Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Report (Read 21810 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Report
Feb 14th, 2003 at 10:17am
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In a story titled, "Fal se Alarm?," ABC News reports that the FBI has dismissed an informant's detailed report of a planned radiological attack because the informant "failed" a polygraph "test":

Feb. 13 — A key piece of the information leading to recent terror alerts was fabricated, according to two senior law enforcement officials in Washington and New York.  

The officials said that a claim made by a captured al Qaeda member that Washington, New York or Florida would be hit by a "dirty bomb" sometime this week had proven to be a product of his imagination.

The informant described a detailed plan that an al Qaeda cell operating in either Virginia or Detroit had developed a way to slip past airport scanners with dirty bombs encased in shoes, suitcases, or laptops, sources told ABCNEWS. The informant reportedly cited specific targets of government buildings and Christian or clerical centers. 

"This piece of that puzzle turns out to be fabricated and therefore the reason for a lot of the alarm, particularly in Washington this week, has been dissipated after they found out that this information was not true," said Vince Cannistraro, former CIA counter-terrorism chief and ABCNEWS consultant. 

It was only after the threat level was elevated to orange -- meaning high -- last week, that the informant was subjected to a polygraph test by the FBI, officials told ABCNEWS. 

"This person did not pass," said Cannistraro. 

According to officials, the FBI and the CIA are pointing fingers at each other. An FBI spokesperson told ABCNEWS today he was "not familiar with the scenario," but did not think it was accurate.

Reliance on pseudoscientific polygraph "test" results in such matters of national security is indicative of either gross incompetence or dereliction of duty, and in either case should be grounds for dismissal. This case helps to highlight how dangerous a delusion institutional faith in polygraphy is.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #1 - Feb 14th, 2003 at 7:58pm
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Excerpt from an AP story:


Bad Tip May Have Helped Boost Alert 

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer 

WASHINGTON - A senior government official said Friday the administration now believes some of the information which led to upgrading the nation's terror threat level last week to orange, or high, was likely fabricated. 

Authorities drew that conclusion based on polygraphs given to terrorist suspects interviewed by the government, said this official, speaking on condition of anonymity. The apparent fabrication was first reported by ABC News.

I think there are 2 things to note here, one each to appease both the pro and anti polygraph corners:

1) The polygraph of these terrorists were specific incident tests, not pre-employment screening tests.   I believe (and always have maintained) that specific incident tests can be useful, and I pray, for our nation's security, that the test results are right.

2) The fact that a poloygraph test is given ANY weight when dealing with information about sensitive national security issues like "dirty bombs" is asinine.  If we continue down this path, we will have a nation of overworked cops and be the laughing stock of the international community.  Anyone with half a brain and the proper information can manipulte the test results.  Given, terrorists who desire to attack our nation may not have the requred grey matter to properly manipulate the machine, but knowing that the machine can be manipulated, why put any faith in it?   

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #2 - Feb 14th, 2003 at 9:02pm
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With regard to your first point, I agree that specific issue CQT polygraph interrogations can have some value. But that value is limited to admissions and/or other information gleaned from the polygraph interrogation. Pre-employment polygraph screening interrogations can be of value in the same manner.

With regard to your second point, that reliance on polygraph "test" results for such matters (or indeed, for anything) is asinine, I think you're quite right. Indeed, it appears that with regard to the radiological bomb allegations, the informant who provided this information did not recant his statement after failing the "test," and that the FBI is relying on its reading of the charts.

As for the intelligence of those who desire to attack our nation, I think it is important that it not be underestimated. Many members of Al Qaeda are/were quite intelligent, well educated, well trained, highly motivated, and dedicated to their cause.

An Arabic language Al Qaeda document titled Mawsu'at al-jihad (Encyclopedia of Jihad) that dates at least to 1996 includes a section on lie detectors, an English translation of which is available here.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2003 at 9:47pm
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As for the intelligence of those who desire to attack our nation, I think it is important that it not be underestimated. Many members of Al Qaeda are/were quite intelligent, well educated, well trained, highly motivated, and dedicated to their cause.

Understanding the motivation for an individual's actions is the key to accurately assess their probability of success.

Anyone who watches sports teams almost always realizes that a group of average athletes working as a team and motivated properly can defeat any superior team on any given day.

