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It's really hard to say, because there are no national standards, and different agencies have varying information-sharing arrangements with other agencies.
Typically, however, if an agency requires polygraph screening, the polygraph operator will ask about any previous lie detector tests during the pre-test phase. In general, polygraphers despise voice stress analysis, so mentioning your unpleasant experience with the CVSA might actually result in your gaining some sympathy from a polygrapher.
Posted by: CPDjeff Posted on: Feb 12th, 2010 at 7:28pm
I recently took and failed a CVSA test for a position as a auxiliary police officer. I was stupid and fudged a minor answer on my test and it caught me; however I was 100% honest on all other questions yet I failed two other questions he asked that I was truthful on. I have read thru the "lie behind the lie detector" and found where I messed up by admitting things I shouldn't have and changing an answer from my application.
I would like to know if I apply elsewhere; how often would a back round investigator check to see if have failed a poly or CVSA in the past? Would it have much of an effect on being hired a different agency?