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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i pass (Read 21832 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Kage
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Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i pass
Jan 28th, 2003 at 8:56pm
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Finally its over for now, Well as the poly was finished the polygrapher stated that i only had a reaction on that of theft from former employers, he told me that he could disqualify me just for that one question but that the rest looked good. He told me to give him an explanation why the reaction? so i stated that about my old job and thing that people let me hold and have never returned. He concluded that he would over look it and  decide. CAn u guys give me an opinion.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2003 at 9:42pm
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Here's an opinion.  The only law enforcement agency that could possibly be considering you for employment has to be Mayberry, and you're going to be Barney's replacement.

If you do get hired, I got to believe it'll be quickly followed by you getting fired.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #2 - Jan 30th, 2003 at 2:59am
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Batman wrote on Jan 29th, 2003 at 9:42pm:


Here's an opinion.  The only law enforcement agency that could possibly be considering you for employment has to be Mayberry, and you're going to be Barney's replacement.

If you do get hired, I got to believe it'll be quickly followed by you getting fired.


Don't worry about what Batman thinks -- he lost his parents at a young age, and has blamed people who fail polygraphs ever since Smiley

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #3 - Jan 30th, 2003 at 11:45pm
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At least I gave Kage what he was asking for, an opinion.

I had parents?  I was told I was found out behind the old dog house!  Can't believe anyone anymore.  Well, sorry to hear they're dead.  Were they nice folks?

Anyway, based on his posts, what do you think Kage's chances are? 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box secretagent
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Reply #4 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 10:57am
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Hello Board. This is my first post on this website and needless to say I have been DUPED!!! I took a polygraph last week as a part of the selection process for a major law enforcement agency. I am the type of person that is just TOO HONEST! Its hard for me to lie. I have never committed any major crimes against anyone and the worst thing I have ever done was get a speeding ticket. I spent about 2 hours with my examiner as a part of a pre-test interview. He asked me the general questions and I was fine. As soon as he hooked me up to the machine my heart started to race. At the end of the test he looked at me sternly and said, "Something is bothering you and you know what it is" I explained what it was and it happened years ago. He told me that was fine and that we will take the test again. Well, I got a reaction the second time. He told me that I was still withholding info and that I tell him the truth or I automatically get disqualified. I broke down in tears and told him everything. What I did was not a "crime" per se, it was in his eyes, but to me it was a situation that I let get out of control and it was a misunderstanding of sorts. He told me he will think about it and get back to me. Now, I am really afraid I might get disqualified and that this could hurt me trying to get into other law enforcement agencies. I  been in mental anguish for the past several days. I am really hurting inside and I have gone into a slight depression. I have several people gunning for me and I am a major pillar in the community and people see me as a positive role model. Now, I feel like a criminal and all I want to do is hide. I have told no one the truth regarding the results of the polygraph cause it could totally ruin my life. HELP!! Should I be worried? What should I do? How do I cope? Thanks for letting me vent!! I really hate the polygraph!!! It gives decent law-abiding citizens a bad name!!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #5 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 11:10am
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A good start would be for you to educate yourself about the polygraph process. It will help you to understand and cope with what you've been through. If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you download The Lie Behind the Lie Detector and begin reading. You might want to begin with Chapter 3, which explains how the "test" really "works" (and doesn't).

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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Reply #6 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 12:11pm
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secretagent wrote on Feb 2nd, 2003 at 10:57am:

I  been in mental anguish for the past several days. I am really hurting inside and I have gone into a slight depression. I have several people gunning for me and I am a major pillar in the community and people see me as a positive role model. Now, I feel like a criminal and all I want to do is hide. I have told no one the truth regarding the results of the polygraph cause it could totally ruin my life. HELP!! Should I be worried? What should I do? How do I cope? Thanks for letting me vent!! I really hate the polygraph!!! It gives decent law-abiding citizens a bad name!!


