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I don't understand why people say using medications wont help. If you have severe anxiety, panic attacks or paranoia..why wouldn't something like a benzodiazepine make you more capable to use countermeasures? I also don't understand this notion that mental illness/disorders don't negatively impact your results, I feel like this is the SOLE reason your results are impacted even when you're being honest, I mean besides the examiner being a big douche and failing people he suspects are lying. I also don't understand how a beta blocker wouldn't help in terms of helping ease one of the things they look for which is blood pressure. Isn't it best to keep things as low as possible except for when you're employing countermeasures?
Also, it's a bit absurd to say someone who's used illegal substances as petty as marijuana especially, shouldn't be allowed to become police officers. As if just because somethings illegal means it should remain illegal. Not all laws are just or correct. Get off the damn high horse.
Posted by: quickfix Posted on: Apr 30th, 2020 at 4:32pm
And what have you ever done with your life that warrants such judgement and ignorance? The “quickfix” screen name certainly doesn’t do you any favors. Is it fair to deem you a loser? Because I most definitely think so.
Posted by: quickfix Posted on: Jan 15th, 2006 at 7:05pm
Yea, that's what we want, another police officer candidate who lies about illegal drug use, then wants to cheat his way through a polygraph exam. Why don't you apply for a shopping mall security officer job?
Posted by: razor Posted on: Jan 14th, 2006 at 4:14am
I took my polygraph on a prescribed beta blocker with the polygrapher's consent. My results were inconclusive. They didn't seem to care about the prescription though.
Posted by: EosJupiter Posted on: Jan 12th, 2006 at 9:30am
anyways what have you guys heard about taking beta-blockers prior to the test (for those who are not familiar beta-blockers basicly slow down your heart rate its a high blook pressure medication used by all to regular heart rate and b/p.
also muscle relaxers...
I am repeating myself again with this advice, but here goes. Never walk into any interview or polygraph interrogation under the influence of any type drug. The polygraphers are trained to spot reactions or lack of reactions from the polygraph sensors, or through visual or verbal discourse. Download the Lie Behind the Lie Detector (TLBLD) from this website, read it cover to cover, especially multiple reads of chapters 3 & 4. Until the mental counter measures are second nature. Its possible because I practice them daily. And now are habit. And know how to defeat the polygraph mentally. Your abilitiy to be successful is dependant on your mental state. The drugs will definately hinder you. Good luck in your quest and don't sweat the polygraph, its a worthless piece of junk. And not even valid by scientific scrutiny. Good luck and good hunting
Posted by: Smokey - Ex Member Posted on: Jan 11th, 2006 at 7:07am
I am considering becoming a PO as well. I have talked to a couple of recruiters who say that a little bit of MJ use isn't looked upon as a huge deal, as long as you're honest about it and the usage wasn't very recent. You're worrying yourself over nothing. Many PO's have used it in the past as well and some still do.
Posted by: razor Posted on: Jan 11th, 2006 at 3:22am
new to the forum, i am going to be taking a test for entrance to pd. the sad thing is i had some marijuana use in the past and thats scaring the life out of me. ive always wanted to be a po and its sad that this has to keep me from my goals.
anyways what have you guys heard about taking beta-blockers prior to the test (for those who are not familiar beta-blockers basicly slow down your heart rate its a high blook pressure medication used by all to regular heart rate and b/p.
also muscle relaxers...
any help is much appreciated, im really losing sleep over this and would love to hear some input.