dre2142, I understand your frustrations completely. If you did in fact fail this last polygraph exam, you at least know that it was a false positive (in a sense; I suspect that a failure will be based not on the charts but an admission during the post-test interrogation). Keep the attitude you have now about the polygraph as, inevitably, there will be posters that intend to ridicule you. Ignore them. I do have some concerns with your particular case. I feel as though you are still convinced that this examiner was working for you and not the agency you applied for: "From the very beginning, he stated that unlike many other agencies, they are not SEEKING something that will fail a person." Of course they are, why else would they require a polygraph examination? What really bothers me is that you stated: "In regards to the sex crimes, he brought out the fact that I have looked at porn on the internet, and said that may be something that was stressing me out. He asked if maybe in viewing that material, I may have run across those that look younger than the legal age, and I told him that is impossible not to, but it is not something that I seek out. " In my mind at least, this has the potential to be horribly damaging. By luring you into his/her trap, the examiner has essentially convinced you to admit that you MAY have looked at child pornography. Do you not see this? I realize that you most likely do not seek out child pornography and you were not witholding this information on purpose, but to what end did you see disclosing this information gaining? This highlights another serious problem with the polygraph. The question asked dealt with "sex crimes." Not knowing the question, I believe that question could have been a control question or a relevant question, depending on what and how it was asked. You're thinking "I look at porn on the Internet." I assume you are over 18 years old and you are not seeking out child pornography. So, although morally questionable, how does this fall into the "sex crimes" category? It does not. However, your focus on this activity being a sex crime likely caused you to indicate deception on your charts. So, you admit to looking at porn on the Internet. The examiner knows this isn't a crime and really can't DQ you. But, he takes it along to the next step - child pornography. One of those "do you think, maybe, there's just a chance you might have accidentally without seeking it out still come across it?" At least in my opinion, an answer of "yes" to a question like that is not going to persuade the examiner to put in a positive recommendation for you. I feel you sealed your fate with that admission along with any others you made. I just don't buy this not seeking out reasons for you to fail bit. Given that you indicate that you didn't lie on any suitability questions, I really hope you didn't and you passed this exam. Good luck.