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Sorry to take up your time with this question again, but I just wonder if anyone can tell me if I'm wasting my efforts ...
I want to become an interrogation interpreter as a civilian working with the military. This of course requires a security clearance. I have submitted my application to contracting agencies to become an Arabic linguist and I am surprised that I have gotten no responses, despite my efforts. I think my resume looks ok ... after all, I have speak Arabic at a very advanced level, have lived and worked in the Middle East, and I was under the impression that that skill was needed nowadays.
I have a spotless record with not so much as a speeding ticket. However, I have that ever-so-unfortunate polygraph failure with a national agency (no need to tell the story). Could you guess that would be a reason to not even respond to my application and resume? Would they have already run me through a check and tossed my resume in the trash all because of the polygraph?
I know I'm asking you to speculate, but I am starting to get worried that I will never be able to be a military interpreter. Am I wasting my time trying?
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Sep 1st, 2010 at 6:15pm
It's conceivable that the job you're applying for might require polygraph screening. The organization offering the contractor position should be able to clarify whether that is the case.
To the best of my knowledge, no, an FBI polygraph failure won't automatically bar you from being considered, but it is prejudicial and could make getting a security clearance more difficult.
Posted by: Truthful Posted on: Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:10am
I'm interested in pursuing a job as a contractor interpreter with the military but this is a job that surely requires a security clearance. I have an FBI poly failure (no need to tell the story!) so I'm worried that I will be rejected because of this.
Would a contracting agency with the military 1) require a polygraph for a security clearance and / or 2) would an FBI failure bar me from being considered?