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It's sure good to see that you're still alive and kicking and monitor this site occasionally.
I will turn 84 in October and people my age tends to downsize. I just upsized. I bought a 30 acre farm with a big two story house on it plus a two story barn, tractor and everything that I need with which to farm. I believe, in the direction this country is going, if can't your food, you might go hungry. If God's willing, I will maintain this good health and strength long enough to see this trouble through. At least, maybe, I can last long to teach my brood how to raise their food. Also, I have deer and wild hogs for meat. God has been good to me.
Posted by: Fair Chance Posted on: Jun 6th, 2014 at 3:24am
Petitioning the White House is as useless as tits on a boar hog. Dictator Obama pays not a tinkle of attention to petitions. You need to petition Congress and that will take a half million or more signatures to get their attention. Believe me. I have been involved in hundreds of petitions and even with over half million it doesn't change the mind of many politicians.
Posted by: department of state mate Posted on: Mar 16th, 2014 at 10:55pm
Good idea, but a correction needs to be made. In the first sentence on the petition, you wrote "Multiple agencies within the U.S Government including the FBI and State Department use a Polygraph Exam as a method...". The State Department actually does NOT use polygraphs.
The State Department employees that have TS/SCI clearance are simply read-in to their SCI access (they are given a power point brief and sign a form). No polygraph needed. And if you fail another agency's pre-employment polygraph and then apply to State Department, you can still get hired and get your TS/SCI if needed. That goodness there are some agencies out there that still have common sense and know the polygraph is garbage.
Posted by: polydoubt Posted on: Mar 15th, 2014 at 2:28pm