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Federal law enforcement standards are pretty strict and very competitive. They might not take a chance on you with less than an honorable discharge. I'd work on upgrading the discharge especially if they screwed you and then apply for jobs you are interested in when it's good..........
Posted by: jimbousmc Posted on: May 8th, 2006 at 7:57am
Hello, I'm a city police officer with 6 years experience. SWAT, FTO, commendations+citations, and now I'm considering a Federal Law Enforcement career.
I was in the reserves 5 years ago. I did pretty well for 3 years. but upon starting police work, I had some conflict with my police lieutenant about scheduling, and as a result, I missed several drill weekends. I finally asked my reserve commander for a discharge, and was granted an Other than Honorable Conditions, with a re-enlistment code of 4. I'm appealing to my representative to try to have it upgraded to Honorable, but I'm not sure how successful I'll be or how long it'll take.
Does any Federal LE employee have any insight or recommendations? I'd like to start submitting applications, but I might be better off waiting for the results of my appeal. Have you ever hired a Federal LE with an OTH discharge? None of the agencies I'm interested in list having an honorable discharge as a specific qualification for hiring, so I'm not quite sure.