Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) A Polygraph Failure (Read 41317 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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A Polygraph Failure
Oct 26th, 2002 at 6:29pm
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On 19 October 2002, the Albuquerque Journal featured an opinion article by Sandia National Laboratories senior scientist Alan P. Zelicoff titled, "A Polygraph Failure."

In this article, Dr. Zelicoff lambastes former Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, who is now a candidate in New Mexico's gubernatorial elections. It was Bill Richardson who brought polygraph screening to the Department of Energy in 1999 following the FBI's seriously botched investigation of suspected espionage by the People's Republic of China, an investigation that was seriously misdirected based on an irrational institutional faith in polygraphy (regarding which, see Chapter 2 of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector and the sources cited there).

The New Mexico gubernatorial race is a rare one in which a candidate's past advocacy of polygraphy may come back to haunt him. The state of New Mexico is home to both Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory. The scientists and engineers whom Bill Richardson treated with such disrespect only three years ago may constitute a significant voting bloc in a state with such a small population.

Dr. Zelicoff's article is reproduced below for discussion purposes:


A Lie Detector Failure
By Alan P. Zelicoff Physician and Scientist

After basking in the national spotlight -- first as a peripatetic congressman meeting with rogue dictators, then U.N. ambassador and finally as a cabinet secretary -- Bill Richardson hoped for a spot on the Democratic national ticket. But his "rising star" petered out, and he came to embody the Peter Principle instead. 

Saddled with a disastrous security scandal not of his making, he rose to the level of his own incompetence by taking a bad problem at Department of Energy laboratories and making it even worse. 

In this shameful and very sad story are lessons for New Mexicans who might still be thinking he'd make a good governor.

There is no question that Richardson's predecessor as secretary of energy, Hazel O'Leary, sowed the seeds that led to lost nuclear secrets and missing hard drives. O'Leary systematically deconstructed basic security measures at the labs by, among other things, removing guards and replacing them with turnstiles. 

No longer would visitors (or even staff) be subject to search upon entering or leaving -- hence the loss of an otherwise visible deterrent to spying or even careless handling of classified data and electronic media.

Predictable disaster followed in 1999, and when it did, Secretary Richardson -- then running for the Democratic vice-presidential nomination and desperate to show how he could be "tough on national security" -- slapped a counter-productive, sweeping polygraph program on all of the employees at Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore labs.

Senior administrators advised against this in the strongest terms, citing the obvious adverse effects on morale at a time when the labs were competing with Silicon Valley for talented engineers and computer scientists. 

Senior scientific staff prepared detailed surveys of the track record of polygraphs, pointing out that the most damaging spies in U.S. history -- double agents Aldrich Ames, Karl Koecher, Larry Wu-Tai Chin and Ana Belen Montes -- all passed their CIA polygraphs multiple times and that polygraphs never caught any spies. 

The scientists suggested that guards be reinstated, and that security clearances be limited to those workers who really needed them. Richardson listened to none of it, and when confronted at Sandia in 1999 about his obvious disregard for the basic dignity of loyal lab employees, Richardson waved his hand dismissively in the air and with a pained expression on his face complained with an exasperated huff: "Oh, it's all just politics." This from a cabinet secretary entrusted with nuclear weapons?
Richardson twisted arms in Congress to get funds for his polygraph program and crowed on the PBS News Hour, "What we have done since I came on board is we've instituted polygraphs for anybody that has sensitive access."

That decision sentenced 15,000 people to degrading four-hour inquisitions. He reiterated precisely the same words on CBS and ABC News several days later, ruling out any doubt that he meant exactly what he said.

But this week, the National Academy of Sciences released a two-year study on the efficacy of polygraphs. The study concluded: "Its accuracy in distinguishing actual or potential security violators from innocent test takers is insufficient to justify reliance on its use in employee security screening in federal agencies" -- almost exactly what lab scientists told Richardson in 1999.
So, now Richardson is running away from his self-serving decision, claiming, "I only wanted a very narrow group of people to be polygraphed" -- an obvious fib even to political partisans.

But his lying doesn't stop there. Richardson also now claims that it was he who asked for the National Academy study. But it was fellow Democrat and senator Jeff Bingaman who bravely questioned the secretary's security plans at an open DOE hearing that Richardson sponsored, and organized the Senate resolution that funded the NAS study.

Richardson's blatant lying is demeaning not only to the 10,000 New Mexicans who work at Sandia and Los Alamos; he thinks the rest of the citizenry are dupes as well. 

Bill Richardson has failed his test as an executive, electing instead to put his own career before those of some of New Mexico's most talented and productive workers. While it is true he freed a few hostages in foreign lands, he condemned thousands of Americans to a useless, low-tech electronic inquisition that squandered millions of dollars and damaged the reputations of lab employees and the labs themselves.