I hope that we as a nation are more motivated than our enemies.  May we act together as a team and create a safer world for our children.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #4 - Feb 15th, 2003 at 2:29am
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I hope that we as a nation are more motivated than our enemies.  May we act together as a team and create a safer world for our children.

"GO TEAM, GO!!!"

That's me cheering form the sidelines, because some idiot with a polygraph machine accused me of being a spy and eliminated me from joining that team.   

Blind faith in the polygraph is detrimental to national security in more ways than commononly thought.

I know some pro-polygraph voices will jump in here soon and say something to the effect that "I'm not worthy to be an LEO" or something stupid like that.

I will say this to them now - you can say all you want from the anonymity of your screen name and the safety of your PC, but I challenge anyone of you to sit with my credentails in an interview, and tell me, face to face, that I am not worthy.

Your screen name gives you the balls to do it on this site, but in person, well, I doubt it.

Chris (no screen name here)
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #5 - Feb 15th, 2003 at 3:52am
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I will say this to them now - you can say all you want from the anonymity of your screen name and the safety of your PC, but I challenge anyone of you to sit with my credentails in an interview, and tell me, face to face, that I am not worthy.

Dear Chris,

I am only the roll of a dice and a polygraph crapshoot from your fate.   For just a few seconds in time, my heartbeat was calmer than yours and my breaths smoother.  In the battlefield, I would not care what your skin color, religion, size, or sex was but how good your aim and the size of your heart to watch my back.  When the sh_t hit the fan, I just need to know that you would do your duty under conditions that God did not want to create for man.  I am sorry that you, xXx, and many others on this website will not be allowed to do in the civilian sector what you were more than willing to do on the battlefield.

The polygraph is certainly no true judge of any man's character.

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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #6 - Feb 15th, 2003 at 9:17pm
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Warning advisory to all cleared personnel:

Copy & paste from:

Advisory to Personnel Cleared by DoD Under the National Industrial Security Program (NISP)

Individual employees may address specific qualification requirements associated with a position by informing prospective employers that they have been granted a Personnel Clearance (PCL) at the required level. 

However, it is a poor security practice for cleared personnel to refer to their clearances in any settings that are not secure. Persons who identify their clearance status in public or non-secure forums risk making themselves targets of foreign interests. 


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box sie

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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #7 - Feb 17th, 2003 at 11:54am
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We are at war and these bums have brought the war to our soil. So, if they should happen to succeed and i happen to be at the target and die OH crappity smackING WELL!

These pukes got lucky Sept 11th 2001. I have complete confidence in my Goevrnment, the gumshoes of the CIA, FBI, Secert Service, and our Military to protect our shores from further attack. But shit happens.

My thinking is this: Their dirty bomb is "FEAR" and everytime our Government issues a warning or raises the bar, these bums score. So for this reason I'm opposed to the issuance of terror warnings. Got infomation, the chatter is increasing? Go chase it down. I DEPEND ON YOU.

Did the FBI explain why the subject wasn't polygraphed before issuing a National warning? I think he was. Imagine if the polygraph showed deception, the FBI did nothing because of it and our Capital came under attack. Boy would the shit hit the fan. Better to be safe then sorry. After all everybody knows how unreliable the box is.

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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #8 - Feb 17th, 2003 at 5:26pm
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sie wrote on Feb 17th, 2003 at 11:54am:

My thinking is this: Their dirty bomb is "FEAR" and everytime our Government issues a warning or raises the bar, these bums score. So for this reason I'm opposed to the issuance of terror warnings. Got infomation, the chatter is increasing? Go chase it down. I DEPEND ON YOU.

Did the FBI explain why the subject wasn't polygraphed before issuing a National warning? I think he was. Imagine if the polygraph showed deception, the FBI did nothing because of it and our Capital came under attack. Boy would the shit hit the fan. Better to be safe then sorry. After all everybody knows how unreliable the box is.

Actually, the bureau's record for action on polygraph results are so flippant that I doubt it really matters what they do now.  We as American citizens cannot rely on the FBI to do the required investigative work to chase down leads that come in to them.  They have opted to institute the polygraph as their charlatan.  We can expect nothing less than chance when this method is used.

