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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA (Read 21809 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joseph
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Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Aug 31st, 2002 at 6:24am
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I have been following this site with interest for just about one year now.  I have finally decided to share my two experiences becuase I really want feedback from the members of this site.  Here it goes.

I was a reserve police officer for the LAPD from 1990 to 1993.  In 1993, I was accused of fondling my 16 year old neighbor's breasts over her clothing.  A criminal investigation was conducted by the LA County Sheriff's Department (I lived in a county area at the time) and I was cleared completely.  I had proof that she was lying.  To keep this post short and readable I have omitted the details, but I would be happy to discuss the entire incident in other posts if anyone is interested.

Since I was a police officer, LAPD's Internal Affairs also investigated the incident after the LASD completed the criminal investigation.  The lead IAD investigator told me that it came down to my word against hers.  While he felt that I am a credible person and that my neighbor was not very credible (she kept changing major detials of her story), he would like me to take a polygraph to erase any shadow of a doubt in his mind.  He told me that if I passed the poly, he would be convinced of my innocence and he would close the case as unfounded.

When I took the poly, I was told that I was DI on all relevant questions and that I used countermeasures by controlling my breathing.  I was telling the entire truth during the exam.  I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, or in any other sexual or inappropriate manner.  While I was controlling my breathing, I was not attempting any countermeasures.  At that time, I did not know what countermeasures were or how to employ them.  I was controlling my breathing by breathing in deeply and rhythmically as way to remain calm.  I have done this since I was a child.  If I had any idea that this behavior could be considered an indication of deception, I would not have done so.  During the test, the poly examiner never said anything about my breathing.  I only learned that the examiner accused me of using countermeasures after the test.

I was subjected to a hostile post test interrogation by not one, but two investigators.  I contuined to insist that I was not lying, no matter what the machine said.  Again, to keep this post readable, I am leaving out a lot of detail but the second investigator told me that if I confessed I would just be suspeneded and not fired.  Since being a police officer was the fullfillment of a lifelong dream, I foolishly belived him and said I was guilty of fondling my neighbor.  Of course, I was immediately fired and not suspended as I was told.

This has kept me out of law enforcement for 9 years.  Over this past year, I have decided to apply to numerous law enforcement agencies in the LA area, since other than this incident I have a lily-white background and lot of time as passed since the incident.  As soon as I tell them in the oral interview what happend to me with LAPD, I fail the interview.  Except one.  A small suburban agency decided to give me a shot.  I passed the interview and proceeded to the background.   

Last week, my background investigator called me and told me that everyone he has spoken to about me has given me a  positively glowing reference.  He said that he has reviewed the LAPD incident and that he is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.  He told me that if I pass his agency's CVSA exam, he would recomend me for hire.

I took the CVSA exam two days ago, and failed that one as well.  This exam was a relevant/irrelevant test.  Once again, I told the entire truth, and employed no countermeasures.  The CVSA examiner refused to tell me which questions he says I was deceptive on.  He did say that I was showing deception on a question that I should not have shown any deception on.  I found this very interesting.  I am curious to know what others on this site think of my situation.  I would really like to hear what polycop and publicservant have to say.  I was totally honset, employed no countermeasures, but still failed.  Why is that? ???
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #1 - Aug 31st, 2002 at 10:36am
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Let me be the first to give a reply.  It took you 15 sentences into yout post to offer some sort of denial regarding the allegation against you.  In that denial you simply state, "I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, or in any other sexual or inappropriate manner."  Interesting way to pu it.  You "had" never (slight change in tense) touched your neighbors breasts , or (gramatical error) in any other sexual or inappropriate manner (qualifier).  In what manner did you touch her breasts then? 

Again, another "innocent" who admits guilt just to get out from under.  You actually admitted to sexually assaulting your 16 year old neighbor when you didn't really do it, and only because you were offered some sort of deal?

Here's the answer as to why you failed both the polygraph and the CVSA, you lied!  You touched that girl's breasts in some manner.  She may not have been totally factual in her allegation, however the gist of her allegation was true and you know it.

No doubt some on this site will jump to your defense, however I would caution them about continuing to give advise to individuals such as yourself.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #2 - Aug 31st, 2002 at 1:20pm
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When you accuse Joseph  of having lied (you wrongly addressed him as "Johnson," which makes one wonder just how carefully you read his post), you draw too much conclusion on the basis of too little evidence.

