LieBabyCryBaby wrote on May 13
th, 2009 at 11:05pm:
George sure allows a lot of scum to float here on his little pond. Which makes it all the more cowardly and feeble-minded to ban those who actually have some experience in polygraphy. I guess the name of this website does say it all, just as Sergeant has pointed out: Not a place for serious discussion unless you happen to share George's inexperienced, unqualified views.
I wonder if you would express the same moral outrage if I were to join the message board at and fill the boards with messages that repeatedly pointed out, ad nauseum, that various other posters are polygraph examiners and therefore they have a vested interest in the polygraph, so their opinion is not worthy of consideration?
Would it make any sense for me to do that? Would that be the course of action any civil, reasonable person would take? Of course not, since people who visit PolygraphPlace's message board are doing so to hear the opinions of people who are or were polygraph examiners. How much credibility would I be able to establish if I continually attacked numerous members with the same tired diatribe, that since they are professional polygraph operators their opinion doesn't count because they have a financial interest in the use of the polygraph?
Do you think any of the polygraph operators on that board would call me a troll and have me banned? Or accuse me of senseless ad hominem attacks and point out that I wasn't engaging in any discussion, only attacking other members? I am willing to bet I'd be banned in record time.
If, after I was banned, I came back using a different name and engaged in the same behavior, do you think anyone would have a problem with it? Do you think I'd be banned again?
George allows free discussion on this board at a level unheard of on most other boards on the Internet. He doesn't ban people who disagree with him, he bans trolls whose only reason for posting here is to spew flame-bait and try to sling mud around. I think most people here are pretty clear on that. I cannot think of anyone who has been banned simply for posting a pro-polygraph opinion on this board, or for disagreeing with George no matter how often it happened.