The Los Angeles City Council is meeting on Tuesday, 16 October 2001 at 10:00 A.M. in the John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall. Item 19 on the agenda is appropriations for polygraph "testing" of LAPD applicants; the full council will be acting on a recommendation by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting on 24 September 2001. Those who cannot attend the meeting can listen to it by calling the city's "Councilphone." The numbers are: Downtown: (213) 621-CITY San Pedro: (310) 547-CITY West L.A.: (310) 471-CITY Van Nuys: (818) 904-9450 The following text is from the meeting agenda: ITEM NO. (19) - Motion Required - Two Reports on One File 00-0600 - PUBLIC SAFETY and PERSONNEL COMMITTEES' REPORTS relative to S24 personal services contract with US Investigation Services, Inc., for polygraph examinations of Police Officer recruits. A. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT ? Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: ??. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Personnel Department, to negotiate and execute a contract with US Investigation Services, Inc., for a term of six months, at a cost not to- exceed $615,000, subject to proof of compliance with the City's Equal Employment Opportunity policy; City's Child Care policy; City's MBE/WBE policy and review of the City's Risk Manager for insurance requirements and the City Attorney as to form and legality. ??. TRANSFER $620,000 from the Unappropriated Balance, Police Recruitment line item, to the Personnel Department, Fund No. 100/66, as follows: ?? No. ???? Name ???? Amount ???130 ??? Travel ?????????$ ?,000 ???040 ??? Contractual Services ?? 615,000 ?????????????????????$620,000 ??. INSTRUCT the Personnel Department to draft a Request for Proposal to administer polygraph examinations and to request funding for this purpose in the Fiscal Year 2002 03 Budget. B. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT ? Recommendations for Council action, contingent upon satisfaction of the "meet and confer" requirement, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: ??. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Personnel Department, to negotiate and execute a contract with US Investigation Services, Inc., for a term of six months, at a cost not to- exceed $615,000, subject to proof of compliance with the City's Equal Employment Opportunity policy, and review of the City's Risk Manager for insurance requirements and the City Attorney as to form and legality. ??. TRANSFER $620,000 from the Unappropriated Balance, Police Recruitment line item, to the Personnel Department, Fund No. 100/66, as follows: ?? No. ???? Name ??? Amount ???130 ??? Travel ????????$ ?,000 ???040 ??? Contractual Services ? 615,000 ????????????????????$620,000 ? ??. INSTRUCT the Personnel Department to draft a Request for Proposal to administer polygraph examinations and to request funding for this purpose in the Fiscal Year 2002 03 Budget. ??. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), Police Department, and Personnel Department, and REQUEST that the City Attornety meet and report back to the Personnel Committee within 60 days to resolve the issues regarding the feasibility of hiring polygraph examiners and other concerns as developed in the previous reports of the Public Safety and Personnel Committees. ? Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that the cost of the proposed contract totals $615,000. Sufficient funds exist within the Unappropriated Balance, Police Recruitment line item to fund this contract.