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I'm pretty sure that I'll do OK on my test but I want to be 100% sure... I only have two potential problem spots and need to know how I should address them:
1. drug use - I have smoked pot and done pills but haven't done anything in almost 7 years. Would I be safe just stating that? Hell, I never really drank and I quit smoking cigarettes over a year ago so I think I have that pretty much solid.
2. theft - I don't know how the questions are going to be phrased... I have never stolen money but I have taken home broken equipment that was being thrown out. to the best of my knowledge, that was acceptable and done by others at the same company.
Should I ask the person administering the test to be more specific when he asks any questions so I don't give too much information away?
I think I'm going to say no to the theft and then if they press further will bring up the broken equipment I mentioned earlier - or should I just be forthright? So what do you think? I really don't want to fail this test and I'm going to try to compose myself as best as possible (I'm nervous about letting a box decide if I get a job or not) and just answer truthfully.
Are pre-employment screens for (private sector) jobs less aggressive than criminal polygraphs? I see all these stories on here about people getting the "bad cop, worse cop" treatment for police and federal jobs and criminal accusations and I hope I don't have to endure that!