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Thanks to those people who have contacted me with regard to contributing. Your monetary contributions as well as your heart-felt well-wishes were really welcome.
Posted by: beech trees Posted on: Jun 22nd, 2002 at 2:18am
This September I will be participating in a bicycle ride from the former site of The World Trade Center in New York City to The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The ride is in honor of our fallen public safety and military brothers and sisters killed in the recent attack on America. The ride will take place between September 8th and September 11th and will benefit the Inova Regional Trauma Center at Inova Fairfax Hospital.
I am hoping those interested in helping sponsor my ride will drop me an email at and let me know. Average donations have been $20-$25.00, some lower and others very much higher. I myself am pledging $500.00, but I would like to raise another $1,500.00 in other donations. Please consider contributing!
Your donations will help fight to eliminate the tragedies associated with adult and most importantly, pediatric head trauma while visibly supporting the big ride to honor our fellow Americans. Thanks for your consideration,