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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box AMM

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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #30 - Apr 10th, 2002 at 2:31am
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Oh, so very, very clever.  You really hurt me with that one. Im sorry; must have struck a raw nerve...just writing what everyone is thinking.  Looks like you can dish it out, but, well you know the rest of the story since you obviously know (or admittedly pretend to know) everything else.  Your mom must be never disappoint.   How easy it is to push your little buttons; must be a self esteem issue...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #31 - Apr 10th, 2002 at 5:26am
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AMM states:

but, well you know the rest of the story since you obviously know (or admittedly pretend to know) everything else

When have I ever claimed that I know everything?  I have never once made such a statement,  and have only consistently posted messages in a logical and factual manner.

My polygraph-based posts have used information directly learned from The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.  If you believe that George Maschke and Gino are are "know-it-alls,"  then I suggest you take up an argument with them...not me.   

My drug-related posts have been based solely on facts derived from professionaly-run studies.  If you would like,  you can argue with the entire professional world as well.  I guess they are know-it-alls too...eyy?

How easy it is to push your little buttons; must be a self esteem issue...

What an odd and contradicting statement!  On one hand you boast about pushing my buttons,  clearly a behavior of someone with a self-esteem problem (have you ever seen the classic bully in school who picks on kids because he or she feels like shit about themself?),  and then you go on to tell me that I'm the one with a self-esteem issue.  An equivelant statement would read,  "Jesus dare you say God's name in vain!"

Your initial lashing out at me--coupled with your comment claiming that I think I am a "know-it-all"--indicates that you have an underlying inferiority complex;  this is the type of behavior people exhibit when they feel inferior...they try and suppress others who make them feel inadequate in a subconscious attempt to make themselves look (and feel) better (about themselves).  Simple psychology.

Let me leave you with another contradictory stament you made:

I am just writing what everyone is obviously know (or admittedly pretend to know) everything 

Apparantly you're a mind-reader,  as you know what everyone is thinking.  Perhaps you,  my friend,  think that you know everything...? 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box AMM

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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #32 - Apr 10th, 2002 at 5:30pm
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While it was my intention to “rest my case” on Ms. Netin’s rationalization, since it is clear she can’t take ANY criticism (playful or otherwise, and therein lies her self esteem “issues”), I found one comment from her significantly interesting:

“When have I ever claimed that I know everything?  I have never once made such a statement,  and have only consistently posted messages in a logical and factual manner.”

I suppose included in those “logical and factual” posts would be the ones you fabricated to slander DUC748.  What did the Administrator have to say about that on 3/1/02?  Oh, yeah:

“Netnin, to send a profane private message and then falsely deny it reflects poorly on one's judgment and credibility, but to fabricate defamatory words and falsely attribute them to others is downright slanderous. Such behavior is unwelcome here. Please cease and desist.”

Your posts and willingness to lie about them (and then rationalize those lies) speak volumes about your utter lack of character and credibility. (Maybe you have an excuse; maybe you were stoned when you wrote them.)  With that, I will end my participation and cede the floor to Ms. Netin, since I KNOW she will insist on having the last word.  Please, don’t disappoint us…I know you will never, ever be able to resist.

Oh, and by the way, I have in fact received private messages agreeing with my position on your character and personality…
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #33 - Apr 10th, 2002 at 8:57pm
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In the present chain of posts that you are now examining (above),  you will find the following support for my argument about the use of marijuana as a recreational drug.

Fred F. States:

Your logic is plausible and your defense of even more so. There are probably many Police Officers that may very well smoke marijuana occasionally as a stress reduction measure. 

Bear States:
I agree with your position on the severity of weed. You're preaching to the choir on that issue. 

Fred--pot and alcohol is a faulty analogy, apples and baseballs. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it should carry the weight of all illegal activity. For example, any sexual position other than the missionary position is illegal in most states. This includes oral sex. Are you a criminal based on these laws? Pot does not have the same affect as alcohol or any other drug, including cigarettes. Yet it's still as illegal as oral sex. I do agree that we can't have stoned police officers, but I had rather have a cop who smoked weed on vacation than a drunk who is looking for his/her next drink. Please don't get angry with me, but lets think about priorities and where pot falls. Aren't you in LA anyway?

