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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) what are my rights with a private poly? (Read 15679 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #15 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 3:24pm
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You write:

...They have published a rather lengthy treatise (available as a download on this site) which among other things provides instruction on how to perform countermeasures.  Why an innocent person would want to do anything to affect the outcome of ANY test still escapes me...but that is their position....

If you intend to offer advice on this site, I hope you are not as simple-minded as this quote would indicate (albeit knowingly and disingenuously misleading is hardly much of an improvement).  Innocent examinees are led to affect chart tracings, because in the absence of such, you and your ilk can not guarantee them a correct result by protecting them from the tremendous random (and other) error inherent with lie detection.  The rationale is actually quite simple and should be quite clear to even you--to the greatest extent possible, it is far better to have their fate rest in their hands rather than in yours...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Torpedo
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #16 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 3:28pm
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George, your comments are noted.  By the same token, and in the interest of fairness, do  you not think that cautioning Beech Trees and Annoymous against the harangues in which they have engaged in this thread and it it not necessarily helpful to your cause.  It DOES go both ways you know and you cannot argue with that logic.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box beech trees
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #17 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 3:54pm
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Could I trouble you to point out where in my posts above I engaged in an ad hominem argument?

As for your imploring whining to George that he should upbraid me, perhaps in the future you could resist the urge to run to daddy every time your posts are challenged here? In my opinion such tactics are slightly unseemly and demonstrate a lack of substance to your arguments.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~ Thomas Paine
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #18 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 4:16pm
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I previously wrote:

...If you intend to offer advice on this site, I hope you are not as simple-minded as this quote would indicate (albeit knowingly and disingenuously misleading is hardly much of an improvement).  Innocent examinees are led to affect chart tracings, because in the absence of such, you and your ilk can not guarantee them a correct result by protecting them from the tremendous random (and other) error inherent with lie detection.  The rationale is actually quite simple and should be quite clear to even you--to the greatest extent possible, it is far better to have their fate rest in their hands rather than in yours...

Under most circumstances, I would have begun with a quote of your material.  Unfortunately, your last post added nothing to the general discussion and addressed little of substance (I'm sure that George is thrilled to know that you took note of something) from previous posts.  Needless to say, I don't really care if you are not pleased with the disdain I display for polygraph screening; I am considerably more displeased by the litany of broken dreams and dashed plans of innocent people caused by polygraph screening.  But then again, back to the substance of my previous post--perhaps you might care to address the point I made about why innocent people are led to affect polygraph tracings and outcomes...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Torpedo
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #19 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 6:57pm
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Hello BT, so I am "whining" to George?. Well, at least we have established one thing....I am glad to see that you folks (well, at least Bech Trees) looks up to George as "Daddy" Grin. More reason for "Daddy" to instill manners in his children. 

On a more academic note, you offer to DA that he should believe you over anything the pro-polygraph community says because of the "research", yet you cannot and have not provided anything other than "war stories".  You will no doubt make mention of the NAS study, but you should keep in mind that wasn't "research" in the true sense of the term.  It was a literature review and the reporting of a position that they have taken. When you take a position and then you atttempt to support it by attacking any opposing view.  It seems to me that that is ad hominem, at least in nature. That is precisely what you have done.

With respect to the comments offered by Annoymous.  I think (and this is MY opinion) it is shameful for you and your friends to encourage apparently otherwise unknowledge people (especially those who would have been NDI anyway) to engage in countermeasures. In light of the advice you and others have provided and the threats of law suits that are thrown about, I would find it incredibly interesting to see what you and those of your calling would do should a person who adopted your advice, performed countermeasures, ackowledged such use (notwithstanding if they can be detected or not) and did not get the job they sought, or the security clearance they desired because of this and their misguided belief that they would just be helping themselves. 

Many of the anti-polygraph crowd seem to enjoy berating the pro-polygraph group, but I can't help but wonder what would happen should this occur.  Now have I planted such a thought with some person who has taken an exam, employed countermeasures al a AP.ORG and lost an opportunity for a job they wanted?  Have I planted a thought in some person's mind to take this very route? Who knows....perhaps time will tell.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #20 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 7:49pm
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You write:

...I would find it incredibly interesting to see what you and those of your calling would do should a person who adopted your advice, performed countermeasures, ackowledged such use (notwithstanding if they can be detected or not)...

