In this country, you need to belong to a profession organization to compete for contracts. Also a lot of therapists will not use you if you do not belong to one, and lastly, if you do not belong to a professional organization, you can kiss any court or parole board recognition goodbye. That is the core of this. This is anti competitive behavior on the part of TAPE and the complainant who shall not be named here, because doing so would be being critical and mean, and therefore forbidden. They know if I get expelled, that will be the end of me being able to actively compete. Because according to ATSM, any organization that follows ATSM standards, can not take anyone who has been expelled from any other professional organization; regardless of the reason for expulsion was legitimate, fair due process was given according to the bylaws (looking right at you tape), or if the bylaw that was the reason for expulsion was even legal or violated FTC law in regard to anti competitive practices, like that of TAPE. (think about it guys, ask the APA why they are doing their anti trust stuff, I did, and got interesting and honest answers. No, I would very much like Dan to stay away form the NPA, unless he is willing to work and play well with others. I went to NPA to escape the BS of those who shall not be named, because it would be critical and mean, and they can't fight their own battles toe to toe and on a level playing field. I did not bring the fight there, the complainant did. I think that was the mission. TAPE and those concerned knows with the document ion I have, they can not win in court, so they go to professional organizations to force me into silence, or, expel me so I can't compete at all and Fenian goes out of business. The mob mentality will be encouraged, and I have been told that I will not even have an opportunity to speak. Sounds kinda like that email from TAPE in 2009 from Stuart Ervin huh? Anyway, if I survive this; I want the NPA to stay out of a Texas Issue, let them fight their own battles, and refuse to be a tool or a weapon for TAPE and the complainant (an officer of TAPE) to do their dirty work. We have better things to do at the NPA; LIKE EDUCATION. Between 2009 and when this person was sent with their mission, things were nice and quiet. I was not here, other than to give a few helpful comments. TAPE and the situation was not discussed in public. all was quiet, until 2014 when TAPE violated it's own bylaws by trying to keep me away from continuing education, this keeping me from renewing my license, and thus pressuring me out of the Texas Market. Seeing a pattern here. TAPE violated many of it's bylaws in 2014, but there will be more about that that is being discussed currently with FTC lawyers. As for going to the home country of my Grandfather, I hear it is beautiful. But I am an Irish American, and a Masshole. Also I, in the words of Obama, "cling to my guns." Only in America will the encourage an Irish Republican to have a gun LMAO. Actually, I am a libertarian, the I'm sure you get the joke none the less. Sorry to be long winded, but just got done packing, not looking forward to what I strongly feel will be a mob mentality or to be in constant concern for my welfare or safety given the post that got all this started. Having said that, this is my last stand.