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AntiPolygraph.org Message Board › Polygraph and CVSA Forums › Share Your Polygraph or CVSA Experience › Post Reply ( Re: Everyday Sadist - Worst Polygraph Ever? ) |
Topic Summary - Displaying 21 post(s). |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Jan 19th, 2025 at 11:00pm |
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As part of my correspondence with the previously-mentioned individual who contacted me in regards to his experience with Creepy Dan Caputo, I was told "... According to other people within the company friend got hired, Caputo constantly asks irrelevant questions in order to also look into crimes or feed potential crimes to other departments." (see attachment)
After being told this, I filed Public Records Requests with multiple departments across the state of Arizona, and was recently provided with a police report that Creepy Caputo filed with the Mesa Police Department in May 2020, which (again) validates this individual's claims. According to this police report, Creepy Caputo filed the report with the Mesa Police Department after being provided with information by a prospective client. I've attached the Police Report below, and would like to remind everybody that it is NEVER a good idea to seek a polygraph examination for any purpose whatsoever, especially if given by a perverted thug like Creepy Dan Caputo. |
Posted by: Anthony R Posted on: Jan 14th, 2025 at 4:33pm |
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Sue the bastard.
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Jan 12th, 2025 at 10:40pm |
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I recently received the results of another Public Records Request regarding Creepy Dan Caputo, originating from the Page Police Department in Northern Arizona. This email comes from an applicant who was applying to be a police officer for the department, and was scheduled to be sent to Creepy Caputo's private company, Northland Investigations, to complete his pre-employment polygraph exam. As it would turn out, this applicant had previously undergone a polygraph with Northland Investigations, and reports having had a "terrible experience" with the examiner, which would have either been Creepy Caputo himself or his equally-asinine brother, Erik. The applicant claims that the examiner was "not fair to me," and "would not take no for an answer." He adds that he's passed every other polygraph and CVSA that he's taken with the exception of the one provided by Northland Investigations. This applicant felt negatively enough about his experience with Creepy Caputo's company that he emailed the Chief of Police to express his reservations beforehand.
It should also be noted that this email was sent approximately six (6) months before I took my polygraph examination with Creepy Dan Caputo. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Nov 12th, 2024 at 5:03am |
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In addition to raising concerns about Creepy Caputo's mistreatment of probationers during polygraph examinations, Ms. Anderson also expressed doubt over Caputo's repeated and near-constant use of the "Silent Answer Test" during polygraph examinations. Indeed, as I originally reported in November 2022, Caputo stated to me "so this happens with about 40% of people who take polygraphs, it looks like you're talking with your gut..." and informed me that I would have to answer his questions by slightly nodding my head down for "yes," and slightly to the side for "no." The first time I went to do so, he screamed in my ear "HALF OF THAT MOVEMENT."
In August 2022, I was able to get in touch with another gentlemen who was subjected to a polygraph examination by Northland Investigations, who informed me that he was forced to do the same thing, and remarked "I'm at a loss how anyone can consider that stress position to not return negative physiological reactions." (see attachment) In October 2023, I spoke to several people in Northern Arizona (3+) who were either polygraphed by Creepy Caputo personally, or knew somebody who had been polygraphed by him, all of whom reported that he utilized the Silent Answer Test at some point during the exam. Importantly, every one of these individuals' exams resulted in a failure or "no opinion." In February 2024, George analyzed my polygraph charts, which included his observation that "Something just occurred to me. The movement on the sensor pad that Caputo alleges was attempted countermeasures seems to only occur on Charts 4 & 5. I believe that this is immediately after Caputo switched to the Silent Answer Test, where you would answer by shaking or nodding your head. The seat pad is set to be extremely sensitive, and I think that the movement seen on that channel may simply be due to your head movements." In June 2024, as I previously reported on, I was contacted by an individual who took a polygraph examination with Dan Caputo, who told me that he ended the exam after Caputo informed him that he would be conducting a "head-turn test." In considering the following information, it seems that Caputo and his "team of examiners" rely especially heavily on the Silent Answer Test, and use it far more than other polygraph examiners do, drawing the ire of multiple people over the course of multiple years. It should