And Marci States:
Hey finally someone who sees it the way I do!

You,  AMM, state:
Oh, and by the way, I have in fact received private messages agreeing with my position on your character and personality…

What would I rather receive:  1.Support made publicly by those who want to stand up and let their voices be heard in unison? or 2.Support from individuals who want their opinions expressed in privacy (for whatever reason,  including fear of rejection from the whole?)

Hmm...I think I like the former.  

As for your comments about the game-playing that I can't help myself from indulging in every now and then,  I have always made it clear that I am the type of person who enjoys posted verbal-wars and silly arguments/battles.  

Regarding my battle with Duc748,  I apologized and,  as I have done many other times,  brought to everyones attention how much I truly love controversy,  playing games,  and arguing (to no end, as in this case)  until there isn't anything left to argue about.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Duc, and to all those who I have misled.  I am simply a sicko who thrives in the light of controversy.  

Upon recognition of Duc748's strong character,  competitive nature,  and strong will,  I found him to be an easy target for a posted verbal war...something I tend to get off on.

I clarified my love for chaos in this chain of posts as well:

I have to admit that I like to talk as if I am an expert.  I love being a smartass every now and then!

The fact is that I really don't know anything about beating a drug test other than what I learned from doing a small amount of research (when I thought I would be facing a drug test a couple years back).

Anyone who has taken any time to read my prior posts will know what they are getting themselves into when they partake in a dialogue with me;  this includes you AMM.    

You are just one more of the many who have been sucked in by my ability to verbally manipulate people into feeding (me and) my love for chaos.

Let me ask you (and leave you with) a question:

Who (or what) is at fault in the following situation?

The fire that burns the person? or,

The person who plays with fire and gets burned?

You,  my friend,  have been burned....


« Last Edit: Apr 10th, 2002 at 9:26pm by MissionPoly-ban »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BEAR

Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #34 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 4:17am
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please do not use my quote as support for your argument. Indeed I have that view but I must say that I had this view before you (even if it wasn't made public in this forum) so in all actuality you are supporting my argument.  Wink

As for your notion that you are sucking people into your chaos, believe it or not some may be trying to educate you not argue as I was with the lesson on "flushing". 

And as for the fire you speak of, I think maybe you are getting a little too close to that fire when you use it to fire up your joint. Kiss
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #35 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 5:28am
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What's with the incoherent gibbrish ramblings that seem to be falling from your brain to your fingertips? 

Indeed I have that view but I must say that I had this view before you (even if it wasn't made public in this forum) so in all actuality you are supporting my argument

God forbid you are as articulate in spoken word as you are in typed sound like a second-grader trying your hardest to pass your first grammar quiz (and let me tell you...if that was the case,  you would surely fail with a capital F!)!

please do not use my quote as support for your argument.

Too late...done deal.  Wink

Indeed I have that view but I must say that I had this view before you (even if it wasn't made public in this forum) so in all actuality you are supporting my argument

Correction hun...I used your agreement as a form of support for my argument.  Had you been the one to start the discussion on marijuana use,  and had I been the one to agree with your position,  then you could claim that I supported your argument.

If you didn't want to support my argument in any way,  then you should have never agreed with me...rather,  you should have disagreed with me.

Too late...done deal again.  Wink

As for your notion that you are sucking people into your chaos, believe it or not some may be trying to educate you not argue as I was with the lesson on "flushing".

When did I ever doubt that some people have tried to educate me?  I even went as far as saying that you were the authority on the topic of "flushing":

I am now putting down my gun and throwing my hands up in the air...I believe you to be clearly the more knowledgeable in the area of drug tests.

And as for the fire you speak of, I think maybe you are getting a little too close to that fire when you use it to fire up your joint

I don't smoke pot...why would fire be needed to light up something that isn't there?

For God's sake,  could either you or AMM please come up with one solid argument--written in proper English--for me to ponder?  Your tag-team partnership with AMM only proves that you are both worthy of one connected title:   


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box G Scalabr
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #36 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 5:31am
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This discussion, although fruitful, is not exactly appropriate on this thread. 

