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I think our legal system is screwed up beyond all belief. When you see some of the ridiculous lawsuits that people successfully bring forth and then learn about the victims of the polygraph, it's hard to believe there are jurists in this country who really take their job and their oath seriously.
I will never give up hope that there will someday be a gigantic class action lawsuit against the APA, government entities, including security heads, and/or individual polygraph operators. When you think about it, it is staggering. Thousands of people losing their life-dreams and livelihoods because of a test proven to be inaccurate and based on the childish assumption that the test can read someone's mind. No due process. No tangible evidence. No legitimate accusers.
The only serious legal challenge so far was thrown out of court by an idiot judge on the premise that no one has a right to a security clearance. No one has a right to belong to the Bar Association either and I wonder how this hypocrite would have ruled if his license to practice law was contingent on passing a polygraph test.
Posted by: Ex Member Posted on: Aug 9th, 2015 at 8:30pm
Make no mistake: Polygraph, on all too many levels, is a hu$tle.
Dan - It has been a pleasure discoursing with you on this site. You have opened my eyes to the fact that there can be a positive side to the polygraph when used as a tool and as I continue to curse the polygraph lynch mob, I do not include you and the 40% of the APA members who voted for you in that group. The idiots in Washington could change all of the heartache that led to the founding of by allowing people who are found to be inconclusive or deceptive to continue in the vetting process with enhanced B.I. in the areas of possible concern. To date, they have dismissed the above possibility as being too expensive. I think too expensive is a lame excuse because it is difficult to ascertain exactly how much extra tax money, if any, would be used in such an endeavor. Even if there is extra money involved, wouldn't it be worth spending a few extra pennies on a decorated combat veteran as opposed to spending it on some of the ridiculous politically correct activities currently being pushed by Washington bureaucrats ?
Posted by: Dan Mangan Posted on: Aug 9th, 2015 at 12:55pm
They actually do know what they are doing - they are scamming people.
Sadly, there is a great deal of truth in this.
Polygraph preys on the ignorant and punishes the enlightened.
That's why the polygraph establishment is adamantly opposed to a bill of rights for test subjects. In my view, such intellectual dishonesty is shameful.
Equally significant, polygraph indu$try cheerleaders are deathly afraid of a countermeasure challenge series for good reason -- their purported accuracy of the "test" would take a nosedive.
Meanwhile, these same propagandists have the audacity to claim that polygraph "testing" has similar accuracy to that of many medical tests.
That comparison is absurd, in my opinion.
Can you imagine a doctor keeping secret from their patient the operating theory of a medical test? Can you imagine a hospital refusing to release test data for review by a third party?
Make no mistake: Polygraph, on all too many levels, is a hu$tle.
Posted by: Wandersmann Posted on: Aug 9th, 2015 at 3:30am
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Great line from the movie - "When we evaluate the results you can be sure we know what we're doing" The polygraph lynch mob has been successfully spouting this B.S. for 52 years. They actually do know what they are doing - they are scamming people.
Posted by: Wandersmann Posted on: Aug 9th, 2015 at 2:58am
What a great film clip. The only thing that is inaccurate is the title. It is not a machine playing God, it is men playing God. Machines won't burn in eternal Hell.
Posted by: Dan Mangan Posted on: Aug 6th, 2015 at 11:06pm