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I finally passed my third poly and received my offer of employment about a month ago. It took about seven months after my last poly before I was contacted with an offer. The entire process from application to offer of employment took roughly 2.5 years.
I was wondering if anyone in this forum is a political analyst? I just wondered what the job conditions were like, etc.
Congratulations on making it through the CIA's polygraph process and receiving a job offer! I wish you all the best should you choose to accept the offer, and hope that as an analyst you'll always have the courage to speak truth to power without fear or favor.
I think it is unlikely that any CIA analysts who peruse this forum will feel at liberty to post a reply. But you might want to read the writings of two retired CIA analysts whom I hold in high regard. First, I would recommend Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer. Second, see the timely and perceptive on-line essays of Ray McGovern, many of which you'll find archived on
Posted by: missnina Posted on: Dec 4th, 2006 at 7:51pm
I finally passed my third poly and received my offer of employment about a month ago. It took about seven months after my last poly before I was contacted with an offer. The entire process from application to offer of employment took roughly 2.5 years.
I was wondering if anyone in this forum is a political analyst? I just wondered what the job conditions were like, etc.