Dear Secret Agent:
What you seem to be suffering from is the typical symptoms of the mental rape done by the voodoo of polygraph.  For each person the experience of going into the box is different.  For those who honestly go into an exam and come out DI or Inconclusive, the trauma is extreme and lingers for a long period of time.    
The poly exams are merely a ruse used to manipulate someone into an interrogation without the benefit of legal protection. Most attorneys would stop such an interrogation before the stem test was concluded, and I assure you, poly examiners adjust their fierceness and their level of deceit much more when observed by a subject's attorney.
The advise George gave you is an excellent place to start.  When you arm yourself with knowledge, you will be in a better position to cope with this outrageous and viscious assault that you have endured.
I do not know what you admitted to, and it may very well be something that will completely disqualify you from joining any law enforcement agency.  That is something that you will have to resolve within yourself.  I wish you the very best.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Marty
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Reply #7 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 7:33pm
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Seeker wrote on Feb 2nd, 2003 at 12:11pm:

Dear Secret Agent:
What you seem to be suffering from is the typical symptoms of the mental rape done by the voodoo of polygraph.

While true, it should be noted that from all appearances, secretagent was NOT A VICTIM of the polygraph, but of successful associated interrogation which revealed some DQ factor. While the "mental rape" component I am sympathetic to, this would appear not to be another false positive. It's accusing and DQ'ing innocent examinees that creates the enduring dissonance that does damage rarely quantified or even admitted.


Leaf my Philodenrons alone.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #8 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 11:07pm
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OK Gents,

Please help me out here.  We have an examinee, secretagent, who took a polygraph examination for employment with a law enforcement agency.  He initially states he, "never committed any major crimes against anyone and the worst thing I have ever done was get a speeding ticket."  (How about not so major crimes?)  However he has some trouble on the polygraph, the examiner calls him on it and he immediately aknowledges what the issue was stating, "I explained what it was and it happened years ago."  He continues to have problems with the polygraph and now states, "What I did was not a "crime" per se, it was in his eyes, but to me it was a situation that I let get out of control and it was a misunderstanding of sorts."

First question one has to ask is who is secretagent referring to when he says, " was in HIS eyes..."?  Who is "his"?

So it wasn't a "crime" per se.  Then what was it?  It was a "situation".  It was a situation that "got out of control."  It was a situation that got out of control, "and was a misunderstanding of sorts."   

Sounds like our "victim" maybe did something that someone else maybe thought was a crime.  But in reality, we know who is to blame.  As always, the polygraph examiner, the "mental rapist". 

Lets remember, secretagent, in his own words is very capable of lieing, it's just "hard for me to lie" to put it in his words.

To answer your question secretagent, yes, you should be worried.  Worried in that you lied during your application process.  If you thought your past "situation" was just a misunderstanding why didn't you bring it up before you sat down to take the polygraph exam?  You weren't "duped", and you weren't "too honest".  You most likely were given the opportunity to bring up your past "situation", but you chose not to.  You gambled and lost.

You mention that, "I have told no one the truth regarding the results of the polygraph...".  So you just keep on lieing.  Sounds like lieing isn't so hard for you after all.

George, Seeker, Marty, why can't you simply look at some of these posts and acknowledge that not all these folks are innocent victims?  This guy knew full well what he was doing and now he's paying the price.  He has no one to blame but himself.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Marty
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #9 - Feb 2nd, 2003 at 11:45pm
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Batman wrote on Feb 2nd, 2003 at 11:07pm:

OK Gents,
George, Seeker, Marty, why can't you simply look at some of these posts and acknowledge that not all these folks are innocent victims? 


Which part of "NOT A VICTIM of the polygraph" did you not understand?  You spend too much time reading between the lines [of secretagent's post]  and not enough reading the lines.