Would one of you be so kind as to create a marijuana pro/con thread on one of the other forums. Either the off-topic posts or police (non-polygraph related) forums would be appropriate.

Once again, this discussion is certainly welcome on the message board. If we can, we like to keep things organized to make it easier for newcomers to the board to follow things.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BEAR

Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #37 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 6:25am
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My apologies to Gino and everyone else who had to read all that. At least I didn't apply countermeasures to irrelevant questions, not bad for a second grade education. I guess that makes me dumb and you simply dumber.
« Last Edit: Apr 11th, 2002 at 6:57am by »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #38 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 6:49am
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And on the fourth day God created the "What Will Make You Fail" chain of posts that soon got out of hand...and on the the fifth day He destroyed it!


This concludes the marijuana battle.  I would think it safe for me to say that the opinions are out on the table,  and that nothing further needs to be said.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the "420" discussion.  This was a fun one!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Voyeur

Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #39 - Apr 11th, 2002 at 8:23pm
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To:  Netinyahoo
From: An unbiased observer

What a lame attempt to turn the tables on AMM.  You are the sucker.  AMM predicted that you couldn’t resist, and true to form, you responded with a rambling rationalization for your lack of character.  You would rather die then let someone else have the last word.  

You also tried to bolster your position (in a very pathetic attempt, I might add) by extrapolating Bear’s agreement with you on a very narrow issue (marijuana) into support for you personally.  Incredibly, you then proceeded to flame him when he asked that you not use his quote as support for your argument.  I’m just glad that someone else noticed your pathetic post where you confessed to using countermeasures on an irrelevant.  Just how stupid are you?  Wake up and smell the irony!!!!  Here’s a person with chronic diarrhea of the mouth and delusions of grandeur that is so dumb they couldn’t tell an irrelevant from a control or relevant.  You obviously spend more time running off at the mouth than actually reading what’s on this website.  When I see your posts, I am reminded of an old saying:  “Life’s tough…but it’s tougher when you’re stupid!”

I can only imagine what your reply will be as you surely will have one!  I rarely wish ill will on anyone, but you are most deserving of it.  We see you for what you are: a lying sack who should never be placed in a position of trust.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #40 - Apr 12th, 2002 at 3:22am
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Well good morning,  good afternoon,  and if I don't see you,  good evening to you too Voyeur!

So nice to see that you have been sucked in by my verbal manipulation as well.

In case you don't realize it,  my verbal manipulation comes in the form of dialogue that forces--yes,  FORCES--those who read it to add their two cents.  People just feel,  as in your case,  that they can't walk away with feeding the inferno of chaos that I create.

What a lame attempt to turn the tables on AMM.  You are the sucker.  AMM predicted that you couldn’t resist, and true to form, you responded with a rambling rationalization for your lack of character.  You would rather die then let someone else have the last word. 

Let me set you seem to be missing the point:

I had drawn all these suckers into adding their commentary to my initial post.  I started this whole string of "marijuana"  messages with the initial post I presented on how to pass the drug test.  I knew that it would serve as a controversial topic,  and considering even you had to ramble off your mouth,  I was surely correct.

As I said before,
Anyone who has taken any time to read my prior posts will know what they are getting themselves into when they partake in a dialogue with me

It was clear from the start that I would always want to have the last word.  AMM didn't predict anything...she was well aware of the fact that I would feel obligated to respond.   

How can something that is known be predicted? You have made it clear that you are not a person of logic.   

For God's sake,  could either you or AMM please come up with one solid argument--written in proper English--for me to ponder?  Your tag-team partnership with AMM only proves that you are both worthy of one connected title:   


I stand corrected...

Throwing you into the scenerio yields a connected title of 

"Dumb,  Dumber,  and Dumbest"

My game plays like this:  I throw a controversial topic/post into play,  and whenever anyone makes any type of response,  I consider it a victory for me.   

A response from anyone (to my initial post) is representative of the fact that I was successfully able to verbally manipulate them (and draw them in) into feeding my love for chaos.

You are totally illogical and unaware of reality if you claim that anyone has made me the sucker.  I am winning at my game,  and will only lose when someone allows me to give the last word without them (being verbally manipulated into being forced to have to respond) feeling obligated to respond yet again.   