First, you claim that it took Joseph 15 sentences before he made some kind of denial. Not true. His 6th & 7th sentences are:

A criminal investigation was conducted by the LA County Sheriff's Department (I lived in a county area at the time) and I was cleared completely.  I had proof that she was lying.

Joseph also attests to his innocence in his 14th sentence, where he writes:

I was telling the entire truth during the exam.

Your conclusion that Joseph lied seems to be based largely on the following sentence (the 15th):

I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, or in any other sexual or inappropriate manner.

You assume based on a grammatical error in the above sentence that Joseph must have touched his neighbors breasts in some manner. That's not necessarily the case. What Joseph seems to have meant to write is, "I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, nor had I touched her in any other sexual or inappropriate manner."

Joseph's use of the past perfect tense is entirely consistent with his use of the past continuous in the previous ("I was telling the entire truth during the exam") and following ("While I was controlling my breathing, I was not attempting any countermeasures") sentences. While Joseph's use of the past perfect does leave open the possibility that he touched his neighbor's breasts some time after the polygraph interrogation, there is no rational basis for assuming this to have occurred.

Batman, you seem to be a student of what is called "statement analysis." Perhaps you've been trained in the "Scientific Content Analysis" or "SCAN" technique advanced by Avinoam Sapir, a former Israeli police polygrapher who now runs what he calls the Laboratory for Scientific Interrogation, Inc. While the methodology Sapir teaches may be useful in critically evaluating a statement, there is nothing "scientific" about it, and the "Laboratory for Scientifc Interrogation" has not published any research whatsoever. For further reading, see Robert A. Shearer's article, "Statement analysis: SCAN or scam? (scientific content analysis)" which was published in the May-June 1999 issue of Skeptical Inquirer.

Because of the emotionally charged nature of the relevant questions in Joseph's LAPD polygraph interrogation, it is especially easy to understand how he could have "failed" this pseudoscientific "test" despite telling the truth.

Moreover, it is not unheard of for innocent persons to make false confessions. Joseph seems to have been naive and gullible. His interrogators falsely convinced him that he was going to be fired if he did not make a confession, but that if he confessed, he would only be suspended. Such a Hobson's choice gives a trusting innocent person a powerful incentive to make a false confession. This seems to be precisely what happened in the case of Egyptian student Abdallah Higazy, from whom an FBI polygrapher coerced a false confession regarding his alleged ownership of an aviation radio, leading to Higazy's wrongful incarceration in solitary confinement for about a month. He'd no doubt still be in jail had not the rightful owner of the radio come forward. (For more on this, see the message thread, Polygraph helps coerce false confession.)

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joseph
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2002 at 11:16pm
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Thanks for your response.  Sorry about my grammatical errors, but I tend to write how I talk.  I qualified my denial with, "in any sexual or inappropriate manner" because there were times when I had touched my neighbor on her arm, her back, and her shoulder.  Once again, these were not sexual touchings and that is an important distinction.  So, one of the relevant questions on both my LAPD poly and the other agency's CVSA was, "Have you ever touched XXXX in an inappropriate way?" rather than just, "Have you ever touched XXXX?"

As far as my false confession goes, like George says, I was young (22 at the time), naive, and terrified.  The IAD investigator made it clear that the only way to clear my name was to pass this poly exam.  I was afraid of the consequences should I fail the exam (loss of my childhood dream, shame and embarassment in front of my fellow officers, not being able to work in law enforcement ever again, etc) and was under extreme pressure and stress.  The night before the exam, I only got about two hours of sleep, because I was so worried about the outcome of the poly.  I did not eat or drink anything before the poly.  So when I walked in the door of Parker Center I only had a been awake for about 20 hours and had nothing to eat for over eight hours.  I have no doubt that these two circumstances contributed to my lack of judgement that day.

In addition, the poly examiner who actually administered the exam to me subjected me to a very unpleasant post test interrogation for about two hours, during which I steadfastly denied my guilt and I maintained that I had told the entire truth during the exam.  The first examiner left (the "bad cop") and about 30 minutes later the second examiner (the "good cop") entered and interrogated me for about another hour.

