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Topic Summary - Displaying 2 post(s).
Posted by: UMBRA
Posted on: Feb 3rd, 2025 at 2:32am
  Mark & Quote
For scoring you can either take the 16PF somewhere online and get an official automated score report, or you can score it manually using the 16PF fifth edition Administrator's Manual with updated norms 3rd ed. by Mary T. Russell.

The 16PF 5th Manual can be bought or found online from various sources.

For interpretation you can use various online and textbook resources and also the official book Essentials of 16PF Assessment by Heather E. P. Cattell, James M. Schuerger found here:

Other Resources:
16PF Questionnaire International Reference Manual

Sample 16PF Interpretive Report

Practitioner Resources

Posted by: UMBRA
Posted on: Feb 3rd, 2025 at 12:49am
  Mark & Quote
List of questions for the 16PF Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire - 16PF Fifth Edition:

1) I'd enjoy more being a counselor than being an architect.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

2) When something upsets me, I usually get over it quite soon.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

3) When people do something that bothers me, I usually:  
 A) let it go;  
 B) ?  
 C) mention it to them.  

4) I believe more in:  
 A) being properly serious in everyday life;  
 B) ?  
 C) the saying "laugh and be merry" most of the time.  

5) I'd rather see a home that:  
 A) has strict standards of behavior;  
 B) ?  
 C) doesn't have too many rules.  

6) I usually enjoy spending time talking with friends about social events or parties.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

7) I admire more:  
 A) a person who has average abilities, but strict morals;  
 B) ?  
 C) a person who is very talented, but is sometimes not very responsible.  

8) When I was a child, I spent more free time:  
 A) making or building something;  
 B) ?  
 C) reading or daydreaming.  

9) In joining a new group, I usually seem to fit in right away.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

10) I get excited about good plays or novels.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

11) There's usually a big difference between what people say they'll do and what they actually do.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

12) My friends think I'm slightly absent-minded and not always practical.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

13) A lot of people will "stab you in the back" in order to get ahead themselves.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

14) I get into trouble because I sometimes pursue my own ideas without talking them over with the people involved.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

15) I find it easy to talk about my life, even about things that others might consider quite personal.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

16) I am willing to help people.  
 A) always  
 B) ?  
 C) sometimes  

17) My thoughts are too deep and complicated for many people to understand.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

18) I prefer to:  
 A) talk about my problems with my friends;  
 B) ?  
 C) keep them to myself.  

19) I tend to be too sensitive and worry too much about something I've done.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

20) I'd prefer to deal with people who are:  
 A) conventional and polite in what they say;  
 B) ?  
 C) direct and speak up about problems they see.  

21) If people act as if they dislike me:  
 A) it doesn't upset me;  
 B) ?  
 C) I usually feel hurt.  

22) I like to think up better ways of doing things rather than to follow well-tried ways.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

23) I have said things that hurt others' feelings.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

24) If I had to cook or build something, I'd follow the directions exactly.  
 A) true, why take chances  
 B) ?  
 C) false, I'd probably try to make it more interesting  

25) I like it best when I have people around me.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

26) I feel that:  
 A) some jobs just don't have to be done as carefully as others;  
 B) ?  
 C) any job should be done thoroughly if you do it at all.  

27) I usually like to do my planning alone, without interruptions and suggestions from others.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

28) It's hard to be patient when people criticize me.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

29) I can be quite comfortable even in a disorganized setting.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

30) If my carefully made plans have to be changed because of other people:  
 A) it annoys me;  
 B) ?  
 C) I'm happy to change plans.  

31) I would rather be:  
 A) in a business office, organizing and seeing people;  
 B) ?  
 C) an architect, drawing plans in a quiet room.  

32) When one small thing after another goes wrong, I:  
 A) feel as though I can't cope;  
 B) ?  
 C) just go on as usual.  

33) I enjoy taking care of other people's needs.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

34) I sometimes make foolish remarks in fun, just to surprise people.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

35) When the time comes for something I have planned and looked forward to, I occasionally do not feel up to going.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

36) In a situation where I'm in charge, I feel comfortable giving people directions.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

37) I'd prefer to spend an evening:  
 A) working on a quiet hobby;  
 B) ?  
 C) at a lively party.  

38) People think of me as more:  
 A) cooperative;  
 B) ?  
 C) assertive.  

