationalize the use of steroids without being under a Doctor's care.  You rationalize the use of steroids by your fellow officers because they got "thrown around" by a big strong guy, and they need the competitive edge.  You rationalize 2 police officers crossing an international border with an illegal drug, and then call me ignorant.  In fact, you rationalize and make excuses throughout your entire post.   On the one hand you state the above quoted text, and in the same breath you make excuses for your fellow drug using, law breaking officers.  Sorry, but to me this seems very contradictory.  


Well Kona, for the record if you read above then you would realize that they indeed were under a doctors care as they had to go to a doctor to get the prescription DOCTOR, MD, Licensed Physician, NOT at DRUG DEALER.   

Secondly, yes they did break the law, but they only got a TICKET, perhaps we should fire all officers who receive TICKETS for "breaking the law".  Now had they been Drunk and crashed into a parked car, light post or another vehicle, they would have been classified as having a "problem" and received counseling, not lost their jobs.   

Thirdly, I am not excusing their use of steroids, I was merely sympathizing with them as I can imagine how much a person's confidence in his/her abilities will suffer if unable to hold their ground.  Until you actually become an LE officer and realize how difficult and near impossible it is to overcome a larger non-compliant person, you will never understand what these officers went through.  I merely find it ignorant  to state your position on something you know nothing about.  However, this is a public board and people can post as they please, but your credibility is the one that suffers in the end.

Lastly, I apologize to all those that have read these long exchanges between us unless ofcourse you learned something and would like to thank Mr. Roid info for taking the time to attempt and educate some people with FACTUAL information, not fairy tales about mind controlling hormones Shocked

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BlackJhack

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Re: I need to lie
Reply #41 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 6:16pm
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WTF? Is what I'm reading possible? Cops should be able to break the law to beable to stop the bad guy? Maybe instead of taking steroids we should allow cops to drop PCP before each shift so that they will have the "super strength" they need to stop the bad guys. Or better yet we shouldn't even ask cops to abide by any laws what-so-ever. WTF are you talking about? This is about the most idiotic thing that I have ever heard. Let me say this again STEROIDS ARE ILLEGAL. Dimas, if you really are LE, which I highly doubt, you bought in to upholding the law when you took the job, and now all you talk about is breaking it. It's a-holes like you that give LE a bad name.
As far as the information provided to me, I can only ask people to take a good look at it and use it as they please. If you don't believe it, and think it is a crock, that is your decision. There is a thing called "roid-rage" Angry and I have talked to several people at my gym and through-out college (mostly football players) that have experienced this change in their behavior. Most people that I have come in contact with do not want to deal with the potential consequences of taking steroids.

Dimas and RI, go ahead and keep sticking the needle in your ass, but please stop trying to convince people to make the same mistakes you have. I know you are angry because your hair has fallen out and your dicks have shrank up like shrinky-dinks Shocked. I'm sure anybody that puts a foreign substance that is potentially dangerous to their health into their body is a very intelligent individual and should be giving medical advise out over the internet. How can you continue to give out this obviously false information? I didn't catch what part of the medical field that either of you work in, what part is it? Just because you find some "information" on the internet does not make it gospel. 
At least I took the time to request information from a professional in the sports medicine field. Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: I need to lie
Reply #42 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 9:57pm
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LOL, BJ, you need to control your temper because you are now writing nothing but nonsense and are making yourself look dumb.   It appears that you did not follow any of my advice and have once again made yourself look foolish.

Anyone who has a grasp of the English language and has read any of my posts can clearly discern that I do not CONDONE any drug use and even include alcohol in this.  I do uphold the law and merely state that I sympathize with the officers, not that their behavior was correct.

To answer your questions, Yes, I am in Law Enforcement and have been for a few years.  As far as my medical training I am also a Paramedic and I studied Kinesiology as a Major, prior to switching to a Pre-Law Major and graduating from college.   I also have never felt the need to have to use any anabolic substance as I was fortunate enough to have decent genetics.   

Keep on the subject at hand instead of making things up.  Your post is full of foolish analogies and deductions that have nothing to do with the subject.  As far as the supposed expert whom you asked for information, it appears that he is 1.  Very Stupid or 2. Ficticious and you made him up to attempt to make yourself look good.  Either way your post and the information contained in it are WAY off track and laughable.

Lastly, your post is very immature, your attacks are unfounded, unnecessary and display your obvious inability to cope with the fact that you made yourself look stupid via your posts and thus have directed your frustration toward MR. Roid and myself.
I believe this is where you and Kona differ in that he manages to maintain his maturity when writing a reply.

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BlackJhack

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Re: I need to lie
Reply #43 - Jun 15th, 2004 at 11:37pm
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WOW!!! Now I have heard it all!! Not only is dimas a police officer, but now a practicing paramedic!! So you have been through the police and fire department academies, WOW!!! AND you are studying to be a lawyer too!! Next thing you will say is that you competed in Mr. Universe! You are truly a piece of work dimas. Not only do you out spew out false information, but you are just an all out liar. I think we can all see who is trying to make themself look good, but you are really making a fool out of yourself. By the way, just because you studied P.E. (i.e. kinesiology) doesn't make you some type of pre-med. That's not even considered a science major, son. Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mr. roid info

Re: I need to lie
Reply #44 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 12:36am
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I Finally figured it out, BJ is a comedian!! Tongue

DIMAS, I will tell you from experience it is useless trying to maintain a logical conversation with BJ since his reading comprehension skills are non existent. I guess hooked on phonics DIDN'T work for him. I would venture to guess that BJ did not pass his psychological for LE. And that’s why he is so angry and combative besides the fact you can tell he’s a young kid without life experience.
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