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Not surprising but I had to take a polygraph for parole and the quack doctor that is in the California prison system pockets. I went to this web site and studied the book. Sure enough the prolygrapher tried to be my friend. She stated how her "cousin" had gotten into the same trouble as i had. We went over her questions and she conducted her voo-doo testing. Just exactly like the book had said, when the test was over, the polygrapher told me i had failed the test. Not just failed, but failed "miserably!" She then got this real concerned look on her face and tried to get admissions from me. She even brought up her "cousin" again! The nerve this woman had. I stuck to my guns and would not budge. She was not done yet. She left the room, just like the book had said. She brought in another woman and they both ganged up on me to get admissions. I held my guns! I was dismissed and I never heard another word from them. Anitpolygraph, you are the bomb! I am a true beleiver that polygraphs are nothing but voo-doo science and nothing more. I like to see reactions of people now when they are asked to take polygraphs.
They look like deer caught in the headlights. Wake up people! It is all BS and nothing more. Thank you so much for the information
Posted by: lizardman Posted on: Nov 11th, 2006 at 7:31am
Not surprising but I had to take a polygraph for parole and the quack doctor that is in the California prison system pockets. I went to this web site and studied the book. Sure enough the prolygrapher tried to be my friend. She stated how her "cousin" had gotten into the same trouble as i had. We went over her questions and she conducted her voo-doo testing. Just exactly like the book had said, when the test was over, the polygrapher told me i had failed the test. Not just failed, but failed "miserably!" She then got this real concerned look on her face and tried to get admissions from me. She even brought up her "cousin" again! The nerve this woman had. I stuck to my guns and would not budge. She was not done yet. She left the room, just like the book had said. She brought in another woman and they both ganged up on me to get admissions. I held my guns! I was dismissed and I never heard another word from them. Anitpolygraph, you are the bomb! I am a true beleiver that polygraphs are nothing but voo-doo science and nothing more. I like to see reactions of people now when they are asked to take polygraphs. They look like deer caught in the headlights. Wake up people! It is all BS and nothing more. Thank you so much for the information!