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Alright then, I take back the "full of it" comment. I don't believe you have a sufficient understanding of the concepts in the book to successfully execute countermeasures. As you mentioned, you intend to lie rather than use countermeasures to avoid a false positive. For these reasons, I recommend you do not submit to polygraph interrogation. Good luck.
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 5:01am
Don't forgive me cuz I mean every damn thing. Your an old man an you need to mind your own goddamn busissnes. You don't know as much as you think you know. So TRY AGAIN! Your wrong. You don't know anything.
Posted by: Ex Member Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 4:38am
If you are in a situation where you have to lie on a polygraph in order to avoid being put into some kind of jeopardy, then my recommendation is to not submit to a polygraph interrogation and seek legal counsel.
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 4:18am
I have to pass this polygraph, for something to happen to me (not disclosing on the web) and they ask irrelevant questions ex.(are the lights on in this room) then they ask a regular question or a relevant question, ex. (have you lied?) I don't know what to do to pass this i REALLY need help I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble I swear.
Posted by: Ex Member Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 3:28am
I've read the book and it's not matching my situation
I know polygraphy as much as anyone and I cannot imagine a situation where TLBTLD does not apply. Why don't you explain the details behind your unique situation that has instilled so much fear into you?
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 12:37am
Hey moron! I'm not the government I'm trying to get answers, I've read the book and it's not matching my situation, why don't you mind your own business and leave me alone. I'm trying to get help, cuz Im scared, don't tell me I'm an idiot moron.
Posted by: warning Posted on: Dec 17th, 2013 at 12:14am
But if Ones self doesn't produce truthful charts, and is lying, how will just behavriol CM's effect the out come?
I have to take this polygraph. And I have taken ones in the past and have failed. I have to pass this one. Their is nothing else I can do to give a positive chart reading other than, behave a certain way? I thought if I for example change my breathing from 2-4 breaths to holding my breath on a irrelevent question it would show a truthful chart because the charts mathced? And yes I am not being truthful on this poly
Is "Post conviction polygraph" in TLBTLD? If so where? I need to know how to beat it.
George Maschke, don't fall for this guy "roger", it is a setup! The U.S. Government is trying to get evidence of you explicity giving an ex-con advice who plans to LIE on their post-conviction polygraph. If this idiot doesn't understand TLBTLD, then he shouldn't bother with countermeasures. This is a setup so the government can press charges against you George, don't do it!
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 11:16pm
It sounds like you might be in a post-conviction polygraph screening program. Such programs routinely employ the probable-lie control question test (CQT). It's possible that the question you plan on lying about is actually a control question (to which you're secretly expected to be untruthful).
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 7:32pm
I have to take this polygraph. And I have taken ones in the past and have failed. I have to pass this one. Their is nothing else I can do to give a positive chart reading other than, behave a certain way? I thought if I for example change my breathing from 2-4 breaths to holding my breath on a irrelevent question it would show a truthful chart because the charts mathced? And yes I am not being truthful on this poly
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 3:14pm
Behavioral countermeasures can affect outcomes because of the subjective nature of polygraphy. In many situations, the polygrapher's "gut" feeling may determine the reported result.
Based on what you've posted, it seems that your intention is to lie on the polygraph. Why not just refuse to take it, instead?
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 2:35pm
Note that the countermeasure strategy for the Relevant/Irrelevant "Test" outlined in The Lie Behind the Lie Detector applies only to the federal government's technique. If the explanation in the book is unclear to you, then I think it would be prudent not to attempt to produce reactions to any questions and limit oneself to the behavioral countermeasures described in Chapter 4.
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 4:46am
Disregard that last question. So I have to do behavioral counter measusers when the irrelevant questions are asked ex.(is your name -your name-?) and then change my reaction when a serious question such as (have you kept a secrtet?) I may sound stupid but this is really important and I need all the help I can get. Thank you so much.
Posted by: Roger Posted on: Dec 16th, 2013 at 4:29am