The problem here is this:
The FBI, as a matter of record, has given polygraphs to informants who passed, and were later found to be dishonest.  They have given polygraphs to informants who failed, and were later found to be honest.  They have further given polygraphs to informants who were found to be inconclusive, failed to act on the information as a result, and ended up wearing egg on their faces.  It has become irrelevant how many times the polygraph obtained correct results.  The only thing that is pressing and of concern is how many American lives have we forfeited as a result of our continued support of such voodoo practices.

It is just this type of lunacy that endangers our national security.  I am more afraid of incompetence and archaic belief in trickery than I am of any terrorist.  Why?  Because I know that there are informants out there who have their hands on the gold.  They produce the golden egg over and over again to the trusted federal law enforcement agencies.  It is those agencies who have failed us with their support and belief of witchcraft.

I do not see 9/11 as being luck on the part of the terrorists, but rather a horrible show of how unreliable our intelligence agencies are.  It has been shown many times since 9/11 that information not only was there, but that it was ignored.  The arrogance of certain agencies became their embarassment.

If the polygraph was removed from their toolbox, there may very well be a greater result from their investigations.  Maybe they would actually get the truth and save lives.  It is, after all, their mission, isn't it?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #9 - Feb 17th, 2003 at 10:27pm
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You state, "It is those agencies who have failed us with their support and belief of witchcraft.  I do not see 9/11 as being luck on the part of the terrorists, but rather a horrible show of how unreliable our intelligence agencies are. "   

So now we can blame the 11 Sep 01, terrorist attacks on the over-reliance on polygraph, therefore the polygraph examiners themselves?  I guess I should be put on trial, maybe even taken out back and shot for allowing such a thing to happen to our country.  Is there no level you won't stoop to in your lame attempt to lay all evil at the door of the polygraph examiner?

You state, "The only thing that is pressing and of concern is how many American lives have we forfeited as a result of our continued support of such voodoo practices."   

Well, just how many American lives have we forfeited as a result of the use of polygraph?  Do you know?  Do you know if we have lost even one or are you just throwing a little bullshit fuel on the anti-polygraph fire? 

You state, "We as American citizens cannot rely on the FBI to do the required investigative work to chase down leads that come in to them.  They have opted to institute the polygraph as their charlatan.  We can expect nothing less than chance when this method is used."   

Do you honestly believe that the only tool used in the gathering and confirmation of intelligence information is the polygraph?  Can you possibly be that ignorant?  Come on George, you're a former MI troop aren't you?  What do you say?  Why not chime in and educate some of your followers so they don't wear their ignorance so proudly on their chests.   

Polygraph, like anything else, is not a perfect tool, however to try and blame all this countries woes (especially what happened on 11 Sep 01) on its use is pure stupidity and does nothing to further your anti-polygraph position. 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #10 - Feb 18th, 2003 at 1:05am
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Your ability to take people's words out of context rivals the most liberal left-wing activists I have seen.  Did your mind go numb this weekend while you were out protesting the war?

You quote Seeker as saying:
Batman wrote on Feb 17th, 2003 at 10:27pm:

You state, "It is those agencies who have failed us with their support and belief of witchcraft.  I do not see 9/11 as being luck on the part of the terrorists, but rather a horrible show of how unreliable our intelligence agencies are. "  

In reality (as anyone can see for themselves by looking at what she ACTUALLY wrote), the sentence ending with "witchcraft" ends her paragraph.  The sentence about 9/11 starts a NEW paragraph, usually indicating a change in specific thought, but remaining within the theme of her post.  

Your blatant attempt to combine two of her SEPARATE thoughts for the purpose of brandishing her is reprehensible.  Please don't misquote her or anyone else again.
I guess I should be put on trial, maybe even taken out back and shot for allowing such a thing to happen to our country.  Is there no level you won't stoop to in your lame attempt to lay all evil at the door of the polygraph examiner?

Misquoting someone to make yourself a martyr for the pro-polygraph cause.  Clever, but foolhardy.

You state, "The only thing that is pressing and of concern is how many American lives have we forfeited as a result of our continued support of such voodoo practices."  
Well, just how many American lives have we forfeited as a result of the use of polygraph?  Do you know? 