Leaf my Philodenrons alone.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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Reply #10 - Feb 3rd, 2003 at 12:39am
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Marty wrote on Feb 2nd, 2003 at 7:33pm:

While true, it should be noted that from all appearances, secretagent was NOT A VICTIM of the polygraph, but of successful associated interrogation which revealed some DQ factor. While the "mental rape" component I am sympathetic to, this would appear not to be another false positive. It's accusing and DQ'ing innocent examinees that creates the enduring dissonance that does damage rarely quantified or even admitted.


While I agree that Secretagent's account of his situation does smack of being busted in an interrogation, it is the method by which his admission was gained that I consider the rapist.  The whole set up of a polygraph exam is just in fact that, and when someone naively enters into an exam, this does in fact have a great potential to occur.  I do not pretend to suggest that he is a false positive, and if I conveyed that, I was indeed not being clear as to my opinion.  His explanation of his feelings and of his reactions are atypical of what a rape victim would say of his or her feelings and reactions.  This was the note that I found interesting and intended to comment on. 
Do you consider my interpretation wrong, Marty, if I suggest that the polygraph exam, as it is used by law enforcement for screening purposes. has a much further reaching latitude than any type of interview for a job ever legitimately could have in our society? I have never heard of an applicant going through the mental or emotional disruption described by Secretagent wherein a polygraph was NOT used.   
Further, the end of my post says:
I do not know what you admitted to, and it may very well be something that will completely disqualify you from joining any law enforcement agency.  That is something that you will have to resolve within yourself.  
I believe that Secretagent does have an issue here with his admission, but I also firmly hold that the polygraph exam experience did in fact subject him to a mental rape.  Or, would you gentlemen prefer to use the mentality of many and suggest that a rape victim asked for it because of the way he or she was dressed?  My issue is with the process, the application of polygraph screening.  I am indeed sympathetic to Secretagent for his very real feelings and reactions.  I, however, do believe that being less than completely forthcoming was part and party to his demise with regard to his application.  The suggested reading of The Lie Behind The Lie Detector is an excellent tool to help victims of this type of abuse to cope and deal with the ramifications that they are left with.  I certainly didn't see anyone chime in and suggest that he had some protest that needed to be made for his innocence, or that he had a false positive.
And, Caped Wonder Batman, check again for the facts, Sir.  I am NOT a GENT.  I am amused that you failed to see that with those X-Ray vision glasses that you use on everyone else in here.   Grin
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Marty
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Reply #11 - Feb 3rd, 2003 at 1:41am
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Seeker wrote on Feb 3rd, 2003 at 12:39am:

While I agree that Secretagent's account of his situation does smack of being busted in an interrogation, it is the method by which his admission was gained that I consider the rapist.  The whole set up of a polygraph exam is just in fact that, and when someone naively enters into an exam, this does in fact have a great potential to occur. ..... Do you consider my interpretation wrong, Marty, if I suggest that the polygraph exam, as it is used by law enforcement for screening purposes. has a much further reaching latitude than any type of interview for a job ever legitimately could have in our society?

[Added to original: Original post by me was addressed to batman]

No. I agree with almost all of those points. if you go back to my original statement, you will note that it starts with that agreement and goes on to distinguish between the polygraph phase and the interrogation phase which oddly, is the most accurate if demeaning component. BTW, I have heard of cases where the FBI polygraphed civilians on specific incident situations and went into an interrogation of an innocent person (possibly without even getting a poly positve) at the end of which they appologized to the poor SOB who was distraught, saying the machine had been wrong.

If in fact the polygraph actually worked at near perfect levels publicly claimed I would have little problem with the interrogation component subsequent only to a failed poly.

Interrogations and confessions inflame all examinees but they create dissonance and it's distress only for the false positives. Anger perhaps is created in both. However, for examiners, the interrogation phase that yields a confession probably helps soothe the concience which otherwise might begin to twitch - and it does catch bad guys sometimes.

The anger here is more like rape than that of what happened to fair_chance in that it was some form of private disclosure secretagent did not want to make.