During the second interrogation I continued to deny my guilt and insisted that I was not lying during the poly exam.  This second interrogator was much more pleasant than the first.  It was the second examiner who told me that he knew I was guilty, and as a result I was going to be fired.  But not because of what my neighbor accused me of doing, but because I was lying during the investigation.  He said that was a much more serious charge.  If I just told the truth and confessed, the department would know I was trustworthy and deserved to be a police officer.  If I confessed, he would see to it that I just got suspended and not fired.  I could then resume my law enforcement career with a clean slate.  Becasue of all the mitigating circumstances I listed above, I stupidly believed this second person and agreed to confess just so I would not be fired.

The next day, I realized what I had done, so I called up IAD and told them I was retracting my confession.  I only confessed because the second poly examiner told me I would only be suspended and not fired if I confessed.  As a result of that, I was reinterviewed by IAD, but they refused to throw out my confession.  They said that once it was out of my mouth, there was no taking it back.  As a result of my confession only, the complaint was sustained.  All my evidence that proved my neighbor was lying about the whole incident was ignored.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fred F.
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #4 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 3:42am
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I am inclined to believe your statements as I work for the LASD and they are VERY thorough investigating police officers accused of crimes as well as their own through the IAB. What is suprising is that the LASD didn't run a polygraph on you. How long did they investigate the allegations? If they were that satisfied with the results without a poly, then it would be a fair assumption you did nothing wrong.

What I find troubling is that the LAPD seems to have totally ignored the LASD investigation. You don't mention the LAPD IAD having any comment on the LASD's inquiry. Will you please elaborate on that point? It seems like there is no spirit of cooperation between agencies here.

You were a police officer, you had your integrity challenged and you stuck to your guns. The LASD cleared you, that wasn't good enough for the LAPD. The LAPD invstigators LIED in order to extract a confession that didn't exist. You were young and naive, they worked that to their advantage. I hope that you have read The Lie Behind The Lie Detector and educated yourself about the pseudoscience of polygraphy. 

Fred F. Wink


A quick thought for you. If everyone who can't pass a polygraph is guilty, then why do our revered leaders in Congress refuse to submit to one if they are not guilty of leaking information. Maybe a chance of Deception Indicated?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box jet-journalist

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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #5 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 6:55am
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Let me tell you, I know how you feel about watching your childhood dream fade away. You may want to look into a non-polygraph department such as NYPD or Phili PD. They hire LOTS, especially NYPD, They hired almost 900 officers. Some with misdermeanors that were waved. Do three years there then re-apply in California. Thats what a friend of mine did. 

You never seem to amaze me, you would change the wording on COPS on TV theme song to "all suspects are guilty until proven innocent in a court of law!" I noticed you havent answered my question in reference to the Drill Sergeant wrongfuly court martialed, who passed the poly but was still court martialed.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #6 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 2:29pm
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Joseph, Johnson, Bnicknell, Friendtoall, I admit it, I sometimes get them all mixed up.  My apologigies to Johnson for throwing him in with such a group as the rest.

Now Joseph, how naive were you at age 22 and having been a reserve police officer from 1990 to 1993?  You would want me to believe you just fell off the turnip truck, however it is apparent you had been hanging around the lamp post for at least a few years.  You were afraid of the "shame and embarassment" in front of your fellow officers, and "not being able to work in law enforcement ever again, etc."  First, what exactly is the "etc" that you seem reluctant to reveal.  Second, it would seem to me it would be better to be thought a molester, than to confess and leave no doubt.  Did you really think that by confessing you would put yourself in a better position to remain in law enforcement or maintain the respect of your fellow officers?  Of course you would want me to believe you confesssed because of all the "mitigating circumstances" you listed, not because you actually touched this girl's breasts.   

You admit that you had touched your neighbor on her arm, back, and shoulder.  Under what circumstances?   Were you dating, horsing around, just brushing by?  Over what period of time did this occur?  Was it when you were 19 and she was 13 or was it when you were 22 and she was 16?  Were you two alone or were there others present?  Did you have any other type of physical contact with her, and was your contact limited to one time?  Why do you think the allegation was made?  What prompted her to accuse you of touching her breasts when, as you state, you only touched her arm, back, and shoulder?  You may believe your touching of her (to whatever extent this was) was appropriate therefore you believe you were telling the truth during your polygraph.  If the polygraph examiner was so stupid as to actually ask, "Have you ever touched XXXX in an inappropriate way?" then shame on him.  How would you have done if he simply asked, "Did you ever touch XXXX's breasts at any time?"

