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I do not out people who do not voluntarily do so on their own. Even if I knew your "real" name, assuming you were not being forthright in your moniker, I would not post it.
Just don't know why Patrick thinks he is being anonymous. He lists his email and real name all over the internet, then uses the same email as his user name here.
What does he have to hide, anyway? Why would he be afraid to associate his organization and real name with the venomous, idiotic, and slanderous posts he made here?
Posted by: sackett Posted on: Apr 2nd, 2008 at 3:10am
I do not out people who do not voluntarily do so on their own. Even if I knew your "real" name, assuming you were not being forthright in your moniker, I would not post it.
Surprisingly (I'm sure from this board's perspective), I have ethical standards.
Posted by: T.M. Cullen Posted on: Apr 1st, 2008 at 10:43pm
I frankly am glad to see him gone. He was fatiguing, and he had nothing contructive to add. Too bad we can't have more polygraphers like Wolf here, something might actually get accomplished.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 1st, 2008 at 7:17pm
TheNoLieGuy4U did at least provide a vivid example of the sort of unreasoning, accusatory bully that those facing polygraph examinations may come face to face with.
And speaking of coming face to face, here's a glimpse of TheNoLieGuy4U in his element. He's the well-fed man behind the desk at the opening of this video:
Posted by: Twoblock Posted on: Apr 1st, 2008 at 2:21pm
You are far more tolerant than anyone that I know. If this had been my website, he would have been gone long ago. It appears to me that he has been beaten very badly, one or more times, by CMs and it has twisted his mind to hate and rage.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 1st, 2008 at 1:35pm
Yesterday, 31 March 2008, TheNoLieGuy4U started a message thread suggesting that I was arrested for assault in Holland. He later deleted that post, and posted "It seems we were all the victims of an April Fool's Joke. !!!" The message thread in question (??? GEORGE W. MASCHKE ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT IN HOLLAND ???) has been removed to the Discarded Posts forum.
For the record, I have never been arrested or charged with any crime, either in Holland or anywhere else. The suggestion that I was is a sheer fabrication.
Such defamation is not acceptable on this message board (even in the guise of an April Fool's gag). TheNoLieGuy4U's baseless innuendo was but the latest in a series of defamatory posts, in consequence of which he has been banned.