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Thank you for the responses. Polybeater - I am not confident that I passed, as I was told the test was "not complete" as the examiner could not come to a conclusion. Based on what I have learned from George, the post test conversation was not a good sign. However I did not receive much feedback about any of my reactions throughout the test. After retaking certain portions we moved on. It seems like I was able to leave the test convincing the examiner that I did not alter my physiology, but they had some doubts.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 6th, 2024 at 7:09am
So my question: Was it decided that I would not be going further in the process beforehand?
Probably not. Were that the case, the polygrapher needn't have spent six hours with you.
However, based on the use of the Silent Answer Test and the "Yes Test" (the instruction to lie on every question), plus your being asked if you were "altering your physiology, I think the polygrapher suspected that you were using countermeasures.
Posted by: polybeater Posted on: Apr 6th, 2024 at 4:45am
If you did not make a disqualifying admission, you are more likely to pass. The polygraph posse has to fail a certain number of applicants to make it appear that the stupid machine actually works. So if you are the unlucky candidate that they just feel does not deserve the job for some reason, they might try to find a reason to fail you on the poly. Otherwise, you are in good shape.
I really wish the IC polygraph community would release the stats on how many "failing" applicants failed due to admissions versus those who "fail" due to having a "deception indicated" only chart reading. Of course, they would never do that because it would give away the secret that the polygraph is just to make people confess.