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As noted at p. 131 of the 2nd edition of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector, the techniques we've described as "cardio countermeasures" may also create associated responses on the electrodermal channel.
Perhaps we should have been more specific in noting that just one of these "cardio" countermeasures should be combined with breathing countermeasures at a time. That is, we're not suggesting that one constrict one's sphincter, bite one's tongue, and do mental arithmetic all at the same time.
Mental countermeasures might be the easiest to combine with breathing countermeasures. You may find that when doing mental arithmetic, an associated breathing response is also produced without your having to think about it.
Posted by: Ticked Posted on: May 5th, 2003 at 7:50am
Oh, just a tag onto my last post, after studying ch. 4, I noticed there is no counter to the finger electrodes. In addition, how does one apply breathing & blood pressure techniques, as well as the counting or figuring tough problems in the mind all at the same time? Is it possible, or are we supposed to choose one or the other? Is the sphincter squeezing really enough to change the cardio noticeably? The days are getting closer and I just want to make sure I understand.
Thank you
Posted by: Ticked Posted on: May 2nd, 2003 at 10:03pm
Ok, my test has been set up for five days from now. It is by a tester that most commonly does pre-employment screening, even though mine is not. He's a very friendly/soft spoken guy who tests out of the home, apparently well respected, and reminded me that he was brought in by my attorney, so It's between us in a relaxed environment (not the exact words).
Any input or ideas for this particular setting?
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: May 1st, 2003 at 9:01pm
If one wanted to "practice" a question series, one could draw up a list of relevant, irrelevant, and "control" questions, say, based on one of the Zone Comparison Test formats described in Appendix C of the 2nd edition of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector. Then one could tape record the questions whilst reading them out loud at 20-30 second intervals. One could then play back the tape and practice applying countermeasures upon hearing "control" questions.
Posted by: Ticked Posted on: May 1st, 2003 at 7:05am
Reviewing ch 3 & 4 helps very much, however, how do we actually prepare for tests like these? Do we practice outloud, or with someone? Having someone help might give them the idea that I'm trying to simply beat this thing out of guilt, when we all know the test is not fair or accurate to begin with. Do we on our own just practice? Any other tests, such as college, I strongly know how to prepare, but this is a complete different type and situation. I know it may sound silly, but I want to be able to go in there and succeed without encountering the false postive problems I've been reading about. Unfortunately, a lot could be riding on this. Any suggestions?
Thank you
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 30th, 2003 at 12:54pm
The polygrapher will no doubt use the information provided by the lawyer to formulate the relevant questions to be asked. You will most likely be administered a probable-lie "control" question "test." For an idea of what to expect, review Chapters 3 and 4 of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
Posted by: Ticked Posted on: Apr 30th, 2003 at 8:20am
Ok, I found out a little more on my upcoming poly. My attorney's office said that they forwarded all the reports and information to the polygraphers office, and that their office will be contacting me for the appointment. So, what does that mean? I'm also wondering which kind of test I may get and even what kind of control questions to look for for this kind of situation. Even though I eagerly agreed to take this, I feel I need to somehow be prepared to avoid any of the problems that are mentioned on these sites and book.
Posted by: ticked Posted on: Apr 24th, 2003 at 7:20pm
Mr. Maschke, Actually, it is not a stipulated test, but just on suggestion by my attorney. In these kind of situations where someone is making claims with no physical evidence, passing this test is supposed to be a helpful step or tool to possess during the entire process, however far it may go.
Thank you
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 24th, 2003 at 8:48am
Since you and your attorney have a copy of the written complaint, and the polygraph examination is being administered by an outside agency, it is very unlikely that you would encounter a GKT format: no information seems to be available for the construction of such a test.
So that leaves the CQT and possibly, the Relevant/Irrelevant technique, which is still used by some polygraph operators.
Is this a "stipulated" polygraph examination: one in which both you and the prosecution have agreed that the result will be admissible as evidence in court?
Posted by: Ticked Posted on: Apr 24th, 2003 at 8:33am
I didn't see in any chapters of LBTLD if there was a way to know what kind of test to expect. To be more specific I was just wrongly accused of some not cool things by an angry teen. I will be taking a poly through an outside agency from my defense attorney. He said they will go through the teen's statements on the reports and will be questioning me on that. Since we have copies and transcripts of all the reports and statements, knowing all the content, what form of test can I expect - GKT, CQT? Since reading these sites, I understand about the frequency of false positives. This is too big of a situation to end up with wrong results, and am just wondering what to expect for this situation and how to react