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Topic Summary - Displaying 7 post(s).
Posted by: TheMANWPLAN
Posted on: Mar 20th, 2012 at 8:22pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Well I filled out the packet and then he went through it and marked and filled things out without my consent. He did not let me know what he wrote in my packet.
Posted by: Bill_Brown
Posted on: Mar 20th, 2012 at 5:13am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I did recieve that i passed the polygraph 
I was not guilty of the things he said I was "lying" on
[highlight]because of what i told them they will not consider me for the time being

You confuse me.  You passed your polygraph and do not know what was put in your packet.  You were not considered because of what you told the examiner.  How do you know you were not considered because of what you told the examiner?   

Is it possible that there were better qualified candidates in the candidate pool and you were told to apply again during the next hiring phase?   

Posted by: stefano - Ex Member
Posted on: Mar 19th, 2012 at 11:38pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
The polygrapher made me admit to things that I should have not had to admit to.

Absent torture, I don't think that's possible. You were simply manipulated and interrogated.
Posted by: stefano - Ex Member
Posted on: Mar 19th, 2012 at 11:27pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
In an another way he fabricated my admissions.

Quickfix assured us these kinds of polygraph examiners are not tolerated and quickly weeded out. I guess this one slipped through the cracks.
Posted by: themanwithaplan2
Posted on: Mar 19th, 2012 at 8:41pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I did not say anything that would dq me. He literally wrote down what he thought i meant. He twisted my words. In an another way he fabricated my admissions. I did not belive the hype untill that day. I dont get how somene like that has power over someones entire carreer. i hope this does not hinder my chance with a department in the future. I hope i can explain how i was treated. it was bogus.
Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Mar 19th, 2012 at 4:08pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
To answer your question, yes, police departments may share information obtained through outsourced polygraph interrogations. If you made an admission that disqualified you with one department, it is likely to also disqualify you from employment with others.
Posted by: Themanwithaplan
Posted on: Mar 17th, 2012 at 6:12pm
  Mark & Quote
Here is my story: I just took a polygraph. The polygrapher made me admit to things that I should have not had to admit to. This was simply because I was not guilty of the things he said I was "lying" on. This was a pre-employment polygraph for a LEO position. In my question packet he went through it and was writing in my packet. He was asnwering questions for me in my own packet. I did not get a dq from the department. However, I was told to re-apply on the next cycle. I know departments share infromation. However, can they share information obtained through an out sourced polygraph test. I think that its BS. This was an unfair test. Will this prevent me from further testing with other PDs or my chances shot because of this dumb polygrapher and his antics. I cant believe this happened to me. I told the absolute truth. Then I told him some things my friends did and he stated that I most likely particiapted in those activities as well. I think this was very wrong, and the whole testing process was worthless. I dont know what he put in my packet to this day. I did recieve that i passed the polygraph, but they do not disclose my packet. but because of what i told them they will not consider me for the time being. Will this have adverse effects on me later in the future.