Quote:Here we have two assholes, George and "Kona" in a dispute about how long and how frequent to pucker said asshole. The vast amount of ignorance demonstrated by these two is frightening or should be to those who they are advising.
Funny, I didn't know I was in a dispute with George. If George's technique in TLBTLD is to employ the pneumo and cardio CMs for a slightly longer period of time, I have no problem with that. I was just passing on the techiques taught by Doug Williams.
Vast amount of ignorance? Hahahahahah. Isn't that just like an all knowing polygraph "professional." Living in denial, coupled with arrogance and a condesending manner are your hallmarks. I personally utilized Doug Williams' countermeasure techniques, and they worked like a charm for my polygraph exam. Let me guess, you're one of those polygraph "professionals" that can detect all countermeasures, right? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot.......countermeasures don't work, so why bother employing them? Ignorance you say? Your picture is right next to the definition in Webster's Dictionary.
If you're so good at your job, and all of us are so ignorant and clueless, then why don't you accept Dr. Richardson's countermeasure challenge, and prove us all wrong. It would be the perfect opportunity for you to make a name for yourself in the polygraph community, and be a real hero! Maybe after you put all of us pesky antipolygraph people in our place, Jack Trimarco would hire you as his assistant on his new Court TV series. Think of all the possibilities!!
Of course, we all know that this will never happen because you would never risk being made to look like an incompetent boob, or suffer the negative consequences to your career as a result of your inability to accurately detect countermeasures. I actually don't blame you for not accepting the challenge. You have a real nice day.