nonombre wrote on Sep 2
nd, 2005 at 9:23pm:
You are certainly entitled to feel that way. However, to have the testicular fortitude to place controversial information on the Internet and then absolve yourself of any responsibility by saying it is only for the use of "honest people," is either the height of stupidity or the epitome of pure arrogance. I am not sure which.
I still can't understand your hostility to the information made available on this site. Your opposition to it only adds to its credibility.
No, on second thought, I’m pretty sure. It is stupidity. I mean the administrator ACTUALLY told somebody who planned to use this material to successfully lie, "...The purpose of this website is not to help liars (like you) (my emphasis) to gain positions of trust for which they are not qualified, but rather to help truthful persons...
Innocent until proven guilty. The example you cite was of a person unworthy of assistance. Once he disclosed that, no direct assistance was provided. If he gains by information freely found on this site, that is not the fault nor problem of this site, but rather society's reliance on junk-science polygraphy.
“Rather to help truthful persons...???!!
Absolutely. Of course, that is another topic for debate, but surely you agree that many agencies abuse screening polygraph victims.
What did the administrator think? Did he actually believe the bad guy would lean back from his computer, scratch his head, and say, "Well, since I am a liar, I better not download any of this material, because it's meant for honest people, and I am a lying schmuck."
Maybe the administrator believes by making that weak, mealy-mouthed caveat, he absolved himself or of criminal or civil responsibility, should this information fell into the "wrong hands." BTW, he is wrong there too. There is lots of legal precedent that substantiates you are responsible for what you write, no matter what disclaimer you use.
Yeah. So what? On what legal basis can the disclosure of factual, truthful information cuase one to be held liable??? C'mon; you're a lawman. Enlighten us. The information on this site was obtained through either FOIA requests, libraries or newspaers etc. What law gives ANY institution standing to bring claim agains that information disclosure??? Name one. I dare you.
Would it be bad if a criminal beat a polygraph with info on this site? Sure. But I'd lay blame at the system that put too much faith in polygraphy; not the site that exposed the fraud.