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Topic Summary - Displaying 6 post(s).
Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Oct 29th, 2010 at 3:45am
  Mark & QuoteQuote

Please refrain from the sort of comment you made to Sergeant1107. It's uncivil, and in violation of's posting policy.

My advice to you not to attempt countermeasures is sincere. No insult is intended.
Posted by: conner52
Posted on: Oct 28th, 2010 at 9:23pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
why dont you ask george to let you suck his dick you brown nosing sit here trying to insult my intelligence because i ask a question on something that was unclear to me.. thats the process of learning. the bullshit answer i got was one of escape... if he didnt want to explain it he should pick a different hobby or got the fuck over the fact that he failed his polygraph.... 
Posted by: Sergeant1107
Posted on: Oct 28th, 2010 at 2:08pm
  Mark & Quote
conner52 wrote on Oct 28th, 2010 at 7:05am:
why must you give such a bullshit answer? control/controlled you know what im asking.... for someone being so concerned about helping people, you sure are quick to give a bullshit answer like the one you just gave me Sad i came to you for help and had a great respect for what i thought you were doing....guess i was gullable for believing you were here to help..............

It is not a bullshit answer.  You apparently can't be bothered to study TLBTLD enough to know if the questions to which you refer are "control" questions or "controlled" questions, nor to find the correct spelling for "gullable".  It is not unreasonable for George to suggest that you are better off not attempting countermeasures until you take the time to study them.

You claim to have read TLBTLD "several" times and yet you don't know how to answer a question about whether you have stolen from your place of work?  Instead of jumping on George why not take responsibility for yourself, admit you didn't really read the e-book, and thank him for all the effort he puts into this completely free website? 
Posted by: conner52
Posted on: Oct 28th, 2010 at 7:05am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
why must you give such a bullshit answer? control/controlled you know what im asking.... for someone being so concerned about helping people, you sure are quick to give a bullshit answer like the one you just gave me Sad i came to you for help and had a great respect for what i thought you were doing....guess i was gullable for believing you were here to help..............
Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Oct 28th, 2010 at 6:48am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Considering that after reading The Lie Behind the Lie Detector several times you are still referring to "control" questions as "controlled" questions, my best advice to you would be not to attempt countermeasures at all.
Posted by: conner52
Posted on: Oct 28th, 2010 at 2:44am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
i have read the lbtld several times i have a question that wasnt clearly resolved last time i asked it. when asked a controlled question (EX. have you ever stolen anything from work?)how do you answer it? i have stolen from work before so i should say yes and do a cm right? or should i say no and do a cm? if i say no and have a reaction to it wouldnt that disqualify me? george please try and clearify