be noted that I have spoken to many people who have been polygraphed in Arizona, and I have heard of other examiners (Daniel Bionci, David Moore, Jennifer Paxson, Kelsea Durbin) who have used this technique. In addition, there are users on AntiPolygraph who have reported being made to use this technique, and it is mentioned in The Lie Behind the Lie Detector. However, as Ms. Anderson noted, Caputo, and the examiners trained by him, are the only ones who seem to use this technique "across the board" and "from the beginning." Although Caputo claims that "A silent answer polygraph test is a testing technique that is commonly used within the polygraph community to clean up data for more accurate final opinions", there does appear to be a considerable amount of circumstantial evidence that Caputo uses this technique for nefarious purposes. As I was told by the aforementioned individual in June 2024, "Also in the long run if you ever seek a position that requires a poly and the examiner asks you to move in any way other than normative breathing refuse to do so and ask to end the exam. This is a counter-counter measure tactic for poor quality examiners who don't know what they're doing and they're attempting to skew results." In the case of Creepy Dan Caputo, this appears to be especially true. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Nov 2nd, 2024 at 6:03pm |
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In 2017 and 2018, while contracted with the Coconino County Adult Probation Office to conduct PCSOT polygraphs, a member of the treatment team named Lorre Anderson repeatedly raised concerns to the county regarding the way that Creepy Caputo was treating probationers during polygraph exams. A recently discovered memorandum published by Caputo on May 23rd, 2018, reveals that Ms. Anderson accused Caputo of "shaming and demeaning probationers during polygraph tests" in a meeting with county officials on January 16th, 2018. Ms. Anderson and other members of the PCSOT team became so disturbed by Caputo's behavior and the extremely high amount of polygraph failures that she encouraged probationers to "shop" for polygraph exams from an out-of-contract provider. Caputo claims that he was never made aware of any issues surrounding his services, yet a July 12th, 2017 email from Chief Probation Officer Sarah Douthit reveals this to be anther lie from Caputo.
Caputo claims to have been "deeply bothered" by Ms. Anderson's accusations, yet his continued instances of perverted and abusive behavior likely render these claims performative. According to Ms. Anderson, Creepy Caputo responded to her accusations by yelling and swearing at her on a phone call that occurred between the two of them in the summer of 2017. Although Caputo denies using the word "fuck" in this conversation, he does concede using the word "bullshit." I would also like to take a moment to commend Ms. Lorre Anderson. Despite the fact that she is not a sworn law enforcement officer, she is the only person who possessed and displayed enough courage to stand up to this loser. Ms. Anderson is infinitely more admirable and courageous than fat, dumb, redneck thugs like Jason Gibbs and Chip Morgan, whose cowardice continues to enable Creepy Caputo's perverted and abusive behavior. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Oct 17th, 2024 at 9:42pm |
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In speaking with an individual who works for the aforementioned company that has utilized Caputo's services over the last 2+ years, I was made aware of a number of allegations concerning Dan Caputo, some of which I've been able to verify (some in whole and some in part) through Public Records Requests and conversations with people in Northern Arizona and the Phoenix Metro.
In June 2024, this individual told me that "As far as I researched Caputo was skewing results for quite some time and treating examinees poorly in order to make more profit and get return exams." In September and October of 2024, I received the results of Public Records Requests from Coconino and La Paz Counties, which appear to validate this individual's claim. In August 2018, multiple members of the Post-Conviction Sex Offender Treatment (PCSOT) team, independently of each other, expressed their frustration at the fact that Caputo and his brother Erik (who appears to be as much of a piece of human garbage as Caputo himself) were failing 88% (!!!) of examinees. In other documents from La Paz County, Caputo and a Probation Official named Kelly Solano, who also appears to be a genuinely terrible human being, laugh and joke about how a probationer is going to have to save up $250 to resolve a failed polygraph. Screenshots are attached, and I will be posting more information soon. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Jun 30th, 2024 at 4:22pm |
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Due to my posts on AntiPolygraph.org as well as other social media websites, I was contacted by an individual who recently took a polygraph with Dan Caputo, and reports a very similar experience. In addition, him and others who have taken polygraphs with Caputo have revealed a disturbing trend of emotional outbursts, inappropriate lines of questioning, harassment, threats, verbal abuse, and other behaviors that have been described as "unhinged."
