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On 7 July 2005, the website published an article on CVSA titled, "Lie Detector's Shaky Story." In blog style, readers may post comments to articles, and a comment posted by "CW3 Bell, US Army" maintains that there are over 100 CVSA operators currently on duty in the military. Dismissing criticism of voice stress analysis, Bell writes (emphasis added):
To R. Packard, Ph.D. - Perhaps antcdotal evididence is not sufficient for pin-heads in Ivory Towers, but it is good enough for those of us fighting the war. Continue your scientific analysis of and Doubting Thomas attitude if you must. But those of us fighting the war need tools that work and we need them now. I went through the CVSA military course and used this system in Iraq. It works --- I know because it worked for me and other members of my Task Force after the polygraph failed. All the information we were able to obtain from this system was validated as actionable intelligence, and the results were then confirmed through the combat raids we conducted based on the CVSA generated information.
Maybe you didn't realize it but there are well over 100 CVSA operators in the military now. They are getting great results with this system everywhere it is being used in the Global War On Terror. My USMC counterparts have had the same experiences and positive results with this system.
Mr. PhD, you are entitled to your opinion just like the left-wingers who constantly attack the President and military, but your opinion doesn't hold water with those of us who know better.