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It was a mistake to submit to a polygraph "test." Polygraphy has no scientific basis, and the procedure is inherently biased against the truthful.
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act prohibits employers from taking any action against an employee based on polygraph results. At this point, I think you need a lawyer with experience in labor law to advise you and protect your rights. If you don't yet have a lawyer, the directory at might be helpful for finding one with releveant experience.
Did Wayne Nissen record your polygraph examination? If so, I'd be happy to review the recording and critique his conduct of the procedure. Note that Nissen's failure to record the polygraph examination of a police officer who brutally beat a woman in his custody resulted in the police officer's being reinstated.
See also the case of Lisa Hansen of Grand Rapids, Michigan, who failed the polygraph and was criminally convicted in a case similar to yours, but was later exonerated when her deposit envelope was discovered stuck in a chute at the bank's night depository.