39) I greatly enjoy the racy and slapstick humor of some television shows.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

40) I value respect for rules and good manners more than easy living.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

41) I am shy and cautious about making friends with new people.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

42) If I could, I would rather exercise by:  
 A) fencing or dancing;  
 B) ?  
 C) wrestling or baseball.  

43) It's always important to pay attention to other people's motives.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

44) It would be more interesting to be a musician than a mechanic.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

45) People form opinions about me too quickly.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

46) I'm the type of person who:  
 A) is always doing practical things that need to be done;  
 B) ?  
 C) daydreams and thinks up things on my own.  

47) Some people think I'm hard to get close to.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

48) I may deceive people by being friendly when I really dislike them.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

49) My thoughts tend to be about sensible, down-to-earth things.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

50) I tend to be reserved and keep my problems to myself.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

51) After I make up my mind about something, I still keep thinking about whether it's right or wrong.  
 A) usually true  
 B) ?  
 C) usually false  

52) I don't really like people who are "different" or unusual.  
 A) true, I usually don't  
 B) ?  
 C) false, I usually find them interesting  

53) I'm more interested in:  
 A) seeking personal meaning in life;  
 B) ?  
 C) a secure job that pays well.  

54) When people get angry at each other, it usually bothers me more than most people.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

55) What this world needs is:  
 A) more steady, solid citizens;  
 B) ?  
 C) more reformers with opinions about how to improve the world.  

56) I prefer games where:  
 A) you're on a team or have a partner;  
 B) ?  
 C) people are on their own.  

57) I usually leave some things to chance rather than make complex plans about every detail.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

58) I frequently have periods where it's hard to stop a mood of self-pity.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

59) The best hours of the day are usually when I'm alone with my own thoughts and projects.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

60) If people interrupt me while I'm trying to do something, it doesn't bother me.  
 A) true, it doesn't  
 B) ?  
 C) false, it does  

61) I always keep my belongings in tip-top shape.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

62) Sometimes I get frustrated with people too quickly.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

63) I'm not comfortable talking about or showing my feelings of affection or caring.  
 A) true, I'm not  
 B) ?  
 C) false, I am  

64) In my personal life I reach the goals I set, almost all of the time.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

65) If the salary were the same, I'd rather be a scientist than a sales manager.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

66) If people are doing something wrong, I usually tell them what I think.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

67) I feel that my emotional needs are:  
 A) not too satisfied;  
 B) ?  
 C) well satisfied.  

68) I usually like being in the middle of a lot of excitement and activity.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

69) People should insist more than they now do that moral standards be strictly followed.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

70) I'd rather dress:  
 A) neatly and quietly;  
 B) ?  
 C) in an eye-catching, stylish way.  

71) I tend to get embarrassed if I suddenly become the center of attention in a social group.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

72) I get annoyed when people insist that I follow every single minor safety rule.  
 A) true, it's not always necessary  
 B) ?  
 C) false, it's important to do things right  

73) Starting conversations with strangers:  
 A) never gives me any trouble;  
 B) ?  
 C) is hard for me.  

74) If I worked on a newspaper, I'd rather deal with:  
 A) movie or book reviews;  
 B) ?  
 C) sports or politics.  

75) I let little things upset me more than they should.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) rarely  

76) It's wise to be on guard against smooth talkers because they might take advantage of you.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

77) I'd rather stop in the street to watch an artist painting than a building being constructed.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

78) People are lazy on a job if they can get away with it.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

79) I get new ideas about all sorts of things, too many to put into practice.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

80) In talking to someone new, I don't give out any more information than is necessary.  
 A) usually true  
 B) ?  
 C) usually false  

81) I pay more attention to:  
 A) the practical things around me;  
 B) ?  
 C) thoughts and imagination.  

82) When people criticize me in front of others, I feel very downhearted and hurt.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

83) I find people more interesting if their views are different from most people's.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

84) In dealing with people it's better to:  
 A) "put all your cards on the table";  
 B) ?  
 C) "play your hand close to your chest."  

85) Sometimes, I would like to get even, rather than forgive and forget.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

86) I like people who:  
 A) are stable and conventional in their interests;  
 B) ?  
 C) seriously think through their views about life.  

87) I sometimes feel too responsible for things that happen around me.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

88) Work that is familiar and routine makes me feel:  
 A) bored and sleepy;  
 B) ?  
 C) secure and confident.  

