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I'm afraid I cannot advise you regarding whether you have grounds for a civil suit and if so, what the prospects of prevailing would be. This is something you may wish to discuss with a lawyer.
Posted by: lover894 Posted on: Dec 5th, 2005 at 1:38am
Thank you for your response. Can I have a civil suit against them for discremination and heath of a minor. I just had a baby and I am breast feedind, I don't want my baby to get sick by them upstetting me. They are calling my kid father asking question like" how can he afford 3 kids with the salary is making", how does it feel to have 3 kids", they are asking me if I am working. he said that he can't afford certain things with the money is making and he makes more than me and how come I can afford all these with the little money that I am making.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Dec 5th, 2005 at 12:59am
You are wise to refuse the polygraph. It's little more than a pretext for interrogating you without a lawyer. Assuming you're in the United States, the police cannot legally compel you to submit to this invalid test. As you are clearly suspected of a crime, I think it would be wise to discuss your situation with a criminal defense lawyer.
Posted by: lover894 Posted on: Dec 4th, 2005 at 10:37pm
My car got stolen in april 2005, the way the car got stolen, the police think that I have something to do with it and harrassing me to take a polygraph test. I am not going to take it. If I don't take it, what could happen or what could they do next? please help