Once again, in a rather lengthy post you still do not come right out and deny the allegation.  You spin a good tale as to how you denied your guilt in past interviews, but you have yet to simply say, "I did not touch her breasts in any way at any time."

I have been told that I have drawn too much conclusion on too little evidence.  I draw my conclusion on what is provided, which in reality is enough.  Joseph, you consciously left out details on both posts which in and of itself is very telling.  Again if I were a betting man, I would say that on at least one ocassion you had some type of sexual encounter with your 16 year old neighbor.  It may have gone further than she alleged, but the bottom line is she eventually levied an allegation that you touched her breasts, over her clothes.  Now the question is, was it a willing encounter that maybe she wanted to build on, but you did not, therefore she makes the allegation, or is it possible that maybe you read something into your 16 year old neighbor's actions and took it upon yourself to go one step further.  Maybe she never stopped your touching of her arm, shoulder and back therefore you tought you could go to the next level.  What do you think Joseph?

Jet-Journalist:  Sorry, didn't catch your question about the Drill Sergeant who was wrongfully Court-Martialed.  You mention he passed a polygraph but was still Court-Martialed.  What does the polygraph have to do with his being courted?  I would think the anti-polygraph folks would be glad to see this; the Government actually ignoring the results of such bogus science and pressing on Grin.  Also, if polygraph is such a farce, then why would a passed polygraph prove anything?  We all know it simply doesn't work. Wink  It all Voodoo Science.  It would be interesting to know more about the case.  Where can I go to obtain more information?   


PS: Joseph, I appreciate your coming to your own defense, however you'll have to a bit quicker on the draw to beat George and a few others.  Beech Trees must be on vacation or he would have been right behind George.  George, when you come to a quick stop do you ever feel Beech Trees?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #7 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 2:49pm
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You write in part:

I have been told that I have drawn too much conclusion on too little evidence.  I draw my conclusion on what is provided, which in reality is enough....

No. It's not enough. Your analysis is seriously flawed, for the reasons I explained in detail above, and to which you have not substantively responded. Your childish quip, "George, when you come to a quick stop do you ever feel Beech Trees?" is a poor substitute for a reasoned argument.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #8 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 5:54pm
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Roger that George, but why not let Joseph speak for himself.  Again, what's with you guys that you can't let someone offer their own defense, and how come nobody defends little old me when folks like Jet come after me Cry.

Joseph, what do you think?  How far off base am I?  Even though others want to deflect what I am saying, you are the only one posting on this site who really knows how accurate I have been here.   

Like I said, you have to be pretty quick in your response or folks like George will beat you to it.  Don't let thme speak for you.  Offer up your own denials if you will, or will you keep    Lips Sealed.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #9 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 6:09pm
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You accused Joseph of lying based solely on your "statement analysis" of his initial post. Again, as I have pointed out, your conclusion went well beyond the evidence of that text.

Why won't you substantively respond to my critique of your analysis (in the 3rd message of this thread)? I take your lack of any substantive response (combined with your puerile taunts and request that I "let Joseph speak for himself") as a tacit admission on your part that your conclusion that Joseph lied was not well-reasoned.

George W. Maschke
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Tel/SMS: 1-202-810-2105 (Please use Signal Private Messenger or WhatsApp to text or call.)
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Personal Statement: "Too Hot of a Potato"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #10 - Sep 1st, 2002 at 10:33pm
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Are you Joseph by proxy or what?  Let the guy have some air time will ya!  I don't know what you want me to respond to.  I have come to my conclusions, whether you believe them to be right or wrong is of no consequence.  Regardless, there is no way I would be able to convince you so I will simply state again, I believe Joseph did what his 16 year old neighbor accused him of, if not more.  This is based on a variety of factors.  He did not deny it in either of his posts (someone saying he was "telling the truth during the entire exam" is not a denial when he doesn't tell us exactly what he was asked during the exam), he failed a polygraph (even though we all know that doesn't count for anything), he confessed to it (but he was young and naive, hungry, and tired), and he failed a CVSA (for what that may or not be worth), but to his credit, he did not specify as to what issue he actually failed that particular test on, even though I suspect it pertained to the neighbor's allegation.