However, what most seem to experience that relate their stories here is of being accused of something that they did not do by someone presumed near infallible.  That is hard, if not impossible, to deal with - and not just subjectively.


Leaf my Philodenrons alone.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Reply #12 - Feb 3rd, 2003 at 1:43am
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Seeker wrote on Feb 3rd, 2003 at 12:39am:

I certainly didn't see anyone chime in and suggest that he had some protest that needed to be made for his innocence, or that he had a false positive.

Dear Seeker,

I read this post earlier and did not quite know how to interpret it.  I do not know what exactly he is worrying about coming to the surface.  Whatever it was (or is), it certainly concerns him that he does not want to let it become public.

I do not believe in using the polygraph as a prescreening tool.

I also believe that an applicant has the obligation to be completely honest in their application for exactly the arguments presented in this posting. 

Should someone place this information which he holds in secret in a public newspaper or threaten the applicate to do so in the future, his career could be compromised.  If his current agency already knows all the facts concerning the issue, it can not at least be used for career blackmail.

Criminals hold "levers" more valuable than gold.  A "lever" in law enforcement is factual proof or hidden knowledge that a law enforcement officer violated policy or law.  The criminal baits the law enforcement officer with silence "if only" he performs further acts (normally increasing in severity) until the officer cannot stop without losing his career, family, or life.

Take the polygraph out of this picture.  I have people stressing, testing, and goading me almost everyday. While my polygraph was stressful because I was falsely accused, it certainly was not at all stressful compared to what I have been through in life.  If I cannot handle a person yelling at me, cursing at me, and treating me with no repect, than I cannot be a law enforcement officer.   People do treat us this way and we have to remain calm as best we can.  The last thing I can afford to deal with are hidden ghost.  This applicant still has a ghost which should be dealt with regardless of the polygraph, application process, or interrogation process.  If he does not want his employer to know about it, imagine if his enemies get hold of it.

I do not stand in judgement of this person.  I will say that if I could not handle a "hard grilling" by an interrogator than I probably could not handle my job.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Torpedo
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Re: Finally took  that damn Poly, But i cant if i
Reply #13 - Feb 3rd, 2003 at 1:48am
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Batman, Hello Caped Crusader....I guess we can start our discussions between you and I today.  How about these fools!!  They have been advised that acting like lawyers is NOT their instead, they start acting like psychologists, giving people advice on how to "cope" (like Georgie telling secretagent to read his book which will help him cope).  I certainly agree with you my fellow crime fighter (hey, I just thought of something...I may change my name to Green Lantern...then we can start the AP.ORG Justice League..and dedicate ourselves to bringing this idiotic chat room down in flames. Hey I have an idea I would like to discuss with you in a private email on how to counter their poster campaign....not that it has been any more effective then their ridiculous world-wide petition that has drawn a pitiful amount of interest.  See you soon Batman....just south of Gotham City!

P.S. is a STIM test as in stimulation...NOT STEM as in the part of your brain which apparently is malfunctioning...My guess (and it is based on a LOT of experience) is that this guy was playing slap and tickle with someone and does not or refuses to recognize the words STOP.  Disregarding those words has been held to be a CRIME called RAPE...I mention this because you apparently are a gal and I was just wondering if this changes your position on the "mental rape" of this "community pillar" (his words). I will bet that it does!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Marty
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Reply #14 - Feb 3rd, 2003 at 1:59am
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... If I cannot handle a person yelling at me, cursing at me, and treating me with no repect, than I cannot be a law enforcement officer.

Yes, you are quite right about that.  However, you were accused by members of LE by a process publicly touted to be near infallible and that does hurt. It is obvious by your actions. Those same actions show you are dealing with it in a very professional,  even admirable way. I suggest you are fairly rare amongst false positives many of whom feel shamed and hide not telling anyone. Many rape victims react the same way - sometimes even blaming themselves and become double victims.


Leaf my Philodenrons alone.
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