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I'm not going to say what department I just found out they will never use Ervin Youngblood again. They feel he is using countermeasures to fail people and is very unprofessinal. Sorry I do think we need polygraphs in the hiring procces. But we need honest and professial ones. Maybe other Dept will figure him out too and get rid of that EVIN YOUNGBLOOD
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Jun 19th, 2007 at 5:21pm
My experience with Ervin Youngblood was that while he was civil enough through the in-test phase, he became loud and verbally abusive during his post-test interrogation, during which he falsely accused me of employing polygraph countermeasures. (At the time, I did not even know what polygraph countermeasures are.) I had volunteered to provide Arabic language support to LAPD's Anti-Terrorist Division as an unpaid technical reservist and had agreed to a required polygraph screening examination. I was appalled at Youngblood's unprofessional conduct, and his false accusation ultimately deprived LAPD of my services. You can read more about it here:
Yes Evin Youngblood gets angry He failed two people I know. He is failing good people it blows my bind. I have talk to other polygraphers they even say he does the poly wrong you dont anger people he doesent explain a thing just yell's. I think the poly is a good thing but the person doing it should explain thing and try to keep things calm. These two people are going to get a independant polygraph. EVIN YOUNGBLOOD DOESNT KNOW HOW TO GIVE POLYGRAPHS BUT HE DOES KNOW HOW TO PISS YOU OFF. someone needs to get rid of ERVIN YOUNGBLOOD
Posted by: 1904 - Ex Member Posted on: Jun 15th, 2007 at 3:05pm
Hi Styxx, (nice name for a rock band - you're on to something big here)
80-90 people read your post, but without comment. That puzzles me. Lots of visitors to this site must at least have heard of the two aforementioned deluded ones, but chose not to say anything. I wonder why not.
Anyway, I met the one, some years back and thought that he was a jumped up cactus jockey on steroids. He was trying soooo hard to fit in with the old guard. I felt sorry for him. not in a sympathetic way. More like, "Shame. What a pr**k."
So, fast forward to 2007, I am not at all surprised to hear that he has adopted the behaviours of his handlers.
The polygraph gives balls to those who never had any to check in at the door in the first place.
Posted by: styx111 - Ex Member Posted on: May 29th, 2007 at 10:33pm
I've read alot of posts and two names keep coming up: Ervin Youngblood and Roy Ortiz. Why doesn't someone report those two? From reading the posts, it sounds as if Ervin Youngblood gets angry at examinees who are taking polygraphs. People who take LAPD polygraphs need to post and report misconduct by the LAPD polygraph examiners. I've found the examiners there at LAPD to be very unprofessional and insulting to examinees. Any other stories about how unprofessional the LAPD polygraph examiners are. Please post. Thanks.