I've attached a screenshot and text version of the email I was sent below, and am in the process of reaching out to others and filing public records requests for more information. It appears that this rabbit hole goes pretty deep. "Hi, I was told by a friend to email you about my experience with Dan Caputo. So in my life I've taken several polygraphs and this was by far the most bizarre one. So upon going in The interview was pretty brief probably about 10 to 15 minutes ask questions about age address, length of time at company prior to applying for new position. Asked me if I had eaten or drank anything, I'd had a couple cups of coffee and he seemingly got pretty perturbed. Which by the way, coffee on a polygraph is a non-starter has no effect on blood pressure or heart rate like people would assume and it most definitely does not change physiology. He had a pretty arrogant attitude the whole time. He then had me wait out in the lobby for about 10 to 15 minutes, then came back and got me. Before starting the exam he gave me a half ass lecture about how he's there to help, that he's on my side, been doing this 17 years, etc. His little bit of masquerade psyop bs. I asked him to cut it out and proceed with the exam. Several of the questions were irrelevant and way out of the ballpark, including asking if I had children in my basement, if I had ever touched a child, etc. extremely inappropriate especially for CI polys. I've never had questions like that on ANY poly I've ever taken. He did not even ask any relevant questions such as foreign nationals, viewing unauthorized documentation. His fixation seems to be on sexual stuff, and unauthorized communications. On the second half of the polygraph, he started to become belligerent and raise his voice telling me to quit controlling my breathing when I was breathing normally. He then proceeded to continuously grill me on sexual questions and unauthorized communications he began yelling and screaming at me. I figure if he wasn't able to get any sort of response is why he continued to do so and became combative, at that point he paused the exam and explained to me that he was going to conduct a head turn test. Partially up for yes and partially to the right side for no. This is a counter-measures to mess with results, examiners tend to do this because they don't like the results and can't get the desired reaction they're looking for. If they do this, 100% guarantee you will fail, because now its a tell they're incompetent. At this point I disconnected the leads, at which time he proceeded to yell at me that the test was not complete and I told him I will be letting my employer know. He told my employer it was a partial pass. My Dept Head sat down with me this morning at 6am chuckling to himself, Caputo didn't ask any relevant security questions and Dept Head was completely blown away by what was asked. Apparently, Caputo has done this alot on Polys and our company has stated they definitely won't use him for polys anymore. If you need anything more, I'll do my best to answer any questions. This guy certainly appears to have some obsession with sex, and to be unstable." |
Posted by: Anthony R Posted on: May 17th, 2024 at 9:17pm |
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Have you ever met User35, or even looked at his resume? Sounds to me like you are tossing assumptions. We have a real problem with hiring enough people to be police officers, correctional offices, border patrol agents, etc. Because of this, we are less safe. I can understand why some people don't want to work in the criminal justice sector. The work is dangerous not to mention the stress of having to navigate in a sea or bureaucracy. The last thing we need are a bunch of clown pseudo scientists as gate guards. Why the polygraph and related VSA are still hanging around a quarter into this century is beyond me. Afterall, if so-called lie detectors were legitimate, they would be allowed in court. Of course, we need to check candidates, but this can be done with interviews and reference and background checks.
Posted by: Guest Posted on: May 11th, 2024 at 11:55am |
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User35 wrote on May 10th, 2024 at 6:00pm:
Arizona doesn't need polygraphers, but do you know what they do need? Troopers, officers, dispatchers, support staff, etc. They need QUALIFIED ones, and you're not one of them. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: May 10th, 2024 at 6:00pm |
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But Arizona does not need polygraphers, nor does anyone else. Polys and the related VSAs are pseudo-science. Anthony R, you're exactly right. Arizona doesn't need polygraphers, but do you know what they do need? Troopers, officers, dispatchers, support staff, etc. And they're not getting it. The departments and their unions are really starting to panic in regards to dangerously low levels of staffing, yet none of these conversations even mention the fact that one junk scientist can arbitrarily deny somebody employment with no supporting evidence whatsoever. The behavior of thugs like Dan Caputo, Laura Wells, Jennifer Paxson, and Daniel Bionci (who I've all heard personal horror stories about) impacts us all. |
Posted by: Anthony R Posted on: May 3rd, 2024 at 1:23am |
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Jesus H. Christ! Mr. 35 fails his polygraph, offers his 2 cents, and months later is STILL pissing and moaning about it. You took the poly, tried to "slickwilly" your way through it, got caught, failed, and got the boot in the ass exit. No job for you. Get on with your life already. Arizona needs ditchdiggers too. But Arizona does not need polygraphers, nor does anyone else. Polys and the related VSAs are pseudo-science. |
Posted by: Anthony R Posted on: May 3rd, 2024 at 1:19am |
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Some of us remember how Gary Ridgway was ruled out as a suspect by a polygraphist and then went on to kill another 20 or so women. There is no such thing as an instrument that can tell if someone is lying. If there was, it would be allowed in court.
