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See our note at p. 148 of the 5th edition of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector:
Note: If you receive a lengthy background questionnaire from an agency with which you are applying for employment, do not attempt to characterize each question on the list as a potential polygraph question. Questions asked during the “in-test” phase (that is, while you’re attached to the polygraph instrument) often differ greatly from those provided on background questionnaires, and you will be better off studying question types here.
Posted by: Terry11 Posted on: Sep 7th, 2021 at 1:35am
regarding a LEO pre-employment test, we were given a document with over 60 questions. I've read the whole PDF on, but English is my second language, so my understanding isn't the best. I'm not sure I quite understand the comparison questions. Notably, we were given questions like these: did you ever drink and drive, did you ever rape someone, did you already view CP on a computer, did you already f*ck in public, etc.
I don't think answering yes to any of these would qualify as ''employable'' where I live, so are all of these relevant questions? Because of all the questions asked on the document are similar to these. I'm thinking that all of the 60 questions are relevant, but that can't be it? (except 1-2 like did you cheat in school)