89) I get things done better working alone rather than working with a committee.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

90) I don't usually mind if my room is messy.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

91) Even when someone is slow to understand what I'm explaining, it's easy for me to be patient.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false, it's hard to be patient  

92) I like to join in with people who are doing something together such as going to a park or to a museum.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

93) I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and like to have things done just right.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

94) When I have to wait in a long line for something, I don't get as restless and fidgety as most people.  
 A) true, I don't  
 B) ?  
 C) false, I get restless  

95) People treat me less reasonably than my good intentions deserve.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) never  

96) I enjoy people who show their emotions openly.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

97) I don't let myself get depressed over little things.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

98) In helping with a useful invention, I'd prefer:  
 A) working on it in a laboratory;  
 B) ?  
 C) showing people how to use it.  

99) If being polite and pleasant doesn't work, I can be tough and sharp if I need to.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

100) I like to go out to shows or entertainment often.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

101) I feel dissatisfied with myself.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) rarely  

102) If we were lost in a city and my friends didn't agree with me on the best way to go, I'd:  
 A) make no fuss and follow them;  
 B) ?  
 C) let them know that I thought my way was best.  

103) People think of me as a happy-go-lucky, carefree person.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

104) If a bank were careless and didn't charge me for something, I'd feel:  
 A) I had to point it out and pay;  
 B) ?  
 C) it's not my business to tell them.  

105) I have always had to fight against being too shy.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

106) Teachers, ministers, and others spend too much time trying to stop us from doing what we want to do.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

107) When I'm in a group, I usually sit and listen and let others do most of the talking.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

108) I'd usually appreciate the beauty of a poem more than an expert football strategy.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

109) If people are frank and open, others try to get the better of them.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

110) I'm always interested in mechanical things and am pretty good at fixing them.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

111) Sometimes I get so lost in my thoughts that, unless I watch out, I misplace things, have small mishaps, or lose track of time.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

112) It seems that more than half the people I meet can't really be trusted.  
 A) true, they can't be trusted  
 B) ?  
 C) false, they can be trusted  

113) I usually find that I know other people better than they know me.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

114) People often say that my ideas are realistic and practical.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

115) I make smart, sarcastic remarks to people if I think they deserve it.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) never  

116) Sometimes I feel as if I've done something wrong, even though I really haven't.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

117) I talk about my feelings:  
 A) readily when people seem interested;  
 B) ?  
 C) only if I can't avoid it.  

118) I like to think out ways in which our world could be changed to improve it.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

119) I think about things that I should have said, but didn't.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

120) In my newspaper, I'd rather read:  
 A) articles on current social problems;  
 B) ?  
 C) all the local news.  

121) I'd rather spend a free evening:  
 A) reading or working alone on a project;  
 B) ?  
 C) working on a task with friends.  

122) If there is a chore to do, I'm more likely to:  
 A) put it off until it needs to be done;  
 B) ?  
 C) get started on it right away.  

123) I prefer to eat lunch:  
 A) with a group of people;  
 B) ?  
 C) by myself.  

124) I am patient with people, even when they aren't polite and considerate of my feelings.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

125) When I do something, I usually take time to think of everything I'll need for the job first.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

126) I get frustrated when people take too long to explain something.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

127) My friends would probably describe me as:  
 A) warm and comforting;  
 B) ?  
 C) objective and formal.  

128) I usually go to bed at night feeling satisfied with how my day went.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

129) For a pleasant hobby, I'd prefer:  
 A) building or making something;  
 B) ?  
 C) working with a community service group.  

130) I believe in complaining if I receive bad service or poor food in a restaurant.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

131) I have more ups and downs in mood than most people I know.  
 A) usually true  
 B) ?  
 C) usually false  

132) When others don't see things my way, I can usually get them to come around.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

133) I think that being free to do what I want is more important than good manners and respect for rules.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

134) I love to make people laugh with witty stories.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

135) I consider myself a very socially bold, outgoing person.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

136) If a person is clever enough to get around the rules without seeming to break them, he or she should:  
 A) do it if there is a special reason;  
 B) ?  
 C) not do it.  