Beep, Beep...false assertion alert goes off!  Never would I or the organizers of this site suggest anyone acknowledge the use of countermeasures...any who might do such would clearly not be following our advice.  Although you and I would differ as to the wisdom of employing countermeasures, I suppose we can both agree only a fool would acknowledge their use once having been employed.  Anyone who would do such can only blame himself for his troubles inasmuch as (1) he was clearly advised to do otherwise and (2) being that you guys CAN'T detect  (you can accuse anyone though) countermeasures and once having employed them, such an action would be tantamount to snatching defeat from the jaws of sucess...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Marty
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #21 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 8:32pm
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...Anyone who would do such can only blame himself for his troubles inasmuch as (1) he was clearly advised to do otherwise and (2) being that you guys CAN'T detect  (you can accuse anyone though) countermeasures and once having employed them, such an action would be tantamount to snatching defeat from the jaws of sucess...

There is very little evidence that countermeasures can or cannot be detected. The published research in this area is extremely limited. Personally, for technical reasons, I suspect some types of countermeasures are more easily detected than others. It has been suggested (I think by Honts) that mental CM's are the hardest (or impossible) to detect. Drew's statements suggest this as well.


Leaf my Philodenrons alone.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box beech trees
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #22 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 8:36pm
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Torpedo wrote on Jan 9th, 2003 at 6:57pm:

Hello BT, so I am "whining" to George?.

In my opinion, when one asks for a third party to intervene in the written tone you used, yes. Absolutely.

Well, at least we have established one thing....I am glad to see that you folks (well, at least Bech Trees) looks up to George as "Daddy" Grin. More reason for "Daddy" to instill manners in his children.

My characterization of your tactic was 'running to daddy'. Note I never referred to George as my daddy, not have I ever sought his help in censoring others' opinion ont his board as you have just done. It's illustrative however that you twisted the meaning of my post just as I am certain you twist the responses of your examinees into admissions-- you do it offhand so easily that otherwise could not be true.

On a more academic note, you offer to DA that he should believe you over anything the pro-polygraph community says because of the "research", yet you cannot and have not provided anything other than "war stories".  You will no doubt make mention of the NAS study, but you should keep in mind that wasn't "research" in the true sense of the term.  It was a literature review and the reporting of a position that they have taken. When you take a position and then you atttempt to support it by attacking any opposing view.  It seems to me that that is ad hominem, at least in nature. That is precisely what you have done.

I'm sorry, are you referring to my position or your position with that commentary? Nice job of rationalizing the findings of the National Academy of Sciences intensive study of the polygraph.

My research concludes that there is no valid research demonstrating that the polygraph as it is overwhelmingly used today is anything but a clever interogation prop used to convince the naive and gullible that you can somehow read their mind. Fortunately, I am neither naive nor gullible. Goodbye, polygrapher.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~ Thomas Paine
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box damned_already (Guest)

Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #23 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 8:42pm
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guys i didn't mean for this to turn into the same war that looks like is going on in every other post.

Yes, Torpedo, you are right about whats going on with my wife.  There are fidelity issues that she thinks will be solved with a poly.  She has also stated that if I pass that she will still have doubts.  This is the main point to why I am "freakin" out.  I am damned if I pass, and damned if I don't.  So naturally I will be nervous.  Will this nervousness cause a problem on such a test?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #24 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 9:24pm
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damned_already wrote on Jan 9th, 2003 at 8:42pm:

guys i didn't mean for this to turn into the same war that looks like is going on in every other post.

Yes, Torpedo, you are right about whats going on with my wife.  There are fidelity issues that she thinks will be solved with a poly.  She has also stated that if I pass that she will still have doubts.  This is the main point to why I am "freakin" out.  I am damned if I pass, and damned if I don't.  So naturally I will be nervous.  Will this nervousness cause a problem on such a test?