I know of one, me.  Failing a polygraph was a life changing experience for me.  I wish the mental pain I have sufffered on no one else -- except polygrpahers, so they may see what it is like to falsely accuse someone.  

For a polygrapher, you make your assumption and you kick them out the door.  You forget the subject in minutes, and if you felt remorse (a very big if), you ratioanlize it away with your faith in the machine.   You truly have no idea what effect it has on the falsely accused.

I can't speak for Seeker, but I think she is trying to convey "forfeit" as ruined or destroyed, but not killed, as I believe Batman, you are taking her words to mean.   Your initail misquote of Seeker has made you think she believes the polygraph is responsible for people's lives.  It is responsbible, maybe not their living and breathing, but responsible for other things like hopes, dreams, and career aspirations.  To rip that from someone based on a questioanble test, and allow them no means of recourse, well, it can ruin someone.  I know.

Do you honestly believe that the only tool used in the gathering and confirmation of intelligence information is the polygraph?  Can you possibly be that ignorant?  Come on George, you're a former MI troop aren't you?  What do you say?  

Well, Batman, I'm a former MI troop myself.  As you probably know, I am not completely against the polygraph, just against the pre-eployment polygraph and probable lie control question test.  I have explaained many times how I feel the polygraph system can be useful.  But when it comes to the security of over 250 million Americans, if anyone handed me a report that had anything to do with a polygraph, I'd throw it in my "FBIS file" -- that was my term for the trash.  No self respecting intel officer would ever base anything important on FBIS, nor should anyone base anything of importance on the polygraph.  

Polygraph, like anything else, is not a perfect tool 

For once we agree, Batman.

to try and blame all this countries woes (especially what happened on 11 Sep 01) on its use is pure stupidity and does nothing to further your anti-polygraph position.

As I believe I have shown you, the only "pure stupidity" in this entire discussion was you blatant attmept at misquoting Seeker for your pro-poly gains.  

Sorry I'm not trained like a polygrapher -- I check my sources before I make judgements.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #11 - Feb 18th, 2003 at 8:14am
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You know damn well I did not misquote Seeker.  You also know, as would anyone who read her post with a slightly less jaded outlook that she was referring to terrorist activity specifically that of 11 Sep 01.

Here is her full quote in the paragraphs in question, 

"It is just this type of lunacy that endangers our national security.  I am more afraid of incompetence and archaic belief in trickery than I am of any terrorist.  Why?  Because I know that there are informants out there who have their hands on the gold.  They produce the golden egg over and over again to the trusted federal law enforcement agencies.  It is those agencies who have failed us with their support and belief of witchcraft.

I do not see 9/11 as being luck on the part of the terrorists, but rather a horrible show of how unreliable our intelligence agencies are.  It has been shown many times since 9/11 that information not only was there, but that it was ignored.  The arrogance of certain agencies became their embarrassment."

In the first she is referring to sources that could have provided federal agencies with the information needed to prevent the terrorist attacks.  In the second she links the first directly to the terrorist attacks of 11 Sep 01.

As for the forfeited lives that you believe was a reference to poor souls such as yourself (talk about self serving and narcissistic) Seeker went on to say:

"Maybe they would actually get the truth and save lives.  It is, after all, their mission, isn't it?"

There is no way she is simply referring to those who post on this site as a result of having failed a pre-employment screening polygraph examination!

Again I ask, where is the information that would lead to the conclusion that the over-reliance on polygraph led to the terrorist attacks of either 11 Sep 01, the initial bombing of the World Trade Center in the early '90's, or the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City?


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #12 - Feb 18th, 2003 at 8:41pm
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Batman wrote on Feb 18th, 2003 at 8:14am:

You also know, as would anyone who read her post with a slightly less jaded outlook that she was referring to terrorist activity specifically that of 11 Sep 01.

Ahh, Batman, here we go again.

You have to read more than just one posted message in order to understand the whole discussion.  If you go back to the post by SIE, she stated (in a separate paragraph): Quote:
These pukes got lucky Sept 11th 2001. I have complete confidence in my Goevrnment, the gumshoes of the CIA, FBI, Secert Service, and our Military to protect our shores from further attack. But shit happens.

