Torpedo wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2003 at 5:34pm:
Kona, why do you call yourself those names...I certainly did not call you any of them...lest I be accused of a wrongful attack...
You've got to be kidding me. You said that it was a sad day for the citizens that I will be sworn to protect. What do you call that, a compliment? Let's call a spade a spade; that comment was an off handed swipe at my personal integrity, and I didn't appreciate it. Pardon me for being defensive.
Torpedo wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2003 at 5:34pm:
it seems to be that there is a psychological factor at work here...where a person so consumed with guilt atttempts to project his guilt by admonishing himself in an effort to punish himself where no one else can (they don't know about your behavior....only you do).
Oh brother......Dr. Torpedo, do me a favor and put the Psych 101 textbook back in the bookcase where it belongs. No guilt here. I just did what I had to in order to pass you infallible machine. I think I'll be able to sleep at night. You see, based on my past experience with the polygraph, telling the truth WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I just had to tweek my physiological responses on questions that you WANTED me to lie on anyway. On all the relevant questions, I told the truth. Has this penetrated your brain housing group yet? Your pseudo science failed miserably at what it was supposed to accomplish, and I wasn't willing to take the chance of failing a second time. So now I'm the bad guy in your eyes for protecting myself against this quackery.
Torpedo wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2003 at 5:34pm:
In my case, none, and I mean NONE, of the transgressions were of such magnitude that they would have DQ'd me from my job...and the fact that I chose to divulge what I had done sent a clear message to not only the examiner but those reviewing my application that I was an honest individual..
Well whoop de doo!!! Guess what? I told the truth on my background package also. I didn't have any history of criminal activity, or drug use, or alcohol abuse, or have a secret Jeffrey Dahmer worship room in my basement. There are lots of good, honest people out there that have told the total truth during their BI. I'll ask this question for the THIRD TIME to you: What do you have to say to all the applicants out there that told the truth during their polygraph exam (me, for example), and were STILL found to be deceptive??? Please answer this for me.
Torpedo, you're no different than a lot of people that have told the truth here on these boards. You aren't anything special for having been an honest man. The only difference is that you were LUCKY you didn't experience any problems with the polygraph, and were offered the job. Otherwise, you might be one of many that were found deceptive, and obviously "hiding something."
PS Have you read the NAS report?