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Apr 29th, 2024 at 7:25pm |
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Jesus H. Christ! Mr. 35 fails his polygraph, offers his 2 cents, and months later is STILL pissing and moaning about it. You took the poly, tried to "slickwilly" your way through it, got caught, failed, and got the boot in the ass exit. No job for you. Get on with your life already. Arizona needs ditchdiggers too. You have no rational basis on which to conclude that User35 tried to "slickwilly" his way through the polygraph. I think User35 is justified in his outrage at having been branded a liar and blacklisted based on polygraph chart readings. I congratulate him for helping to shed light on the polygraph practices of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. |
Posted by: Guest Posted on: Apr 29th, 2024 at 5:21pm |
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Jesus H. Christ! Mr. 35 fails his polygraph, offers his 2 cents, and months later is STILL pissing and moaning about it. You took the poly, tried to "slickwilly" your way through it, got caught, failed, and got the boot in the ass exit. No job for you. Get on with your life already. Arizona needs ditchdiggers too.
Posted by: quickfix Posted on: Apr 27th, 2024 at 11:14am |
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Good job Dan. You weeded out another unqualified nitwit trying to gain employment by cheating his way through the exam.
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Apr 27th, 2024 at 12:15am |
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Update: The results of a Public Records Request that I file and recently received the results of sheds more light on Creepy Dan Caputo's incompetence and sadism, which is funded by the taxpayers of the state of Arizona. Creepy Caputo accuses me of not being truthful to the questions of "Have you ever committed any other serious crime against a person?" In reviewing this document, I'm surprised by his utilization of the word "other", as I made no mention throughout any portion of the test of having ever committed a serious crime against a person, and of course, have never done so.
In addition, he claims that I had a "Significant Response" to the question of "Did you ever commit a serious property crime?" Perhaps this is me nitpicking, but the proper grammatical phrasing of this statement should be "Have you ever committed a serious property crime?" Nevertheless, Creepy Caputo's assertion that I lied to this question and have committed a serious property crime is patently ridiculous and a clear defamation of my character. As can be seen on "Subtest B", Creepy Caputo asks me the questions "Are you hiding a significant employment issue?" and "Are you withholding any personal involvement with illegal drugs?" Additionally, and perhaps most ridiculously, he falsely accuses me of trying to cheat on the test, stating "Throughout the examination, the examiner noted ecessive movement on the seat sensing device. The movements were consistent with the examinee purposely altering his physiology and appeared to target questions the examinee was directed to lie on." This once again is patently ridiculous, untrue, and a clear defamation of my character, as well as yet another mark of incompetence pertaining to Creepy Dan Caputo. Finally, considering the fact that I graduated from college less than six months before taking this polygraph exam, the idea that I even had "significant employment" with which to have had issues with is comically preposterous. In conclusion, what makes this experience particularly frustrating and pertinent to everybody reading is the fact that Creepy Dan Caputo is paid $138K a year by the taxpayers of Arizona for this ridiculous level of incompetence, unprofessionalism, and absurdity. I hope that this post and my experience will play a small role in the eventual dissolution of polygraph testing. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Nov 17th, 2022 at 7:57am |
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beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 4:38am:
I would think the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety would not be nearly as stringent as a security clearance background check, but maybe fit more with a general criminal background check. I would have thought the same, but apparently not. It does seem that Phoenix area polygraphs and backgrounds are particularly abusive, as I've read horror stories about DPS, Phoenix PD, Maricopa County Sheriff's, and even the AZ Department of Transportation. I can't verify this, but I read somewhere that Phoenix PD asks you to list all the places you've had sex on your background packet. beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 4:38am: I don't know why the polygrapher was asking about things you did when you were a minor and focusing so much on your sexual history. In terms of polygraphy, neither do I. The other gentleman I spoke to regarding his experience said that his examiner basically did the same thing to him but with drug questions, so its possible that they just pick something at random to interrogate you about and use to fish for information. The real answer to this question is that Caputo thoroughly enjoyed humiliating me, and used this line of questioning as a means to do so. beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 4:38am: You mean there was not a single question on drug use? There were like 2-3 questions each regarding drug use, driving record, undetected crimes, work history, etc., but for those ones he literally just read the questions off of his sheet, and didn't seem all that interested in elaborating upon. Approximately 90+% of the interview was him grilling me about sexual questions, which seemed to be his favorite topic. beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 4:38am: It sounds like this polygrapher, Dan Caputo, is a perverted pedophile who was getting a hard-on from your session. At the very least I'm glad that I'm getting my point across, as what you describe is completely accurate. What I saw in the exam room that day was nothing short of cold-hearted evil. |
Posted by: beat_the_system Posted on: Nov 16th, 2022 at 4:38am |
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What's really strange is that for security clearances they only care about what you have done in the past seven (for Secret) or ten (for Top Secret) years, for most things. The exceptions are felonies and maybe some other stuff I can't remember. Or, if you are young like only 18 or 19 and trying to get a clearance, they will go back a couple years until when you are like 16 so they have enough info for your background check.