I don't know if either of his opponents would make good governors, but if honesty is important, it would be very hard to do worse than Bill Richardson.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box george

Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #1 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 4:59am
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You sure have alot of free time on your hands.
Do you have any type of real employment?
We all know that the FBI would not take you. Grin
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #2 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:33am
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You, evidently, have enough time to read this site. What is your line of work? Are you a polygrapher for or otherwise employed by the FBI, CIA, local LE, etc.? What business is it of yours to inquire about the line of work of anyone on these boards?

My guess is that you are a polygrapher and can see the hand writing on the wall and knowing your retraining is in the near future.

I believe Mr. Maschke is working on his doctorate. What is your education, 8th. grade?

Post something of substance so it may be debated. That is if it is intelligent enough to be debated.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box george

Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #3 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:47am
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Seems the last time I checked ,about 3 years age, he was working on his PHD.  I guess thats a good cover for people such as yourself that don't want feel the need to contribute to society.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #4 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:56am
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Do not waste your time talking to this one, he is far too smart for you.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #5 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 8:21am
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Do not waste your time talking to this one, he is far too smart for you.

Yep.  Troll.

Unfortunately, that's about the level of discourse most pro-polygraph people have demonstrated here  Sad

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #6 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 11:14am
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There are those who use their free time in productive and meaningful ways, and those who aimlessly surf the Internet, pausing for some cheap cyper sex or placed in which they can blindly confront people in attempts to make up for their lack of self-esteem.
What you choose to do with your time becomes evident in the verbiage you spew out of your keyboard.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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"There are only two sins:
 The first is to interfere
with the growth of another
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second is to interfere
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #7 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 11:15am
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^places  For those uneducated in the language of Typoism
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box An American Girl

Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #8 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 3:31pm
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I think that George M. is brilliant, thorough, articulate, and he has a sexy voice, too.  I admire his tenacity and this excellent web site.   That other, lower case george is just jealous because George M. is indeed contributing to society, considering that anyone with any wits who is forced to undergo a screening polygraph would go to this site.  

Lower case george, go set up your own web site for jealous people.


An American Girl

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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"There are only two sins:
 The first is to interfere
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #9 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 4:06pm
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My oh does get interesting in here!
Mr. Maschke is indeed a most reputable, intelligent, and concerned individual.  His efforts are widely appreciated, and if you consider the time alone that he puts into this site, you will conclude that his passion and perserverance are a great loss to our LE community.  However, his loss has become the gain of many, and through his hard work, may this unjust nonsense of polygraphy be banished!   
This is in fact, the very thing that our LE wants us to believe their life's work is all about - the fight for justice.  Few ever reach the levels of accomplishment in the pursuit of justice as George Maschke.
There are those here that I have conversed with who mirror this high level of articulation, intelligence, and respect.  May all others wander on two doors down to the lowercase rooms.
As for the comment on his voice, as with that of Dr. Drew C. Richardson, it conveys a highly authoratative and level-headed person.  If that is sexy, then I suppose George and Drew should consider becoming the Calendar Boys for (a potential calendars where these learned men give a daily dose of their most impressive statements for the entire month...while the women swoon from the soothing sounds of their voices?  ROTFLMAO  Oh, and we could even hold auditions from the others who post in here..those with the best voices submit their statements...we only lack 10 more voices to have a full year calendar ready)
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #10 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 4:42pm
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I think that George M. is brilliant, thorough, articulate, and he has a sexy voice, too.  I admire his tenacity and this excellent web site.   That other, lower case george is just jealous because George M. is indeed contributing to society, considering that anyone with any wits who is forced to undergo a screening polygraph would go to this site.  

Lower case george, go set up your own web site for jealous people.


An American Girl

Well, George-the-larger,
Perhaps we need to open another message board dedicated to your female admirers Cheesy

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box george

Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #11 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:00pm
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Thats pretty funny "ALL AMERICAN GIRL" that someone would even mention AMERICAN to a guy that dosn't even live in the greatest country in the world. Is there a reason for that??
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #12 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 6:23pm
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Serpico, an honest police officer who uncovered one of the largest police corruption cases in New York City, does not live in America.  Serpico sacrificed his career and was severely wounded in the line of service for what he believed in. 

America has many soldiers and foreign diplomats which spend most of their lives and careers not on American soil, yet they serve America well.

Anyone, who is committed to serving the greater good, will scare self-centered people the most.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box george

Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #13 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 7:12pm
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My My MY. It didnt take long for the cult to respond. Did it George
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Re: A Polygraph Failure
Reply #14 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 7:49pm
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Dear george,

You are starting to remind of a child who has to get attention by misbehaving.  I sense by your last comments you seem a little jealous about George M.'s "cult".  Right or wrong, he has inspired many people to admire his efforts on this website.

Somehow I think you are very angry because you cannot inspire such feelings in others about yourself.
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