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Tristar333, you are most likely at the mercy of the "treatment triangle" -- a conceptual triad consisting of your parole officer, your therapist, and your polygraph operator.
To a significant extent, those empowered individuals can make up the rules as they see fit.
The APA indeed publishes model policies -- such as one on Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT)-- but the organization has no real teeth. In many cases, the APA is but a paper tiger.
As for going back beyond two years, such a circumstance may be necessary if a convicted sex offender has been in the community for an appreciable length of time, but has not yet subjected to a PCSOT "test."
In that case, relevant questions may be introduced thusly:
"Since your release from prison, have you..."
"Since your conviction, have you..."
As for polygraph losing its effectiveness over time, the APA has not -- to the best of my knowledge -- published any recommendations for time delimited cut-offs. It is not unusual for polygraph operators to conduct exams on individuals with suspected involvement in events alleged to have happened decades ago.
Posted by: Tristar333 Posted on: Apr 7th, 2016 at 8:33pm
8.4.3. Maintenance exam - time of reference. Maintenance Exams should address a time of reference subsequent to the date of conviction or the previous Maintenance Exam, generally not exceeding one (1) year and only exceeding two (2) years in rare circumstances. The time of reference may be described generally as the six (6) month period preceding the examination; although, there may be reasons for lengthening or shortening the time of reference for some exams. All investigation targets in a test series should have a common time of reference.
Doing research I found this guideline from the A.P.A., which required by most states (including my own), polygraphers must follow by, and have went to school accredited by the A.P.A.
Will anyone share their maintenance polygraph experience with me and answer a few questions?
In what rare circumstances must they go 2+ years?
Also their has got to be a reason why they have a Time Of Reference.. Is it because the polygraph loses its effectiveness?