Nervousness most certainly could cause problems on the test.  Remember, there really is no such thing as a "lie detector" -- rather, the "test" (best case) indicates adrenal/nervous responses.  How do you think you'll react when asked questions of a loaded sexual nature?  How about when you know your marriage is on the line?

(Before "Torpedo" jumps in and claims no one but a polygrapher can know anything about the test, let me point out that I have a degree in psychology, which included information about the polygraph, the nervous system and physiology, etc.  I have also done considerable research on the polygraph, reading studies and the opinions of acknowledged experts in the field.  Mr. Maschke and Mr. Scalabrini have done this as well, to a much greater degree.  I also urge you to download and read The Lie Behind The Lie Detector, if you have not already done so, and judge for yourself.  After all, it's your life -- don't let me, Torpedo or anyone else make the decision for you.)

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #25 - Jan 9th, 2003 at 9:28pm
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Torpedo wrote on Jan 9th, 2003 at 6:57pm:

Hello BT, so I am "whining" to George?. Well, at least we have established one thing....I am glad to see that you folks (well, at least Bech Trees) looks up to George as "Daddy" Grin. More reason for "Daddy" to instill manners in his children.

Unfortunately, sir, you are hardly in a position to be complaining about others in this regard.  Like so many of the polygrapher visitors we've had to this site post-NAS-report, virtually your entire "contribution" thus far has been ad hominem in nature (please see Stephan's Guide to the Logical Fallacies -- Attacking the Person if you have trouble understanding what you are doing wrong).

On a more academic note, you offer to DA that he should believe you over anything the pro-polygraph community says because of the "research", yet you cannot and have not provided anything other than "war stories".

This is simply false -- both advice on this site and The Lie Behind the Lie Detector are well-referenced vis-a-vis academic studies and research.  They are hardly based on anecdotes alone.

You will no doubt make mention of the NAS study, but you should keep in mind that wasn't "research" in the true sense of the term.

Another false statement.  Reading and reviewing studies done by others is most definitely "research" (a general term for "inquiry") -- and despite your implications, it is certainly valid, as well.

According to you, it seems, one has no room to speak with authority on a subject unless one has actually carried out a certain type of research.  This is a very odd notion.

It was a literature review and the reporting of a position that they have taken.

Had this been all NAS had done (had they not done first-person interviews, etc. as well), it still would have been as valid as any other study.  You're grasping at straws, Torpedo.

When you take a position and then you atttempt to support it by attacking any opposing view.  It seems to me that that is ad hominem, at least in nature. That is precisely what you have done.

It is clear that you don't understand to what argumentum ad hominem refers.  Please see my link, above.

With respect to the comments offered by Annoymous.  I think (and this is MY opinion) it is shameful for you and your friends to encourage apparently otherwise unknowledge people (especially those who would have been NDI anyway) to engage in countermeasures.

Given well-known and researched false-positive rates, I must disagree with this strongly.

In light of the advice you and others have provided and the threats of law suits that are thrown about, I would find it incredibly interesting to see what you and those of your calling would do should a person who adopted your advice, performed countermeasures, ackowledged such use (notwithstanding if they can be detected or not) and did not get the job they sought, or the security clearance they desired because of this and their misguided belief that they would just be helping themselves.

If someone were to use countermeasures and admit it, he or she would not be adopting the advice given here.  Have you actually read The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (which you disparage with such authority)?

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Torpedo
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #26 - Jan 10th, 2003 at 12:43am
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Glad to see that little "admission"  I certainly hope that all see that for what it is.  "Now if you decide to take that old lie detector test...we antipoly folks want you to do well and we will "suggest" some little tricks to "help" you get by...but if you do get caught, we want it known that you are on your own...and if you say that you "saw it here".....shame on you.  Remember, Anti-Polygraph.Org disavows any knowledge of this...we say this so you cannot come back and sue us you can't come back a sue us.  Remember you are on your own if you tell that examiner you are using countermeasures"  What a comforting thought for all of those you provide counsel to.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #27 - Jan 10th, 2003 at 12:49am
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Torpedo wrote on Jan 10th, 2003 at 12:43am:

Glad to see that little "admission"  I certainly hope that all see that for what it is.  "Now if you decide to take that old lie detector test...we antipoly folks want you to do well and we will "suggest" some little tricks to "help" you get by...but if you do get caught, we want it known that you are on your own...and if you say that you "saw it here".....shame on you.  Remember, Anti-Polygraph.Org disavows any knowledge of this...we say this so you cannot come back and sue us you can't come back a sue us.  Remember you are on your own if you tell that examiner you are using countermeasures"  What a comforting thought for all of those you provide counsel to.

