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With tens of thousands of views every month, and untold numbers of people being saved daily from the indignity of being labeled a liar, this site is hardly an echo chamber. Over the past couple years, it has been therapy for me, and I have drawn great inspiration from it.
Furthermore, "The Lie Behind the Lie Detector" is the most widely distributed book in the world on the topic. It destroys the myth of lie detection, and explains quite clearly how to easily "pass" a polygraph. It should be mandatory reading for every American high school student.
Making civilization better by exposing the lie of the lie detector and helping people to "pass" it is a very honorable life's work. Certainly more honorable than a meager sheriff in the SW. George is a true American hero and his amazing work in managing this site deserves the utmost praise.
I lost my reputation, my career, and my quality of life due to the government's use and abuse of the polygraph. And yes, I do feel very cheated. That being said, I take comfort in knowing that reparations will be coming very soon.
Here's to another 10 years, George. Through your extensive efforts, I predict Congress will soon be woke enough to remove that government exemption to the EPPA. God bless you, and thank you for what you are doing.
Posted by: Animal Posted on: Jul 9th, 2021 at 6:02pm
re-evaluate your desire to join the law enforcement community in this time of no respect, enhanced personal liability, and zero administrative support.
Despite the naughty digs at George, I think this part is a nugget of wisdom.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Jul 9th, 2021 at 10:48am
George Still at it? out of boredom and the absence of anything meaningful to do i logged on and see you are still grinding away in a meaningless pathetic sort of way. No matter, suppose its your lifes work by now. For those who have no idea who I am, I used to be a regular oh say 10-15 years ago on this site using the handle of "the breeze". Now, I dont have anything I really need to tell the hopeful here except the polygraph works as part of a structured interview, George is a frustrated semi intellectual in search of a mission, and if you persist in the notion that you have somehow been cheated out of your professional lifes desire by this tool, you should look inward and come to a more rational conclusion, or dont, it matters little in this day and age. As far as LE applicants are concerned, as a retired Sheriff in the SW, I would advise you to look elsewhere, forget rambling on about polygraph and perceived unfairness, re-evaluate your desire to join the law enforcement community in this time of no respect, enhanced personal liability, and zero administrative support. You may also do something more productive like avoid sites like this echo chamber, but again, that is your call. good luck. Ill check back in a decade and see if you have moved on George.