137) I'm usually the one who takes the first step in making new friends.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

138) I prefer reading rough and realistic action stories more than sensitive, imaginative novels.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

139) I suspect that people who seem friendly to me could be disloyal behind my back.  
 A) hardly ever  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

140) In school I preferred (or prefer) math more than English.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

141) Many people are too fussy and sensitive and should toughen up for their own good.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

142) I get so interested in thinking about ideas that I sometimes overlook practical details.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

143) If someone asks me a question that is too personal, I carefully try to avoid answering.  
 A) usually true  
 B) ?  
 C) usually false  

144) When asked to do volunteer work, I say I'm too busy.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) rarely  

145) Sometimes I don't fit in very well because my ideas are not conventional or ordinary.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

146) I consider myself less of a worrier than most people.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

147) More trouble arises from people:  
 A) questioning and changing methods that are already satisfactory;  
 B) ?  
 C) turning down promising, new approaches.  

148) I'm very careful when it comes to choosing someone to really "open up" with.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

149) When I find I differ with someone on social views, I prefer to:  
 A) discuss what our basic differences mean;  
 B) ?  
 C) discuss something else.  

150) People say I tend to be too self-critical.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

151) I most enjoy a meal if it consists of familiar, everyday foods rather than new, unusual foods.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

152) I can easily go a whole morning without wanting to speak to anyone.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

153) I take advantage of people.  
 A) sometimes  
 B) ?  
 C) never  

154) I like to plan ahead so that I don't waste time between tasks.  
 A) rarely  
 B) ?  
 C) often  

155) When I'm feeling tense, even small things get on my nerves.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

156) In building or making something, I would rather work:  
 A) with others;  
 B) ?  
 C) on my own.  

157) In carrying out a task, I'm never satisfied unless I give careful attention even to small details.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

158) I've trained myself to be patient with all kinds of people.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

159) I enjoy more listening to people talk about their personal feelings than about other things.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

160) There are times when I don't feel in the right mood to see anyone.  
 A) very rarely  
 B) ?  
 C) quite often  

161) In a business it would be more interesting to be in charge of:  
 A) machinery or keeping records;  
 B) ?  
 C) talking to and hiring new people.  

162) In my everyday life, I hardly ever meet problems that I can't cope with.  
 A) true, I can cope easily  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

163) If I notice that another person's line of reasoning is wrong, I usually:  
 A) point it out;  
 B) ?  
 C) let it pass.  

164) I greatly enjoy inviting guests over and amusing them.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

165) I enjoy having some competition in the things I do.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

166) Most rules are made to be broken when there are good reasons for it.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

167) I find it hard to speak in front of a large group.  
 A) true, I usually find it very hard  
 B) ?  
 C) false, it doesn't bother me  

168) In making a decision, I always think carefully about what's right and proper.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

169) In social groups I tend to feel shy and unsure of myself.  
 A) true  
 B) ?  
 C) false  

170) On television, I'd rather watch:  
 A) a program on practical new inventions;  
 B) ?  
 C) a famous concert artist.  

171) Minute is to hour as second is to:  
 A) minute  
 B) millisecond  
 C) hour  

172) Tadpole is to frog as larva is to:  
 A) spider  
 B) worm  
 C) insect  

173) Pork is to pig as veal is to:  
 A) calf  
 B) chicken  
 C) lamb  

174) Ice is to water as rock is to:  
 A) lava  
 B) sand  
 C) oil  

175) Better is to worst as slower is to:  
 A) fast  
 B) slowest  
 C) quickest  

176) Which of the following words does not belong with the others?  
 A) terminal  
 B) seasonal  
 C) cyclical  

177) Which word does not belong with the other two?  
 A) cat  
 B) near  
 C) sun  

178) The opposite of "right" is the opposite of:  
 A) left  
 B) wrong  
 C) correct  

179) Which of the following words does not belong with the others?  
 A) likely  
 B) probably  
 C) possibly  

180) The opposite of the opposite of "inexact" is:  
 A) casual  
 B) accurate  
 C) rough  

181) Which number should come next at the end of this series: 1, 4, 9, 16?  
 A) 20  
 B) 25  
 C) 32  

182) Which should come next at the end of this row of letters: A B D G?  
 A) H  
 B) K  
 C) J  

183) Which should come next at the end of this row of letters: E I L?  
 A) M  
 B) N  
 C) P  

184) Which number should come next at the end of this series: 1/12, 1/6, 1/3, 2/3?  
 A) 3/4  
 B) 4/3  
 C) 3/2  

185) Which should come next at the end of this series of numbers: 1, 2, 0, 3, -1?  
 A) 5  
 B) 4  
 C) -3  