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I just found out he is going to be working offsite and is only getting the badge in the event there are meetings at an FAA site. Apparently, he is going to start working and the process will start when he starts. In other words, he will fill out his SF-85P on his first day of work. Is there such a beast as an interim Public Trust? Actually, I told him, it probably isn't an issue of getting the Public Trust right away because he is working off-site. His contact said it would take about a month. I'll let you know how he does, if anyone has any interest.
Posted by: pixkbi Posted on: Sep 16th, 2010 at 7:04pm
the will do all those things as part of your background investigation. It is unlikely a job will offered prior to completion of the background. Background Investigations are often conducted by Retired Federal Agents and they will interview your neighbors, former employers and any leads found on your Credit Report. Lie or hide information is the kiss of death for employment
Posted by: hal9000 Posted on: Sep 16th, 2010 at 5:04am
Someone I know is up for a job with a company that has as one of their clients the FAA. He has to fill out an SF-85P (Public Trust) and wants to know if they check medical and financial records. Do they really contact your former employers? He certainly won't lie on his form but doesn't want to get into a job and then by the time they finish processing it, they pull him off. He thought it would count for something, having already had secret clearance that has since expired.
Any info would be appreciated. He may turn down the job rather than get in to a spot. His resume, doesn't exactly match what he would put on the SF-85P.