Hence,  a response from you to this post yields a victory for me,  while no response yields a loss for me (and a victory for all others who have responded to my post).

I have just told you how to beat me at my own you still feel obligated to respond again(?),  even though doing so will just prove that I am the king of manipulation?

Wake up and smell the irony!!!!  Here’s a person with chronic diarrhea of the mouth and delusions of grandeur that is so dumb they couldn’t tell an irrelevant from a control or relevant

Let me correct you yet again...

The reason I used countermeasures on irrelevant questions was because the examiner used disguised control questions.  As soon as I was aware of that fact,  I used countermeasures correctly on only the control questions.

Let me ask you:  Do you have the balls to walk in to a polygraph agency with a tack in your shoe placed strategically so that you could walk absolutely normal,  yet be able to use it during the exam?  Probably not...

I was able to do it two times now because as I said,  I am the king of manipulation.

Go ahead...give me another victory.  Let's hear what you have to say now.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box lay

Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #41 - Apr 12th, 2002 at 5:56am
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"...I have just told you how to beat me at my own you still feel obligated to respond again(?),  even though doing so will just prove that I am the king of manipulation?

...I was able to do it two times now because as I said,  I am the king of manipulation..."
So what is it king or queen?
You seem to have an identity crises.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #42 - Apr 12th, 2002 at 6:57am
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"...I have just told you how to beat me at my own you still feel obligated to respond again(?),  even though doing so will just prove that I am the king of manipulation?

...I was able to do it two times now because as I said,  I am the king of manipulation..."

So what is it king or queen?
You seem to have an identity crises.

Just couldn't resist Lay...could you?

In case you don't realize it,  my verbal manipulation comes in the form of dialogue that forces--yes,  FORCES--those who read it to add their two cents.  People just feel,  as in your case,  that they can't walk away with feeding the inferno of chaos that I create.   

My game plays like this:  I throw a controversial topic/post into play,  and whenever anyone makes any type of response,  I consider it a victory for me.   

A response from anyone (to my initial post) is representative of the fact that I was successfully able to verbally manipulate them (and draw them in) into feeding my love for chaos.

Thanks for keeping the game alive,  and letting me put another notch on the post.

PS:  Something tells me that one of you out there keeps altering your identity.  Some of the above posts are by the same person,  but posted under different names.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #43 - Apr 12th, 2002 at 9:45am
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Just to let everyone know...

I was correct in my hunch that someone was altering their identity.

I just received the following private message from Bear (and no,  this one isn't fabricated like the one I made up for DUC748...George or Gino can verify this for you):

New User 

Posts: 12

     (No subject) on: 04/12/02 at 00:39:42 

ok you busted me on the lay thing but only because you never answered my IM's. 
you really threw me a curve ball with your IM saying you were a male, and once again you have won with baiting me into more responses. 
I am assuring you that I only posted the one message.


And since BEAR didn't want to publicly post her response,  I found it necessary to publicly display BEAR's private message because it serves to show--yet again--that I am still the king of manipulation.   

She couldn't resist responding,  but she was afraid to respond publicly because she knew it would demonstrate her falling further into my game.

Bad bad naughty girl!  "Ohh the web we weave when we deceive."  The truth has been set free.

Who is up to bat next?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MissionPoly-ban
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Re: What will make you fail?
Reply #44 - Apr 12th, 2002 at 10:54pm
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And BEAR responds yet again!

In another private message,  BEAR states:

(04/12/02 at 12:08:25) BEAR has sent you the following Instant Message:


Ok so why are you calling me a female?
And the only reason I sent you the IM is because you were asking me where I lived and what I looked like, I see you failed to mention that.

BEAR seems to be falling further and further into my vicious cycle of manipulation...kind of like an alcoholic that steadily falls further into drinking more and more quantity--only to continuously rationalize why he or she is doing so.

BEAR also stated:
I too laugh when I see the people who simply can't resist and try to take a stab at you.

Funny that she is the one who can't resist, yet laughs at others for doing the same thing...seems to me that she is in a clear state of denial.

Every word a planned move...
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