<sigh> My kingdom for an honest polygrapher...

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box G Scalabr
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Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #28 - Jan 12th, 2003 at 5:23am
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but if you do get caught, we want it known that you are on your own...and if you say that you "saw it here".....shame on you.  Remember, Anti-Polygraph.Org disavows any knowledge of this...we say this so you cannot come back and sue us you can't come back a sue us.

We’ve seen this thinly-veiled scare tactic before and have yet to dignify it with a response. I feel that now is the time to give it its due.

A lawsuit against us because we provide information on polygraph countermeasures would be the best possible thing to ever happen to A large part of both discovery and the trial itself would center on how polygraphers purportedly detect countermeasures . Polygraphers could no longer claim "countermeasures are easy to spot, but that information has to be kept secret." This information—or lack thereof—would become public information for everyone to see, amounting to a great deal of embarrassment for the polygraph community. 

Two things would be pivotal issues in such a trial:

#1 That no study—not even one funded by the American Polygraph Association—has demonstrated that polygraphers have the ability to detect sophisticated countermeasures like those outlined in The Lie Behind the Lie Detector . In peer-reviewed analog studies by Charles R. Honts and collaborators, even experienced polygraphers were not able to detect countermeasures use at better-than-chance levels. It comes as little surprise that Dr. Richardson's polygraph countermeasure challenge remains untaken after nearly a year.

#2 In addition to the lack of a proven methodology for detection of countermeasures, there lacks even a documented methodology itself. As you very well know, The American Polygraph Association quarterly, Polygraph, in its more than 30-year history has not published a single article setting forth any methodology by which polygraphers can reliably detect countermeasures. Not a single article. Even astrologers have documented and published methodologies for how they arrive at fortunes (star charts, etc). 

Before our lawsuit can go anywhere, the plaintiff would have to prove that the polygrapher actually detected countermeasures. One would have an easier time proving that an astrologer properly told a fortune (one again, they have books, agreed-upon standards, etc).  A polygraph countermeasure lawsuit is going to put into public record what we already know--that polygraphers are merely guessing and bluffing when it comes to countermeasure detection. It goes without saying that such a suit will be laughed out of court,  leaving the polygraph community thoroughly discredited and embarrassed. 

Perhaps one of the polygraphers reading this can set everything up. All that would be necessary is to have a shill to visit an APA member, have him “caught” using countermeasures, and then bring a lawsuit against us. Come on, ‘graphers. This sounds like a plan. The only downside will be finding a lawyer to take the case. I learned during the 1st day of civil procedure that litigation is a last resort and that one should always find a “deep pocket” before proceeding. This will be a substantial impediment because we do not possess large sums of money. 

I’ll tell you one thing—you better be ready with more than “countermeasures are easily detected, but I can’t tell you how.” 
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box TOR[EDO

Re: what are my rights with a private poly?
Reply #29 - Jan 12th, 2003 at 7:30am
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Gino, am I incorrect, or are you virtually DARING any of the readers (or "shills" as you call them) of TLBTLD to sue AntiPolygraph.Org?  I just want to make sure I am reading your post correctly.  Do you think that there might be some lawyer out there who would take this case on principal instead of the want of money?  It could happen!  I am so pleased that your disdain for those who you seek to "help" has now been made public.  And to think, all those folks came to you and your Namebase friends believing that you would help them.  How wrong they were! So you think there is some connection between discovery of what techniques are used to detect countermeasures and a suit by someone that they followed your posted advice, admitted using countermeasures? Where did you learn that? Did you sleep through most of your classes in civil procedure?
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