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Can anyone answer a question about time lines for incident reports being adjudicated? I had a security violation submitted on myself by my last employer two weeks after I was terminated. I sent off for a copy of it through the FOIA office and when I received the copy, my last job failed to mention there was no compromise of classified information because there was NEVER any classified contracts won at this site. If I had not sent off for the report I would never have know this and who’s to say if my clearance would be revoked or not. So my question is this, I faxed a letter to the Personnel clearance division telling them my side of the story but how long does this take for them to investigate the facts? You can’t call that department to find out the status, you just have to wait and wait and wait. Meanwhile I’m sitting here with a loss of jurisdiction on my JPAS summary because when I left that company my new company failed to hold my clearance, they were only servicing it. We did submit an RRU and it took DSS fifteen days to answer it and that was after we submitted a letter of compelling need. This was letting them know we’re a small company and I’m their FSO. Can anyone shed some light on this issue or give me some guidance or a shred of hope that this will be resolved sooner than later? 4 Mar 2011 will be thirty days since this whole disaster started. Thanks.