Torpedo wrote on Dec 26
th, 2003 at 10:17pm:
Skeptic, Annoymous...forget will not twist this issue (or me) is so very typical of SOME on this board fropm your camp (not all mind you....some ascribe to engage in worhtwhile discussions and others just take shots. George, can you see my point...I have no desire to PROVE anything....continually throwing challenges out will not prove anything. I accept the fact that even if I did accept the challenge, and it were to come out in my favor.....there would be some who would say that it wasn't done what is the point. I will be glad to discuss...but forget these adolescent challenges
Dr. Richardson's
polygraph countermeasure challenge is hardly "adolescent." It is quite serious, and was first offered at a public meeting of the National Academy of Sciences' Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph: You would have those who visit to believe that you and other polygraphers can reliably detect countermeasures. For example, earlier in this message thread, you wrote: soonas he is caught (and he WILL be caught) using CM's...
Quote:...I am every bit as confident that I will be able to detect most, if not all (if you care to gamble) of any countermeasures that you might throw at me. My experience and attention to the training that has been provided to me and becoming knowledgeable of what countermeasures people can, and will throw at me enable me to take the position that I have and espouse the confidence that I do....
However, the fact that not just you, but
no one in the polygraph community has been willing to accept Dr. Richardson's challenge (698 days and counting) suggests that you and your fellow polygraphers are not nearly as confident in your ability to detect countermeasures as you would have others believe.
The polygraph community has to date offered
no evidence whatsoever that it has any ability to reliably detect countermeasures. Indeed,
the federal polygraph community stonewalled the National Academy of Sciences with regard to purported federal countermeasure studies as it conducted its review of the scientific evidence on the polygraph. The National Academy of Sciences report notes at
p. 118:
Quote:...we were advised by officials from DOE and DoDPI that there was information relevant to our work, classified at the secret level, particularly with regard to polygraph countermeasures. In order to review such information, several committee members and staff obtained national security clearances at the secret level. We were subsequently told by officials of the Central Intelligence Agency and DoDPI that there were no completed studies of polygraph countermeasures at the secret level; we do not know whether there are any such studies at a higher level of classification....
And Paul M. Menges, who teaches the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute's countermeasure course for polygraphers has gone so far as to suggest that making countermeasure information available to the public (such as is doing) should be outlawed: So why should anyone believe you (and your fellow polygraph operators) when you claim that you can reliably detect countermeasures?