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To the best of my knowledge, there is no cutoff age for the background investigation. I don't know what long-term repercussions a failed background investigation in connection with your application for State Department employment might have. Presumably, records are maintained and may be shared with other federal agencies.
Posted by: Dragon Posted on: Feb 12th, 2008 at 5:31pm
I may be applying for a position within the Department of State that requires a clearance (Top Secret, SSBI.)
Some general questions, some of which relate to polygraphing:
1) Does the "personal interview" involve a polygraph or not? 2) If they find out something about your background, can they use it to prosecute you? 3. Age 18 is the minimum cutoff of investigation age? 4. How many people pass a polygraph? 5. How is the procedure different for investigating a Secret clearance (NCLAC), as opposed to a Top Secret clearance (SSBI?) 6. What questions are covered in the personal polygraph? 7. What happens if you fail a polygraph? 8. What happens if you fail an SSBI or similar investigation? Are you barred from federal employment in the future? Are there any negative consequences as a result of failing? 9. how much impact does the polygraph have? 10. How often are people polygraphed? Once every 5 years?