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He clearly compares the diversity and attractiveness of the cast with that of the Bureau population.
I wonder if he likewise takes note of how lie detection is portrayed and how does reality compare with what is depicted/alluded to in this episode?
Admittedly it's a bit hard to tell with the fast moving story line and potentially withheld (from the viewing audience) information, but to what extent does polygraphy successfully reveal all the relevant background issues of the new agent trainees?
Posted by: Wandersmann Posted on: Sep 30th, 2015 at 6:02pm
As the polygraph (new agent applicant screening exam) in the new television series didn't catch the terrorist applicant prior to that individual showing up at the training academy, such is true in real life for both the chances of catching a real life terrorist or spy (trainee or employee) with the polygraph--slim to none.
Interesting observation. Maybe Hollywood is bending towards reality on this issue. Previously, Hollywood and clowns like Dr. Phil support the polygraph as infallible. In the movie, Meet the Parents, starring Robert DeNiro and Ben Stiller, the polygraph was made to look infallible. For those who rented the DVD from Netflicks or other media outlet, there was even a special features section after the movie that must have been written and directed by the FBI Polygraph Unit and the APA. It presented the polygraph as infallible.
I recently saw the new Mission Impossible movie. In the script, one of the stars routinely successfully uses countermeasures to conceal some non-reg actions he routinely commits. Given Dr. Richardson's observations, above, maybe the public is slowly becoming aware of this scam. I will never lose hope that moral people will bring an end to this psycho-horror story in much the same way that moral people brought an end to the burning of witches and slavery.
Posted by: Drew Richardson Posted on: Sep 29th, 2015 at 12:05pm
Curiosity led me a couple of evenings ago to watch ABC’s new series "Quantico."
Thinking back on my own new agent training experience (40 years ago next year) I don't recall a number of things happening that occurred in that first episode.
Perhaps memory does not serve me correctly but neither do I remember us (my class) being quite as glamorous and diverse (with regard to demographics, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.) nor do I recall doing aggressive interviews/interrogations/investigations on one another (seeking that which was missed in background investigations) beginning on day one...
That having been said, the director(s) of the show did conform to reality with a few details...
We did and I presume new agent trainees still do wear blue shirts and khaki-colored pants, holster red handled non functioning pistols (actually revolvers in our case) worn openly around the academy, and not of significance to me then (the policy would not exist for another 20 years), but of some now...
As the polygraph (new agent applicant screening exam) in the new television series didn't catch the terrorist applicant prior to that individual showing up at the training academy, such is true in real life for both the chances of catching a real life terrorist or spy (trainee or employee) with the polygraph--slim to none.