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I am intetrested in this case. I think that there are much better methods of determining applicant suitability. Please keep me up to date on the results of this case and let me know if there is anyplace I can write to support your cause.
Posted by: Mark Zaid, Esq. Posted on: Dec 14th, 2001 at 7:22pm
I am extremely happy to report that on December 12, 2001, Judge Sullivan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia DENIED the government's Motions to Dismiss both polygraph cases. Discovery will now take place.
He has set the following schedule:
The defendants will file an appropriate responsive pleading by no later than January 10, 2002 (probably an Answer to the First Amended Complaints);
The parties (i.e., attorneys) will meet and confer no later than January 14, 2002; and
An initial Scheduling Conference is set for January 18, 2002, at 10:30 A.M.
While the Order itself is very terse and essentially contains no legal analysis, the impact in allowing us to proceed to challenge the government's preemployment polygraph policies is unprecedented.
If you have any interest in joining the litigation, now is the time to contact me! This is your opportunity to challenge the unlawful conduct and policies which victimized you, and to hopefully put a stop to the federal government's use of polygraphs in preemployment settings.