General criminal background checks go back only 7 years. I would think the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety would not be nearly as stringent as a security clearance background check, but maybe fit more with a general criminal background check. Basically, youthful indiscretions are irrelevant in a background check or polygraph unless you fit one of the exceptions I mentioned above. I don't know why the polygrapher was asking about things you did when you were a minor and focusing so much on your sexual history. You mean there was not a single question on drug use? It sounds like this polygrapher, Dan Caputo, is a perverted pedophile who was getting a hard-on from your session. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Nov 16th, 2022 at 3:03am |
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beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 1:09am:
Sir, do you realize that the rest of the world understands that a head nod indicates "yes," and a head shake indicates "no." Why do you want me to do it backwards? So this was actually a typo that I just fixed, it was three inches down for yes, and three inches to the side for no. The point remains that he did this simply to make me uncomfortable, and succeeded in doing so. beat_the_system wrote on Nov 16th, 2022 at 1:09am: It is clear the polygraph is still just a circus act. I've never heard of these asinine instructions or specific questions in any polygraph session. Despite my flippant responses and use of hyperbole, it is still best not to make any confessions. You should answer NO to all of these questions and just follow the polygraphers ridiculous instructions, even if it means only nodding your head "halfway down." If you answer "no" to a question like if a stripper touched your dick, and the polygrapher badgers you, just keep saying "no, it never happened, and I never touched a stripper, only looked." Even though this may be a lie, the polygrapher will never find out if you touched a stripper or if she touched your dick, so don't give him the pleasure of giving even the slightest confession. Yes, I agree with everything you're saying. I wish I had started reading AP before my exam, but I was one of those idiots who thought if I just told the truth I'd be ok. In all the literature on AP and the rest of the internet, I haven't quite seen a polygraph exam that was conducted the way mine was. The closest comparison is a CBP poly, which makes this experience all the stranger. The whole thing seemed like such overkill for a non-sworn support role with the Arizona Department of Public Safety. |
Posted by: beat_the_system Posted on: Nov 16th, 2022 at 1:09am |
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User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm:
"Have you ever fondled a girl while she was sleeping?" Um . . . yes. Every girl I have slept with. The girls also fondle me when I'm sleeping. Would you like to know what we do next when we wake up horny? User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: He did this to me by asking how many times I had visited strip clubs, and I remember thinking "I don't know man, I didn’t write it down." After this rapid-fire round of questions, I believe he asked me whether I had gotten a private dance, and goes "Did she touch your penis?" LOL. Every strip club I have been to the girl has touched my penis, put her tits in my face, and let me slap her ass. What is your point? User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: "have you ever been watching porn and the girl might've been underage?" Those "18 year old girls" might be 18, 17, 16, or 15. How the hell am I supposed to know? User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: "As a juvenile, did you ever have sexual contact with anyone more than two years younger than you?" he told me that sexual contact included "open mouth kissing." Stupid question. If you are past a certain age, who remembers anything about high school?! I remember grabbing a 12 year old girl's booty when I was 14 during a game of Truth or Dare. My first time grabbing ass. I though I was in love. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: Surprised, I revealed that when I was 17, I kissed a girl that was 15. Caputo then responded by very rudely stating "Well are you sure she wasn’t 14?" Needless to say, by the end of the pre-test interview, I was extremely frustrated and upset, and never should have agreed to the in-test phase of the examination while I was in this condition. Caputo had me right where he wanted me. I'm not sure I was even 17. Maybe I was 16. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: "Did you lie about or misrepresent anything pertaining to your employment application?" Doesn't everyone fudge their job description? The part that I wrote about being an "H2O santitation engineering specialist" means I was just a waterboy. Sorry for the confusion. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: "Have you ever committed or been involved in the commission of a sex crime?" and "Have you ever committed or been involved in the commission of a property crime?" So you don't care about all the murders I committed? Just the prostitute that made me happy when was feeling glum and the neighbor's house I covered in toilet paper one Halloween when I was 18. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: he told me to "think about a really embarrassing time in your life and answer no to that question." Along with this question, I believe that there was one other question that I was supposed to lie on, so there would be two questions that you were supposed to lie on, and two that you were supposed to tell the truth on. This makes no since. Excite by body, then answer no, so it appears I am lying. Stupid instruction. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: "so this happens with about 40% of people who take polygraphs, it looks like you're talking with your gut…" I'm talking with my gut, and you are talking out of your ass for this statement. User35 wrote on Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm: Following this, the first time I went to answer a question I did so by nodding my head, and Caputo angrily yells at me "HALF OF THAT MOVEMENT." So, when answering his questions, you could literally nod your head about three inches down for no, and about three inches to the right for yes. Sir, do you realize that the rest of the world understands that a head nod indicates "yes," and a head shake indicates "no." Why do you want me to do it backwards? It is clear the polygraph is still just a circus act. I've never heard of these asinine instructions or specific questions in any polygraph session. Despite my flippant responses and use of hyperbole, it is still best not to make any confessions. You should answer NO to all of these questions and just follow the polygraphers ridiculous instructions, even if it means only nodding your head "halfway down." If you answer "no" to a question like if a stripper touched your dick, and the polygrapher badgers you, just keep saying "no, it never happened, and I never touched a stripper, only looked." Even though this may be a lie, the polygrapher will never find out if you touched a stripper or if she touched your dick, so don't give him the pleasure of giving even the slightest confession. |
Posted by: User35 Posted on: Nov 12th, 2022 at 8:55pm |
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Hello all,
I've read nearly every single personal statement and hundreds of message board posts on AP, and I honestly think that I might have had the most unprofessional examiner and worst polygraph experience ever. As you're reading this post, keep in mind that this was not a CBP exam, and I was not applying for a job that would have given me CIA-like access to classified information. Rather, the job that I applied for was a non-sworn, agency support role with the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Why this job even required a polygraph of any sort is beyond me, let alone one of this style. I've titled this post "Everyday Sadism," based off of a Yelp review written by another individual who was given a polygraph by this company. Like this gentleman said, "everyday sadism" is the most apt description of what transpired during my exam. The exam was conducted by a company called Northland Investigations, and by the owner of this company, Dan Caputo. I name him because I think it is important that these individuals stand by their behavior, and not be shielded by anonymity. I also feel compelled to bring this issue to light, as Dan Caputo's sadistic tendencies are being funded and enabled by the taxpayers of Arizona. I have attached to this post two copies of procurement documents that Caputo produced on behalf of his company, wherein he continually lies through his teeth by stating "I understand that every examinee deserves to be treated with respect and professionalism.," "We strive to provide a positive experience for all applicants," and "My interview approach is non-confrontational." My favorite is when he states "It is my goal to provide the examinee with a new understanding and appreciation of the polygraph whether they decide to be truthful or not." Based on my experience and the experience of many others who have been polygraphed by his company, my "appreciation" for the polygraph could not possibly be any lower due to the experience I had with him. *** The experience was extremely bizarre from the moment I step into the exam room. When I first walk into the exam room, I'm holding a cup of coffee, of which I've drunken about a half of. Upon seeing this, Caputo basically jumps out of his seat and goes "Oh, let me take that from you, we don't like when people drink coffee, it changes your physiology." Mind you, along with the pre-exam questionnaire I was sent a list of instructions for the exam, which included things like not drinking alcohol 24 hours before the test, trying to get adequate sleep, not being sick, etc. Nowhere on this form did it say anything about not drinking coffee. So, Caputo was essentially playing mind games from the minute I walk into the exam room. What was also strange (and I promise I'm not saying this to sound petty) was that it appeared Caputo was wearing a shirt that seemed too small for him in an attempt to try and accentuate his biceps. In the first few minutes of the pre-test phase, he proceeds with the typical good cop routine. He thanks me for applying at DPS, because "we need good people like you." He assures me that everybody's violated at least some of the requirements, but in his experience, most people who fail do so because they lie about the frequency of their transgressions. He even tells me that he used to work as a game warden, and even he broke some of the rules. The rest of the introduction was basically right out of TLBTLD, which unfortunately I hadn't read up to this point. He gives me the whole spiel about how the machine detects homeostasis based on your fight or flight response, and how you couldn't control it even if you wanted to, blah blah blah. (I was shocked when I read TLBTLD, because he was basically quoting it verbatim.) As we moved into the pre-test interview portion of the exam, it became obvious that this would be a harsh interrogation, not an opportunity to "clarify your answers" as is so often (and misleadingly) described