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Thanks for the feedback George. The test will be for probation department employment. Any idea which type of test will be administered?
Sorry for the late reply! Most law enforcement agencies use a probable-lie "control" question "test" (CQT) with relevant questions similar to those asked in Phase II of the federal Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Test (LEPET) format:
The polygraph operator is unlikely to be able to tell if you use tongue-biting as a countermeasure. In the available research, polygraph operators were unable to detect tongue-biting through visual observation. There is, however, a headset used by some polygraph operators in an attempt to detect jaw movement.
With respect to breathing countermeasures, it is not necessary to consciously implement them. In the available studies of countermeasures, breathing manipulations were not involved. However, because breathing is the only physiological measure recorded by the polygraph over which the individual has direct control, I think it would be prudent to employ breathing countermeasures. At minimum, one will want to avoid deep and/or slow breathing, which some polygraph operators interpret as an attempted countermeasure.
Hi I知 taking my first polygraph for within a few days. I have already read the the lie behind the lie detector pdf twice. I am very anxious and I don稚 know if I should use countermeasures or not. I know there are various countermeasures but I知 thinking of using the tongue biting over the mind cm. My question is will the examiner be able to tell if I知 using the tongue biting cm? Also I fee that the breathing techniques are too complex for me. Do i have to implement the breathing as well? Please help George!!