"Yes or no, would telling the truth guarantee he passes?"
Does getting on an airplane guarantee you will arrive at your destination safely??? Does wearing a condom guarantee your girlfriend won't get pregnant? Does writing posts to this web-site guarantee some police agency will see the "error of their ways" and come crawling on their knees to offer you a job?
I see you are incapable of responding, so I will take that as a 'no'. Your specious comparisons are pure sophistry. But thank you for so clearly illustrating that the psuedo-science of polygraphy is as scientifially accurate as traveling by plane, having sex with a condom, and.... well I don't know where you're going with that last one. ??? I'm gainfully employed in the field of my choice. No law enforcement agency erred with regard to hiring me.
Quote:"Yes or no, will the polygrapher tell the truth to the examinee before, during and after his exam?"
I always do.
You do? You inform the test subject that the stim test is nothing more than a card game, a simple flim-flam designed to convince him that you can actually divine truth or falsehood? You actually tell your test subject that you expect him to lie with regard to his responses to the Control Questions, and that you will take those responses and compare them against the reponses recorded during the Relavent Questions? You tell your test subject that polygraphy is not science, and has no more accuracy than a coin-toss? You tell your test subject that both in the eyes of science and of the law, polygraph is not a science, cannot be considered a fact finding tool, and is virtually worthless for determing truth from falsehood?
Perhaps I misjudged you then.
Quote:Hell, I even tell the examinee that the purpose of the acquintance test (when I chose to run it) is to convince him the exam works.
Wow, what a pal you are. Of course, you're lying to your test subject, but when did that ever stop you before?
Quote:Then if he should happen to fail the exam, I ask him to tell me what is on his mind. If the information disqualifies him, so be it...No hard feelings...Next?
I love your attitude. Take note, potential LEO's, here is the little, little man sitting across from you (at an oblique angle, on a little wheeled chair of course).
Quote:"What is a word for someone who insists others tell the truth whilst he or she lies to others?
What is the word for someone who must be so engulfed with anger and self pity that he spends his days and nights venting his hurt feelings on a website run by others who just happen to be as frustrated and bitter as he? l-o-s-e-r
Anger and self-pity? Why would I be angry, or filled with self-pity Mr. PDD? I successfully used physical, psychological, and behavioral countermeasures 'gainst your brethren, sporto.
If anyone should be angry or feeling sorry for themselves, I think it would be the polygrapher whom I so easily and decisively m-a-n-i-p-u-l-a-t-e-d from start to finish, don't you agree? Why, come to think of it, YOU could have been my polygraph interrogator. What delicious irony that would be, eh?
My life is quite joyful actually, and part of that joy is derived from exposing the fraudulent pseudo-science of polygraphy and the hucksters who profit from it. People like you! Have a great day!