Why do you believe he didn't do it?  What do you base that conclusion on?  Whatever basis you have for that conclusion is most likely less sound than mine.  Or do you believe he is not being totally honest in his postings?  You mention the possibility of his "leaving open the possibility he touched his neighbor's breasts...".  What do you mean by this?  Do you believe him or not?  I would think you would get a little sore by constantly riding that fence.  Personally I think you don't believe him, you're just afraid to say it.  Well, I'm not.  Joseph did what was alleged by his neighbor, if not more.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #11 - Sep 2nd, 2002 at 12:34am
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You write:

Are you Joseph by proxy or what?  Let the guy have some air time will ya!

My critique of your analysis does not deny any "air time" to Joseph. But it seems to upset you.

I don't know what you want me to respond to.

Honest?  Roll Eyes 
I have come to my conclusions, whether you believe them to be right or wrong is of no consequence.

Regardless, there is no way I would be able to convince you...

The only person you can truly know will not be convinced by rational argument is yourself, Batman.

Quote: I will simply state again, I believe Joseph did what his 16 year old neighbor accused him of, if not more.  This is based on a variety of factors.  He did not deny it in either of his posts (someone saying he was "telling the truth during the entire exam" is not a denial when he doesn't tell us exactly what he was asked during the exam), he failed a polygraph (even though we all know that doesn't count for anything), he confessed to it (but he was young and naive, hungry, and tired), and he failed a CVSA (for what that may or not be worth), but to his credit, he did not specify as to what issue he actually failed that particular test on, even though I suspect it pertained to the neighbor's allegation.

Joseph very clearly denied his then 16-year-old neighbor's accusation in his first post, multiple times, as I pointed out in my first reply to you. It's true that he did not explicitly state, "I did not fondle my 16-year-old neighbor's breasts," but he did state the following:

  • "A criminal investigation was conducted by the LA County Sheriff's Department (I lived in a county area at the time) and I was cleared completely.  I had proof that she was lying."
  • "I was telling the entire truth during the exam." (The matter under investigation in the LAPD IAD polygraph exam was the neighbor's allegations.)
  • "I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, or in any other sexual or inappropriate manner." (Again, this sentence admittedly contains a grammatical error, but the intent seems to have been, "I had never touched my neighbor's breasts, nor had I touched her in any other sexual or inappropriate manner.")

These statements substantively amount to a denial of the neighbor's accusation. But you seemingly disregard all this because Joseph did not explicitly state "I didn't do it." Your thinking in this regard seems to be heavily influenced by the doctrines of Avinoam Sapir of the Laboratory for Scientific Interrogation, Inc. As I recall (I took his "Scientific Content Analysis," or "SCAN" course in the mid-1980s), one of the cornerstones of his technique was to "scan" a suspect's statement for an explicit "I didn't do it" statement, and that the absence of such a statement was an indication of guilt.

It should be borne in mind, however, that Sapir's methodology (like CQT polygraphy) has no grounding in the scientific method. It's codified conjecture (some of it admittedly plausible) masquerading as "science." A second point that should perhaps be borne in mind is that Sapir's statement analysis methodology is centered on suspects (or potential suspects) who have been asked to "tell their story" to investigators. Joseph wrote his statement under a different set of circumstances. He didn't write this statement to give his side of the story to investigators who may have suspected him of a crime. Everything he wrote was prefatory to his question about how it is that he failed a CVSA "test" even though he was totally honest and did not employ countermeasures (a question I have not yet addressed).

You cite Joseph's failure of a polygraph "test" as a reason for not believing him, parenthetically adding, "even though we all know that doesn't count for anything." Well, obviously, his having "failed" a polygraph "test" does mean something to you, Batman. Why else would you cite it as a reason for not believing Joseph?

You note that Joseph confessed to the neighbor's accusation. Here at last is a plausible reason for doubting his denial. But you flippantly add, "but he was young and naive, hungry, and tired." I suggest that Joseph's explanation of how he was induced to make a false confession is entirely plausible, and consistent with experience in other cases, like that of Abdallah Higazy. (On the subject of false confessions, see Peter Brooks' op-ed piece "The Truth About Confessions" in today's (1 Sep. 2002) New York Times.)

You also cite as a reason for doubting Joseph's veracity his failure of a CVSA "test." But failing (or passing) a CVSA "test" is evidence of absolutely nothing, and your citing this as a reason for disbelieving Joseph speaks more to your ignorance than to Joseph's truthfulness or lack thereof.