in polygraph jargon. As Caputo was looking over the question sheet, he, seemingly off the top of his head, goes "Have you ever like, fondled a girl while she was sleeping?" In hindsight, I'm confident that this was asked to make me uncomfortable and provide him an opportunity to observe my body language, because after asking a few more questions, he, much more seriously this time, goes "Have you ever fondled a girl while she was sleeping?" While I'm sure there's reasons relating to polygraphy that he continued to ask me this, I think the main reason was that he observed my level of discomfort at being asked this question and enjoyed watching me become angry and upset. As someone who has never and would never do something like this, being asked this question multiple times definitely succeeded in making me upset and extremely uncomfortable. Caputo's creepy physical appearance and demeanor certainly did nothing to assuage my feelings of discomfort (I would encourage you to Google this individual for a better idea of what I mean by this.) Throughout the pre-test portion of the exam, he continued to ask me questions like this, and as one other commenter of his wrote "was obnoxiously demanding of personal details." It seemed like a preferred tactic of his was to ask you how many times you've done something, and if you said something like "a few times," he would start aggressively blasting you with questions like "How many times is a few? Are you sure, you're completely sure? Ok, so there's absolutely no chance it was more than five? And you're completely sure, like absolutely positive?" He did this to me by asking how many times I had visited strip clubs, and I remember thinking "I don't know man, I didn’t write it down." After this rapid-fire round of questions, I believe he asked me whether I had gotten a private dance, and goes "Did she touch your penis?" It is hard to put into writing, but the way he said it was so creepy that it literally made my skin crawl. After this (or it might have been right before,) he gets to a question about child pornography, and goes "have you ever been watching porn and the girl might've been underage?" Shocked at being asked that question, I incredulously respond "I don’t know." I realize now that this was a mistake, but at the time I was so caught off guard that that was the only answer I could muster. Another strange instance during the pre-test interview was when Caputo got to the question asking, "As a juvenile, did you ever have sexual contact with anyone more than two years younger than you?" he told me that sexual contact included "open mouth kissing." Surprised, I revealed that when I was 17, I kissed a girl that was 15. Caputo then responded by very rudely stating "Well are you sure she wasn’t 14?" Needless to say, by the end of the pre-test interview, I was extremely frustrated and upset, and never should have agreed to the in-test phase of the examination while I was in this condition. Caputo had me right where he wanted me. (This is ironic because in his procurement document he literally says "I control the interview through dialogue versus intimidation thus guiding the examinee to the best mindset to participate in a polygraph examination.") Anyhow, as the pre-test interview concluded and we moved into the in-test phase of the examination, Caputo did the typical "Is there anything else you want to tell me before the test?" routine and informed me of which questions he was going to be asking me. The test would contain three relevant questions: "Did you lie about or misrepresent anything pertaining to your employment application?" "Have you ever committed or been involved in the commission of a sex crime?" and "Have you ever committed or been involved in the commission of a property crime?" He then handed me two sheets of paper with a list of definitions, and said "When I say sex crime, this is what I mean, when I say property crime, this is what I mean." I know now that the sheets he handed me were either exact copies of CBP's route maps or were very closely modeled after them. As I stated in my Personal Statement, when he was explaining the rules of the in-test phase of the examination, he did so in a way that extremely complex and virtually impossible to understand. After surveying the documents on AntiPolygraph, it is clear that the manner in which he did so was again modeled very closely after CBP's exam. What I still don’t quite understand is that instead of instructing me to lie about something innocuous, he told me to "think about a really embarrassing time in your life and answer no to that question." Along with this question, I believe that there was one other question that I was supposed to lie on, so there would be two questions that you were supposed to lie on, and two that you were supposed to tell the truth on. The first time I went to answer a question, I responded by verbally stating "no," and Caputo goes "so this happens with about 40% of people who take polygraphs, it looks like you're talking with your gut…" and stated that he was going to administer the silent answer test. Following this, the first time I went to answer a question I did so by nodding my head, and Caputo angrily yells at me "HALF OF THAT MOVEMENT." So, when answering his questions, you could literally nod your head about three inches down for yes, and about three inches to the right for no. I'm 99% sure that this was an orchestrated tactic that he was going to use from the beginning, because a.) I've taken a polygraph before, and never was I told that I "talk with my gut," and needed to respond in this manner b.) I have a naturally low voice, and nobody who knows me would ever say that I "talk with