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Doc, Comey faced a very unique and unenviable conundrum. As two roads diverged in a yellow wood, one led down the path of integrity whereby nobody is above the law; the other was to set someone above the law in order to avoid a constitutional crisis. The polygraph stipulation, in my opinion, is demonstrative of the stress he was under. Maybe Nixon should have stood his ground.
Posted by: Drew Richardson Posted on: Jul 14th, 2016 at 12:51pm
Although the use of lie detection/polygraphy to enforce such an agreement is, of course, stupid, that is not what interests me about this situation. Bureau agents don't have carte blanche authority to talk about the details of any criminal investigation--it is puzzling as to why this one needs its own non-disclosure acknowledgment.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Jul 14th, 2016 at 6:00am
The FBI has confirmed to a senior Republican senator that agents were sworn to secrecy -- and subject to lie detector tests -- in the Hillary Clinton email probe, an extensive measure one former agent said could have a "chilling effect."
A July 1 letter sent by a senior deputy to FBI Director James Comey to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, detailed the restrictions on agents. The letter, reviewed by Fox News, confirmed agents signed a "Case Briefing Acknowledgement" which says the disclosure of information is "strictly prohibited" without prior approval, and those who sign are subject to lie detector tests.
Posted by: xenonman Posted on: Apr 18th, 2016 at 3:09pm
So let me see if I have this straight: Hillary Clinton is the one who is suspected of willfully violating the law, disseminating classified documents, placing government agents and employees in grave danger, and causing clear and present harm to the United States of America -- but the law officers investigating these serious charges are the ones who will be subjected to polygraph examination?
We have long known that make-believe science yields make-believe security, but we now have evidence that make-believe investigation yields make-believe justice.
Posted by: Savannah Isis Posted on: Apr 17th, 2016 at 4:09pm
Massimo Calabresi, reporting for Time magazine on the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a personal e-mail server to conduct official business, notes that agents working on the case have been told they may be polygraphed:
[FBI Director James] Comey is keeping a close watch on the investigation, getting briefings from team leaders and personally overseeing the case. Agents have been told they may be polygraphed to prevent leaks, the sources familiar with the probe say. “I want to ensure [the Clinton email investigation] is done in the ways the FBI does all its work: professionally, with integrity, promptly,” Comey told Congress in February. “And without any interference whatsoever.”