To which Seeker responded (in a separate paragraph): Quote:
I do not see 9/11 as being luck on the part of the terrorists, but rather a horrible show of how unreliable our intelligence agencies are.  It has been shown many times since 9/11 that information not only was there, but that it was ignored.  The arrogance of certain agencies became their embarassment.

That is called a discussion, usually composed of a statement and a response.  Again, you are taking Seeker out of context.

And like I said, I can't speak for Seeker.  Maybe she did want to link the polygraph and the events of 9/11 as the theme of her post, I don't know - only she can tell us that.  My interpretation of her post is: because of their reliance on the polygraph, these federal agencies have lost some of their effectiveness, and in turn made us vulnerable, as on 9/11.  

Do I think fault for 9/11 can be solely blamed on the polygraph.  Hell no.  Airport security is a huge factor.   Decline in foreign HUMINT, reliance on SIGINT and IMINT, the list goes on.  It was a culmination of a lackadaisical attitude toward national scurity by all Americans.  And we paid the price dearly.  And I'm sure that reliance on the polygraph instead of actual investigation was also a mitigating factor.  How large, well, we may never know.  But I bet it had a role . . .
As for the forfeited lives that you believe was a reference to poor souls such as yourself (talk about self serving and narcissistic)
Oh, shame on me for relating Seeker's words to MY personal case in one of MY posts.  The destructiveness of the polygraph is widespread, Batman.  Burying your face in the charts has made you blind to the outside world regarding the consequences of YOUR assumptions.  Falsely be failed on a polygraph, have your life stripped, and see if you can live in this world without being "jaded."  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #13 - Feb 18th, 2003 at 10:47pm
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Robin (aka Steincj),

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on how we interpret Seekers postings.

However when you state, "Falsely be failed on a polygraph, have your life stripped, and see if you can live in this world without being "jaded.", I get a little concerned for you.  Was you life really stripped?  Do you still have your family, loved ones, close friends?  I've got to believe you do, and in the long run those are what are really important.  Don't give something like polygraph the power over you that you have.  You can be in control, you still have a life.  Live it, get off this site and get out there and live it to the fullest!  There is life after a failed polygraph, I think.  I passed all four of mine so far so I'm only speculating on that last thought.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: FBI Relies on Polygraph to Dismiss Terror Repo
Reply #14 - Feb 19th, 2003 at 1:16am
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Batman wrote on Feb 18th, 2003 at 10:47pm:

Robin (aka Steincj),

Holy hallucinations, Batman!  Do you think I would EVER want anything to do with you?  Where do you get off thinking I would want to be YOUR sidekick?

I know your attempt at a Justice League (Batman, Torpedo aka Green Lantern) is seriously lacking the power of intellect, and that you may need someone like me on your team.  Just because we agree on an ethical issue about compilot34 DOES NOT mean that I agree with anything else you preach on this site.  Hell, I felt so dirty after having to agree with you, I was showering in the fetal position for hours.


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on how we interpret Seekers postings.

You and I disagreeing, Batman, say it ain't so!
Here's something for you, why don't we let Seeker interperet her postings for us, and if she lays ALL the blame for 9/11 on the polygraph, I'll apologize to you for ever claiming you misquoted her --- God I hope I'm right, because I don't know if I have enough hot water for the shower I'll need after that apology . . . . 


However when you state, "Falsely be failed on a polygraph, have your life stripped, and see if you can live in this world without being "jaded.", I get a little concerned for you.  Was you life really stripped?  Do you still have your family, loved ones, close friends?  I've got to believe you do, and in the long run those are what are really important.  Don't give something like polygraph the power over you that you have.  You can be in control, you still have a life.  Live it, get off this site and get out there and live it to the fullest!  There is life after a failed polygraph, I think.  I passed all four of mine so far so I'm only speculating on that last thought.

Thank you, Tony Robbins, for that wonderfully inspiring speeech.  
I suppose now you will lay your hand upon my forehead, and the demons within me will rise up!!!!  They will leave this tortured soul, and he will be free!!!!  Free!!!!

I know most of you polygraphers think you are shrinks, but you know something, you ought to stick to what you know.  When I want advice on how to live my life, I'll ask somone with better credentials than the DoDPI, ok?  

You said yourself you don't know what it is like to fail a polygraph.  If you knew, you might fail a couple less people than you probably do right now.


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