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This time the question was have you seen any child naked? He should have simply said no, because he hadn't seen anyone's kid naked. But--it'd been the love month . . . cupid had crossed his path, and he said so. FAIL! He must have had a fantasy for the cute little thing! I told him that's where he should have remembered to rephrase the question in his head. Had you seen any real child naked? No.
Bwahahaha. Is this a real story? Ya know, the way things are going, pedophilia will be the next woke progressive social movement. There isn't much more the gays and trannies can do, but they can corrupt the kids. Some of these public schools are already showing explicit videos and books to children. Let me not digress here. Seeing a naked child will become normal in no time. Other countries in Europe already have legal nudism of all ages. The U.S. will start with child nudism, then lower the age of consent, then soon full blown sex with kids will be allowed. Think I'm wrong? Well I bet 20 years ago you thought there were only two genders and one definition of marriage, correct?
Posted by: TossedByWaves75 Posted on: Mar 3rd, 2022 at 12:54am
My son went for his poly this week and failed. He was considerably more relaxed before going in than he was last year.
Both years, it was a question he wasn't at all worried about that failed him. Last year it was, had he had any unsupervised contact with a minor. He had not. In fact, the only time all the year before that he'd seen a kid was my granddaughter--his niece twice during the summer. This past summer he went to the pool once. But the poly said he lied . . .
This time the question was have you seen any child naked? He should have simply said no, because he hadn't seen anyone's kid naked. But--it'd been the love month . . . cupid had crossed his path, and he said so. FAIL! He must have had a fantasy for the cute little thing! I told him that's where he should have remembered to rephrase the question in his head. Had you seen any real child naked? No.
Otherwise, he passed all the other questions without a problem. And those were the ones he'd been worried about. I know he was bummed big time, but I can't help thinking, it's one question. It could have been worse.
There was no retest last year, so I'm hoping that will be the case this year. And next year, I hope he remembers to rephrase such a question as well as doing his breathing thing.