my gut," c.) he orchestrated the silent answer test after asking me *one* question, so it's doubtful he expected CM's d.) I was able to get in touch with another gentleman who was administered a polygraph by Northland Investigations, and he told me that he was instructed to do the same exact thing. In the words of this gentlemen: "I'm at a loss how anyone can consider that stress position to not return negative physiological reactions." Obviously, this was exactly the point, as Caputo loved seeing the disconcerted state I was in. So now, we're in the in-test phase of the examination, and Caputo starts with his round of questions. During this first round of questions, I'm unable to remember which questions I'm supposed to lie on, and accidentally answer one his questions wrong. When I do this, he again angrily yells at me "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO ANSWER NO TO THAT QUESTION." I remember wondering why he yelled at me when it was his fault for not explaining the directions clearly, and now I realize that it was all a part of his plan. After re-explaining the directions in a very annoyed manner, Caputo re-starts the exam, and I try my best to recall which questions I'm supposed to lie on, and which questions I'm supposed to tell the truth on. In addition to this, I'm trying to make sure that I don’t move my head more than a few inches to the side, or too quickly. Apparently, I did this a couple of times, and Caputo proceeds to bitterly remind me "HALF OF THAT MOVEMENT." So, I'm sitting there trying to focus on answering his questions correctly, as well as trying my best to refrain from making too large of a movement, when Caputo suddenly yells in my ear "STOP TRYING TO THROW OFF THE MACHINE." He did not provide me with any specifics as to what I was allegedly doing to try to "throw off the machine," and I am highly confident that this was done to make me even more uncomfortable and increase his chances of eliciting a confession. In addition, Caputo reveled in my discomfort, and thoroughly enjoyed the pain he was inflicting onto me. At this point, I am extremely annoyed, frustrated, and exhausted, and Caputo realizes this and launches into full on interrogation mode. He tells me that something is "on my mind" and proceeds to angrily shove his papers in my face and yell "WELL LOOK AT THIS," "HOW ABOUT THIS," "YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER SOMETHING," "LOOK AT THIS ONE AGAIN." I continue to look at his papers and deny his accusations while he continues to badger me, and I believe he said something like "well let's try this one more time," and hooks me back up to the recording instruments. After asking me I think two questions, he gets up out of his chair, storms over to me, unhooks me from the tubes, and angrily storms out of the room. The manner in which he concluded the exam is without a doubt the most unprofessional and immature action that I have ever witnessed in my entire life, and I want to make it crystal clear that that is not an exaggeration of any kind. I sat there shocked and bewildered at the fact that any adult, or individual associated with law enforcement, would behave in such a manner. Even for the standards of polygraph examiners, this was shameless and unprofessional. As he is leaving the room, he makes sure to make an extremely petty comment about not forgetting the cup of coffee I mentioned earlier, and sarcastically says "sorry that it cooled." I'm sure he was building up to making that comment the second he saw me walk in with a cup of coffee. After he storms out of the room, I'm escorted back to the lobby by an HR associate, who keeps giving me sideye, so I'm guessing I looked pretty upset. At this point, I know I'm out of the job, but am still stunned by what I had just witnessed. In the words of Ugadda B "Everyday sadism is the most apt description I can provide of the experience." What I saw in the exam room that day was nothing short of cold-hearted evil. My experience that day made it clear that polygraphy is the instrument used by this individual to inflict pain onto others. The way he enjoyed my discomfort and reveled in my pain traumatizes me to this day, nearly five months after my exam. I have had to seek psychiatric therapy as well as prescription anxiety medication due to the torture I endured that day. Since this examination, I've also been offered two jobs that would have required polygraphs but have turned them down because of the lingering effects of this experience. Looking back on this day, there are about ten different times that I should have gotten up and walked out the exam room but didn’t because of how much I wanted the job. Of course, I now realize that even if I had been offered the job, it would not have been worth subjecting myself to this kind of mistreatment. What I also realize is that polygraph examiners routinely take advantage of people while they're in a vulnerable state, allowing them to act in a way that no other circumstance would allow them to. If you are in the midst of a polygraph examination and your examiner begins to act this way, allow them to take your job opportunity, but do not allow them to take your dignity and peace of mind. Last of all, shame on the police departments and government agencies that employ these individuals, and the polygraph organizations that enable this type of behavior. In this specific instance, shame on the Arizona Department of Public Safety and Jason Gibbs, and shame on the American Polygraph Association and Chip Morgan. I know that having no shame is a prerequisite to being a polygraph examiner, but this is just embarrassing, and cruel. |
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