CVSA "testing" is completely unsupported by any peer-reviewed research whatsoever. Like CQT polygraphy, it's a fraud. Some anecdotal evidence that may nonetheless be of interest: I had the opportunity earlier this year to experiment with a CVSA laptop computer. I simply uttered the word "No" into the microphone without any question being asked. I was under no stress whatsoever. But about 1/3 of the time, the CVSA software indicated stress (and hence deception) in my voice.

You also write:

Why do you believe he didn't do it?  What do you base that conclusion on?

I have not said that I believe he didn't do it. My point to you was that your conclusion that he did goes well beyond the evidence of his statement.

However, I do find that Joseph's account is completely plausible. His civil reply to your venomous and ill-reasoned accusations adds to his credibility, in my opinion.

You mention the possibility of his "leaving open the possibility he touched his neighbor's breasts...".  What do you mean by this?

If you understood what the past perfect tense is, you would not have asked this question. What I meant was this: Joseph wrote in his first post, "I had never touched my neighbor's breasts..." If this is true, it still leaves open the possiblity that he had touched his neighbor's breasts at some point in time after the polygraph examination. Get it? Nonetheless, as I mentioned earlier, there is no rational basis for assuming this post-examination touching of breasts to have occurred.

Do you believe him or not?

I see no compelling reason not to. Of course, it's possible he has not told the truth here, but your ill-reasoned "statement analysis" is not convincing.

I would think you would get a little sore by constantly riding that fence.  Personally I think you don't believe him, you're just afraid to say it.  Well, I'm not.  Joseph did what was alleged by his neighbor, if not more.

Perhaps I'm just more reluctant to label people as liars based on the scantest of evidence (or no evidence at all) than you are, Batman.
« Last Edit: Sep 2nd, 2002 at 12:51am by George W. Maschke »  

George W. Maschke
I am generally available in the chat room from 3 AM to 3 PM Eastern time.
Tel/SMS: 1-202-810-2105 (Please use Signal Private Messenger or WhatsApp to text or call.)
Wire: @ap_org
Threema: A4PYDD5S
Personal Statement: "Too Hot of a Potato"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #12 - Sep 2nd, 2002 at 1:34am
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I'm tired and have to take a nap so I'll get back to you tomorrow, however, I'd swear you and Beech Trees are one and the same.  This last post of yours looks and sounds a lot like his responses to several of my past posts.  It's almost creepy how similar they are.  The pulling of the quotes with short little one word responses, and the tone; just rings a lot like Beech.  Kinda wierd, don't ya think? Undecided  Honestly, are you him or is he you.  I know I'm me, but I don't know if you're him.  You know what I mean?   

Tomorrow I'll adress some of his/your comments in your/his last post.  You know this can get confusing, how about I just refer to you as "G-B" from now on. Wink  Later.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #13 - Sep 2nd, 2002 at 1:39am
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  

I am not "Beech Trees." I give you my word of honor, for what it may be worth to you.


George W. Maschke
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Re: Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA
Reply #14 - Sep 2nd, 2002 at 3:41am
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  
Batman wrote on Sep 2nd, 2002 at 1:34am:
I'm tired and have to take a nap so I'll get back to you tomorrow, however, I'd swear you and Beech Trees are one and the same.  This last post of yours looks and sounds a lot like his responses to several of my past posts.  It's almost creepy how similar they are.  The pulling of the quotes with short little one word responses, and the tone; just rings a lot like Beech.  Kinda wierd, don't ya think? Undecided  Honestly, are you him or is he you.  I know I'm me, but I don't know if you're him.  You know what I mean?  

Tomorrow I'll adress some of his/your comments in your/his last post.  You know this can get confusing, how about I just refer to you as "G-B" from now on. Wink  Later.

Schizophrenia (SKITS-oh-FREEN-ee-uh)---one of the most damaging of all mental disorders---causes its victims to lose touch with reality. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren't really there (hallucinations) or become convinced of things that simply aren't true (delusions)... the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal grandeur.

Other symptoms (I have taken the liberty of placing in bold face those symptoms most glaringly obvious):

  • Inability to make decisions
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations 
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits, energy level, or weight 
  • Delusions
  • Nervousness
  • Strange statements or behavior
  • Withdrawal from friends, work, or school 
  • Neglect of personal hygiene 
  • Anger
  • Indifference to the opinions of others
  • A tendency to argue
  • A conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you

Enjoy your nap. We'll be here when you wake up.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~ Thomas Paine
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Truthfull but Still Failed a Poly and CVSA

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