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Reese76 is covered by the protections of the 1988 Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), which federal, state, and local government employees and applicants for employment do not enjoy.
Under this law, it would be unlawful for Reese76's employer to impose any negative employment consequence on him or her either based on his or her refusal to submit to a pseudoscientific polygraph "test, or solely on the results of any such "test," had he or she been naive and/or foolish enough to have acquiesced to such.
However, enforcement of one's rights under the EPPA may entail lengthy and costly litigation. Reese76 was wise to refuse the polygraph, and I think he or she would be wise at this point to consult with a local attorney with experience in labor law. For this purpose, the Martindale-Hubbell legal directory may be helpful:
Was that a smart move? Or maybe I should have just taken it because I have nothing to hide. I'm going crazy over this and I feel sick to be accused of something so horrible!
Let me support George, you did the correct thing. I've been polygraphed 8 times in my life and have seen the polygraph up close and personal for over 30 years. It is a fraud. To make matters worse, if it turns out that the other suspect is guilty and admits it yet you failed the polygraph, I think there is a good chance you would still face consequences. That is how it works in the government sector and could also be how it works in the private sector under such circumstances. Am I correct George?
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Jan 14th, 2018 at 10:13am
You acted wisely. It is a mistake to agree to a polygraph interrogation in any criminal investigation. It's a ruse used by police to get a suspect into an interrogation room without a lawyer present. It's entirely possible that your "failing" the "test" was part of the interrogation plan.
If your lawyer somehow advises you to submit to the polygraph "test," then you would be smart to find a more competent lawyer.
Posted by: Reese76 Posted on: Jan 14th, 2018 at 9:30am
Hi everyone, I never in my life second guessed the polygraph. I always assumed they were accurate in detecting lies. Well, last August I was accused of stealing drugs from my job (I'm in the medical field). Why they feel like they had to narrow it down to me, I don't have any idea. I've worked this field for 20 years and unfortunately there will be a nurse who is caught stealing narcotics from time to time. It's sad. Well the police and my job felt they narrowed down to me and another girl. I was even gone on vacation when one of the meds went missing! So when the officer asked if I would be willing to take a poly, I jumped on the chance thinking they could rule me out quickly. They scheduled it for next week. I've been researching the poly and am floored with how inaccurate it can be. Now I'm nervous it will make me look guilty when I'm not! I cancelled my poly (which I know they'll find suspicious). I instead set up an appointment with a lawyer to get his advice. Was that a smart move? Or maybe I should have just taken it because I have nothing to hide. I'm going crazy over this and I feel sick to be accused of something so horrible!